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Constant Scrutiny

Wilhelm Panderino

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8 minutes ago, Quas said:

How can you still not explain who made the rule or why its in place? You arent understanding why im bringing it up, im referring to how you say you value education over punishment but the report I made on you proves otherwise.


Most staff consider it a negative obviously, because they dont follow those guidelines. I do not need to PM you, nor will I, just simply look around, its extremely easy to spot.


 Irrelevant, it matters who respects you, not how many people respect you.

hey quas, u remembered wrong. I never punished u for gate keeping spawn. I gave u 3 hrs because you kept harrassing me after the fact in ooc after u were warned to stop. So theres ur education over punishment.


And guess what, youre right, it matter who respects me and i dont need someone like you to respect me, its the same as a dog looking up to you because you give it treats.


Anyways, stop shit posting corps genuine post. Take your issues elsewhere or actually keep your comments related. And that is a warning. 

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Bias is a built in facet of our human nature, anywhere you find power dynamics you will also find those who abuse their power and a fraction who don't. 

Especially when it comes to a game thats over a decade old you can't not expect for people to bend the rules a bit, its a game and people are here to play it like a game, even staff.

This strict code known as the motd is broken almost constantly by both players and staff alike, I see it more as a mutual agreement between all players to keep things both sane and fun for all parties involved, namely rules in regards to rdm and nlr, im a very lax individual and if im perfectly honest I don't give two shits about the rules but I know how to follow them in a way that let's me do what I enjoy on this game, which is to slaughter and inconvenience as many people as physically possible within the rules.

I think rdmers are fun, ill be the first to admit, when a gundealer rdms me after being on the server for a whole two minutes do I report it?

Nah I hunt his ass down.

Hes just another viable kill to me, no one cares if you rdm someone who is massing, that action is one I often take simply because its the more fun of two options but have I ever in my several years of game play been warned for revenge rdm?

Not once.

The rules in any situation whether it be in game or in life are an abstract guide and aren't set in stone.

Some rules simply don't apply in certain situations whether that be because of an individual bias based on morals or a disvaluation of one party based on previous actions, perhaps even something so menial that all parties involved simply overlook it.

You can never expect 100 percent of rules to be upheld 100 percent of the time in any context and that has nothing to do with staff, it is simply encoded in our human condition to be imperfect and develop personal bias and its a social dynamic that is both exploitable and freeing given you apply the requisite stimulus. 


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9 hours ago, Dingus McCracken said:

Holy fucking shit guy, it's a fucking GAME. This ain't the goddamn pinnacle of human interaction that needs to be strongly policed every single time someone does something stupid. If you are having this much of an aneurysm because of rule breaking, you should take a break from being a control freak and take a week off or something.

🤓👆But how do you know its a game and isn't real life?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Honestly, it is really based to see you dunk on idiots who think they're untouchable and break the rules all the time without expecting anybody to record and report it. Only problem is, and others have mentioned it is that you take it too far sometimes, and although your views are in line and morally correct the way you handle that sometimes but reporting or calling for a sit over the smallest things is really bad and just makes people think you're out to get people even if you yourself dont want to be looked that way.
I personally don't mind you, i've only entered your kidnapping bases to fuck around and it was funny seeing you kill new players who walk in without a clue and hear em whine. You don't come off as an asshole at all and you're pretty good honestly. All you'd have to do to avoid all this scrutiny is just tone it down a little, and people wouldn't mind you except the consistent rulebreakers. 

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Ever since I came back to Titsrp after a 3 month long break back in May I made a vow to myself to:
Never report anyone
Never call a sit on miniscule shit (especially RDM and MRDM)
Only call sits on players where you were directly involved, rather than calling sits on witnessed rule breaking.

Titsrp became way more enjoyable thanks to those 3 rules.

People will break rules no matter how many get reported and punished; there is no end to the cycle.

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On 8/23/2021 at 6:38 AM, Emperor Taint Rat Legend X said:

Bias is a built in facet of our human nature, anywhere you find power dynamics you will also find those who abuse their power and a fraction who don't. 

Especially when it comes to a game thats over a decade old you can't not expect for people to bend the rules a bit, its a game and people are here to play it like a game, even staff.

This strict code known as the motd is broken almost constantly by both players and staff alike, I see it more as a mutual agreement between all players to keep things both sane and fun for all parties involved, namely rules in regards to rdm and nlr, im a very lax individual and if im perfectly honest I don't give two shits about the rules but I know how to follow them in a way that let's me do what I enjoy on this game, which is to slaughter and inconvenience as many people as physically possible within the rules.

I think rdmers are fun, ill be the first to admit, when a gundealer rdms me after being on the server for a whole two minutes do I report it?

Nah I hunt his ass down.

Hes just another viable kill to me, no one cares if you rdm someone who is massing, that action is one I often take simply because its the more fun of two options but have I ever in my several years of game play been warned for revenge rdm?

Not once.

The rules in any situation whether it be in game or in life are an abstract guide and aren't set in stone.

Some rules simply don't apply in certain situations whether that be because of an individual bias based on morals or a disvaluation of one party based on previous actions, perhaps even something so menial that all parties involved simply overlook it.

You can never expect 100 percent of rules to be upheld 100 percent of the time in any context and that has nothing to do with staff, it is simply encoded in our human condition to be imperfect and develop personal bias and its a social dynamic that is both exploitable and freeing given you apply the requisite stimulus. 


chill yo god damn

22 hours ago, Lil' Pudin' Taters said:

Ever since I came back to Titsrp after a 3 month long break back in May I made a vow to myself to:
Never report anyone
Never call a sit on miniscule shit (especially RDM and MRDM)
Only call sits on players where you were directly involved, rather than calling sits on witnessed rule breaking.

Titsrp became way more enjoyable thanks to those 3 rules.

People will break rules no matter how many get reported and punished; there is no end to the cycle.

ur KOS from now on in my eyes until you break your vow.

also who actually cares, you clicked and joined a server named "TitsRP" only to complain about every miniscule action that slightly negatively affects you. jesus christ bro have fun 

Edited by Tene
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