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Games I recommend


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Iv been taking a break for a while and I wanna share my thoughts on games iv been enjoying 


Fallout 3: couldn’t get this shit to start 0/10

fallout new Vegas: very new about a hour into very good so far to be determined rating 

fallout 4: about 3 hours in extremely fun so far 8/10

Team fortress 2: regret not coming back to this earlier. Good as it has always been 9/10

warzone: I mean it’s Ight iv been playing it with my friends 7/10

minecraft: me and my irl friends started a server I’ll post pic of house tomarrow 10/10

gta 4: just started love it so far 10/10

wscape from tarkov: frustrating 9/10


what games have you been playing recently?

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19 hours ago, Raccoons said:

Fallout 3 is the first fallout game that I played, definitely my favorite. Fallout new vegas is the best fallout game imo though. If any of you guys have played half life 1 then I would highly recommend playing black mesa.

then help me be able to actually start it bruh

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19 hours ago, ItHappens said:

tf2 is unplayable to me atm as you have to play on a gay furry community server or play mvm. casual is just bots thats it

iv recently gotten into rocket jumping

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21 hours ago, ItHappens said:

tf2 is unplayable to me atm as you have to play on a gay furry community server or play mvm. casual is just bots thats it

search up faceit, its currently the best way to play casual tf2. 


Though to be fair its slightly competitive, but it has a great anti-cheat, never had a bot in my game using it. 

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21 hours ago, HIDDEN said:

This is a cool topic idea, here is my list of games:


Half-Life 2/Ep1/Ep2 - 9/10

Maybe i'm a little biased but I really enjoyed these games and still enjoy replaying them often. I really like the enviroments that these games present, while a lot of aspects of these games are very dated, the core combat and level design premises are amazing! If you've never played these games you HAVE TO or else you're missing out.


Fallout: New Vegas - 4/10

Ok so i'm gonna get crucified for this but I had a struggle getting into New Vegas and got pulled away from it really fast, the gun play is just not fun and the AI and graphics are really dated. I enjoyed roleplaying a wandering scavenger/trader and forging for food as I enjoy roleplaying games and the story wasn't that bad, and I DEFINITELY prefer the art style of being in a desert over whatever the fuck Fallout 4 did, but I didn't really like the game overall. The most enjoyment I got out of it was watching the old youtuber VenturianTale play through the game.


Minecraft - 8/10

Really fun game, though I tend to get bored really fast regardless of what i'm doing, also my legit dumpster PC struggles to handle it but it's really fun with mods and friends.


Fallout 4 - 7/10

Pretty fun game, the story SUCKS and you're choices don't have much meaning to the over-all plot (for example the only people you get to "spare" are people you legit don't care if they live or die) but the gun play is a lot better than older games and the base builder mode is really cool, along with weapon modifying. Fun game if you want a power-trip but I struggle to find motivation to play it. Fun Fact: when I first joined TitsRP I just recently finished a 3 month long Fallout 4 binge, so seeing all the Fallout 4 content in the server (the gun shelves, Fantasma job, etc) really made the server THAT much more appealing to me.


Team Fortress 2 - 8/10

A really fun game, especially with friends if you can get past the "bot crisis" which only really affects casual servers, which just brings me back to the time when everyone used to play on community servers. I met my all time best friend on Team Fortress 2 so for that reason alone the server will always hold a special place in my heart.


RimWorld - 9/10

A really fun colony management meets the sim esc game. It's fun if you enjoy roleplaying (which I do) or enjoy having a lot of mods avaible to be downloaded (which I REALLY do)

garbage pc starter pack

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