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Anime girls spazzing bind


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4 minutes ago, Diddles The DrunkRaccoon said:

If you are unable to find a way around something like this you should probably practice aiming. It only moves their upper torso, not their entire body

if you defend this, youre probably part of this. There are a LOT of different act commands and not just the one in the clip. You can act dance (standing animation) then hold crouch. Your hitbox is effectively cut in half without the opposing player even knowing youre crouching. 

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Hi, I've said this before and I'll say it again. If you can't hit someone while they're dancing then you couldn't hit someone if they were standing still. This is an easy thing to set up and everyone can do it. It doesn't give anyone an unfair advantage and it hardly even messes with hitboxes. In my opinion this bind is more cosmetic in nature than anything. This changes absolutely nothing about how pvp works on tits. It's one thing to spam opium and cocaine and become the size of an ant with the speed of a bullet, but it's another to have moving arms while you're shooting at someone. Crouching and jumping messes with hitboxes much much more than dance commands ever could. So why don't we remove crouching and jumping?

Edited by Raccoons
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11 minutes ago, Raccoons said:

Hi, I've said this before and I'll say it again. If you can't hit someone while they're dancing then you couldn't hit someone if they were standing still. This is an easy thing to set up and everyone can do it. It doesn't give anyone an unfair advantage and it hardly even messes with hitboxes. In my opinion this bind is more cosmetic in nature than anything. This changes absolutely nothing about how pvp works on tits. It's one thing to spam opium and cocaine and become the size of an ant with the speed of a bullet, but it's another to have moving arms while you're shooting at someone. Crouching and jumping messes with hitboxes much much more than dance commands ever could. So why don't we remove crouching and jumping?

No. If it was cosmetic, people wouldnt depend on doing this before PVPing. The defense "Anyone can do it" is extremely lackluster too, id rather not make a bind just so I can give myself an unfair PVP advantage, and look like a retard in RP. Id rather PVP how its meant to be, saying it "hardly even messed with hitboxes" is ignorant as well. Multiple server veterans use this because of the advantage.


When it comes to crouching and jumping in PVP, that actually takes effort to do during a fight. With this, you hit a bind and forget about it. Jumping and crouching also makes sense in RP, dancing doesnt.

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30 minutes ago, Quas said:

Definitely think it should be fixed, if you have been playing the server long enough and you are used to shooting people a certain way, kinda messes you up. Also, it doesnt fit at all in an RP sense, nobody dances while spraying an AK.


P.S fought multiple people who do it and most of them prioritize hitting their bind before actually pvping, which show how much people depend on this function to properly PVP https://streamable.com/vqw1zp

Damn it seems like you had such a big issue here! Seems to me like the shots you missed on someone masterswording and using slapper sweps would have been missed regardless. Weird!

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29 minutes ago, Wilhelm Panderino said:

if you defend this, youre probably part of this. There are a LOT of different act commands and not just the one in the clip. You can act dance (standing animation) then hold crouch. Your hitbox is effectively cut in half without the opposing player even knowing youre crouching. 

I have never done this because its insane to result to something such as this.  I have seen it, engaged in it, but never did it myself. 

2 minutes ago, Slick said:

Why don't we just make dancing unable to be bound? That way people who want to dance can pull out their keys and hit R, making it useless as a PVP strategy.

This would make rp kinda less enjoyable if i can robot while beating someone to death with a crowbar.

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Also while I'm on the thread, let's not talk about pvp ability while we main the Cop SUBclass.

This video clearly highlights the inability to even attempt to headshot someone, as 90% of the shots were aimed at the body (Among the little that weren't missed btw). Really must be an issue with the dancing emotes. Definitely not skill issue. Guys, I swear, it DOES affect the hitbox. XD?

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