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Remove The Ban On Selling/Buying In-game Money


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@HIDDENI am trying to give you the benefit of the doubt, but... did you even read the main thread? Because I have addressed all of these.


"it's the future repercussions that it will have on game balance, the ingame economy, player retention, etc."


The reason I made this thread is because we have almost 2 years of data that show the COMPLETE OPPOSITE. Player retention seems to have fallen since the ban, people on this thread are making the remark and I personally see less people play. I got banned in 2018 for 1 year and got unbanned in 2019 and I still recognized most of the players playing, but now in 2021 I rarely see people I know and when I do they are just idling doing nothing.


For the economy, again it's in the main thread but I got 2 excel sheets of stats that shows that the economy got WAY WORST after the ban. One reason is because people a hoarding money and when you have 1 bil+ and nothing to spend on, the money wont get deleted from the economy therefor creating inflation.




"If a new player plays for a month, buys alot of darkrp cash and has a super op cc, they're less likely to continue playing once they're bored unless they become a staff or something, but that point is kind of irrelevent to the discussion"


I will copy paste from the main thread to reply to this :


"I would argue the complete opposite, if you want people to play for as long as possible selling/buying is a great way to do it. I myself have been selling back in 2019 some of my cash. I had I think around 70mil back then with no personal CC I wasn't at the "end game" like Sugar tries to make it sound. People who are willing to buy usually will play more than the average player and this should be obvious. Buying cash for new players from other players was a way to bond with the community as a new player. Most of the people I sold cash to asked me question on how to make money, how to do certain things and some of them added me on steam and saw them play for over 1 year+. Not only do new players play more often but the old players play WAY more because it's usually this competitive mind set that makes them play on this server."





" I don't think allowing people to sell money will cause a RADICAL CHANGE IN THE META like there will still be like only 3 bases but those 3 bases will still have like 10 full printer racks,"


You make this statement without evidence. All evidence shows that being in a competitive meta makes for more raiding and not hoarding like it's been happening for the past year.




@HIDDENWhat are your intentions? I don't understand what you are trying to argue or protect. 


Clearly if we are talking about player retention, competitive players stay longer than RPers like yourself. This thread in itself shows it by it's majority support. 






Edited by Zek
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2 hours ago, HIDDEN said:

that's exactly my point, and you can probably bet your ass they'll have a super annoying dupe, alot of entites inside, probably some party members aswell, some pretty good weapons, maybe even legendaries, etc.


I think that part of the reason why nobody ever really bases is because as a new player if your shit gets stolen and you cannot respawn it for 4-8 hours and the base that took your stuff is way beyond your capabilities to raid alone, you're either gonna rage quit the server or go on and do something else NOT base related, I don't think that's a ***SKILL ISSUE*** as b0ne would put it but rather an imbalance and having the ability to sell money would only increase that imbalance further.


You literally just explained why selling money would be good. All the people who spent 100 days on the server do the basing, instead of you being bored out of your mind you spend $5 and you can play the server just like someone whos been playing for a long ass time.  Buying and selling money fixes the imbalance

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On 6/30/2021 at 4:20 PM, Sticks said:

If the only thing keeping you from supporting something is that you dont like the people who also support, you are feeble minded

I'm not sure if you read my response correctly, I'm assuming you didn't as I never mentioned anything about disliking anyone.

The fact that 6 people agreed with a baseless response is absolutely hilarious to me.

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5 hours ago, HIDDEN said:

personally I think they'll still complain about balance, raiding, etc but some people will be making money while they do it, I don't think allowing people to sell money will cause a RADICAL CHANGE IN THE META like there will still be like only 3 bases but those 3 bases will still have like 10 full printer racks, the only change would be those 3 bases will now be selling their profits and be more encouraged to raid new players or bad players like me to get more cash to sell

i think you’re wrong 

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5 hours ago, USN peepoo said:

i dont think the issue with people not basing is related to people not being able to sell in game cash for irl cash as when it was banned people still based and/or played. 

Do you think it's still true right now? Because boredom doesn't instantly settle in. I would expect people to still base after the ban till they hit the money threshold where you don't have incentive to raid anymore or buy anything else.  I have to agree with you that this isn't the only factor and if you know any other major/bigger factor that causes this, you are free to say it.

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Do you really want people getting on the server adverting "Selling DarkRP for paypal" as quickly as staff let them get away with for three+ hours every day? Because that is what we got when we allowed selling of DarkRP cash for IRL currency.

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48 minutes ago, Slick said:

Do you really want people getting on the server adverting "Selling DarkRP for paypal" as quickly as staff let them get away with for three+ hours every day? Because that is what we got when we allowed selling of DarkRP cash for IRL currency.

Seems like a minor issue if you compare it to all the positives it can provide... Also why not suggest a regulation on adverting these kind of things rather than complaining when the server chat advertising gets livelier than it is right now? Because by the looks of it, it seems like an irrational discomfort that can be solved by muting said person with the current system we have. 


Just a side note, but when I was selling there was rarely people spamming the advert. You might maybe recall one or two days where it happened and it was probably because it was being memed. 


Also did @HIDDENor @Slick ever participate in selling/buying? Genuine question I need to know before giving another answer. 

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