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Opinions on allowing staff to have more fun with commands within reason?


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2 hours ago, Tass said:

As Herb said as staff you signed up to help the community take sits. If taking sits became tedious then take a break from taking sits and go rp like a normal player for a bit. Go mess around with your friends and rdm eachother like normal players.


I'm pretty sure no one gives a shit if staff physgun eachother in sit land but using commands like jail and shit on other staff should not even be allowed in sit land. If you have staff physgunning eachother during sits tell them to stop it and wait till the sit is over to goof off as it gives a very bad image to other players.


If your suggestion is literally just fly around sit land and physgun eachother sure whatever but allowing commands like jail and jailtp being used between staff friends def no no

My situation is to let staff use more of the fun commands, specifically senior staff since moderators do not have access to things like hp or armor, or fadmin commands, currently smods have hp and armor, and admins have the rest of the fun commands. I wouldn't be opposed to giving mods more of these commands (like ragdoll) but i can see issues arising from giving that.

Edited by Blue.
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Just now, Blue. said:

My situation is to let staff use more of the fun commands, specifically senior staff since moderators do not have access to things like hp or armor, or fadmin commands

If you wanna use those for funny events go ahead letting people use those could possibly end up for people being stupid and accidentally returning with 99999 hp if they forget... unless there is an event a staff member makes those commands shouldn't be used

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This goes both ways. If you want to use those for events, by all means. It gives the commands a purpose. If you want to joke around and physgun other staff in admin land (within reason) then its all fun and games.

The issue I have is when you start using !hp and !armor for staff battles or other situations in admin land. Say you have staff chilling in admin land and they want to use commands on each other so they start setting each others health to crazy values and overall being silly. There are plenty of weird situations where that can turn sour.

  • The commands clutter the chat and no one wants to see that
  • Players who do not know what you're doing will wonder what staff are doing and if they're actually abusing their powers
  • Newer players who see staff being all loose with their powers may be a huge turn off. No one likes to see staff setting their health to 10,000. They will assume that if staff are doing that, they are probably doing other unwanted things.
  • As Tass said, there will definitely be circumstances where the staff member sets their health to 20,000 and forgets to set it back which leads to a whole report of abuse of powers and essentially makes us say "Stop this"

As for who would get these commands, I would say Senior Mod and above should be the only people who have access. Reason being is that if any of the above points happen and the moderator get reported, it may get thrown away as "He is a mod and he didn't know". Once you're a senior moderator, you definitely will know the consequences. I am all for having fun but you really have to ask yourself if it's worth it. Is it worth being a potential turn off to players just to shoot each other with 5,000 health

  • Thanks 1
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If you just want HP and armor commands and stuff for events, maybe a new tool like the Adminstick just for events would be appropriate. Only staff would be notified of it being used and it could only be used on people in your general area (ie in an event arena or something)

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I think ragdolling is cool because you can like ragdoll people in a tube and make them go through formations, ragdoll hang is funny too because you can lynch people at fountain and watch them dangle like a stinky noob (good for shaming them too if they broke rules)


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52 minutes ago, HIDDEN said:

* The point of being staff is to try and help out the server by taking sits, making sure the rules stay followed, dealing with unban/staff applications, etc and not to dick around while obviously it's ok to do that stuff some of the time it shouldn't be the main focus at all

Only thing you really need to say, i dont think any of us said in our mod app that we wanted to use commands for fun instead of helping other players with their sits.

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