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Opinions on allowing staff to have more fun with commands within reason?


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Sounds like a really fun idea! eventually only having to claim sits, give verbals and that stuff gets a bit monotonous, and i always dreamed about a party in sitland, so i'll give it a +1

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seems really like a good idea. like obviously banning other's is a no no but just like physgunning your friends and rdming or shooting at them with a val is the funniest shit ever. 


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the idea of having staff events in sitland is fine and is already allowed if people just asked an admin if they can do one (least when I was admin it was) but the idea of physgunning your mates is a bad one to me, if a rando spots a mod physgunning a user around it gives a bad impression, and there shouldn't be this expectation of getting perks for being staff, you signed up to take sits and help the community not use your staff tools for shitposts 

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24 minutes ago, rad said:

My very best friend jewann should be able to gigamute me for telling him to shut the fuck up without getting reported tbh.

hey man, i agree but i was just reporting based upon current guidelines, doesnt mean i dont think we should change jt.

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56 minutes ago, The Herbalist said:

the idea of having staff events in sitland is fine and is already allowed if people just asked an admin if they can do one (least when I was admin it was) but the idea of physgunning your mates is a bad one to me, if a rando spots a mod physgunning a user around it gives a bad impression, and there shouldn't be this expectation of getting perks for being staff, you signed up to take sits and help the community not use your staff tools for shitposts 

Physgunning has been something done since i first started staffing, and all through it. Thing is, I always tell people to cut the shit out when it happens in the rp land, but in sitland i see no issue.

I'm not saying using staff tools for fun should be a right, but I am saying it should be allowed. Almost every time i can note a player seeing staff pick up another staff while in a sit, they have almost always giggled about it.

I think people misunderstand how new players actually think about things like this, and I know old players don't mind and I often get people asking to be picked up.

From the hundreds of personal experiences of physgunning/being physgunned I have NEVER heard a complaint about it. I just don't think it's the issue some people make it out to be.

Just to clarify about what i mean in this post. I mean ONLY in sitland, NEVER in the mainland, unless for staffing situations. Under no circrumstance have I ever nor will I ever encourage staff to use tools out side of sit land. Sit land is already staff goof off land, and peoples sits don't get fucked with. I say just make it allowed instead of having it be this unenforced rules except in the case of using chat commands like jailtp.

Edited by Blue.
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As Herb said as staff you signed up to help the community take sits. If taking sits became tedious then take a break from taking sits and go rp like a normal player for a bit. Go mess around with your friends and rdm eachother like normal players.


I'm pretty sure no one gives a shit if staff physgun eachother in sit land but using commands like jail and shit on other staff should not even be allowed in sit land. If you have staff physgunning eachother during sits tell them to stop it and wait till the sit is over to goof off as it gives a very bad image to other players.


If your suggestion is literally just fly around sit land and physgun eachother sure whatever but allowing commands like jail and jailtp being used between staff friends def no no

Edited by Tass
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