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Opinions on allowing staff to have more fun with commands within reason?


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So we're on a server called TitsRP right? This server is very lighthearted at its core and everything is basically a meme. The way things are run here and the way this server works is so different from other DarkRP servers, and everything is meant to be fun and silly. I understand the main issue brought up whenever allowing staff to use more commands is that it can come off as unprofessional and might look bad to some new players, but I honestly think with how different the server here is, and that staff are held to a rather high standard compared to some of the other servers I've been on, that allowing staff to use more commands in sitland wouldn't hurt anyone as long as it doesn't legitimately spam ooc or isn't nonconsensual.

The whole staff team already likes to goof off in sitland and physgun each other/mess with each other when there is nothing to do, and I've heard almost no reports (minus the fact that its a rule and has been reported because it is a rule, not because anyone was genuinely affected.) about it or complaints from staff members, it's always consensual and fun afaik. I've personally had moments where staff have goofed off a bit in training/sits but it's never been a big deal and hasn't impeded my staffing any more than being slightly annoying at times. All I do is just say "hey I dont mind you messing with me, but please don't do it when I'm doing something important" and so far that's all I've needed to do.

I think, as long as it isn't filling up ooc/messing with discussions in ooc, and it's always consensual, it should be ok. I personally would go through the hoops of saying in ooc to somebody, so everyone is aware "Hey person, would you like to come into sitland and mess around a little bit?" and if they say yes in ooc, then go in sitland and slap them or something. Allowing staff to have some extra leeway with commands within reason doesn't sound bad to me, but I'm curious how others feel.

Obviously abuse would not be tolerated, and it would strictly be in sitland only.

Edited by Blue.
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26 minutes ago, Rubik said:

What commands are you suggesting? There’s a number of reasons why I’m not for this but if you’ll be a little more specific on what commands you’re trying to use it might make more sense to me. 

is there any harm with physgunning your friend as long as its consensual?


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I have a problem with it because if tmods see you do it they will think it’s okay to do it anytime. I have had a bunch of tmods interrupt my sits by either physgunning or rdming me and the response was always “well I thought you wouldn’t mind”. I do mind! For me, as a staff member since 2017, I have seen this happen and it’s super annoying so big -1 from me. 

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if you allow staff to mess around with their tools, most staff wont have an issue controlling themselves, but you'll get the few that do have a problem. They will eventually break your rules, be reported and then it all falls back onto your head because you said "Oh they can use them on their friends" but if the day old tmod with 3 whole hours on the server starts physgunning me at fountain, im gonna report them like everyone else.

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1 minute ago, Sticks said:

if you allow staff to mess around with their tools, most staff wont have an issue controlling themselves, but you'll get the few that do have a problem. They will eventually break your rules, be reported and then it all falls back onto your head because you said "Oh they can use them on their friends" but if the day old tmod with 3 whole hours on the server starts physgunning me at fountain, im gonna report them like everyone else.

It would have to be something enforced, like it's usually obvious that you shouldn't ever use staff tools in the main land for any reason other than some sort of staffing situation.

I'm talking about something like, a Smod makes an arena walled off in sitland and gives him and his friend like 10000 health and fight to the death.

There would need to be restrictions, and clear cut lines for when it's okay, how its okay, and all that.

First priorities would be consent, making sure no one else in sitland will be interfered with, and making sure that you aren't spamming up the chat with shit.

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Me personally, I've trained people and told them, don't abuse any of your tools, and don't use commands that will spam up chat on your friends in sitland, and I always stress the importance of getting consent before physgunning or anything on another staff/user.

Since the first day I started here, me and my fellow staff would do silly things like all grab each other with physguns and go flying across sitland, or dropping each other and killing each other. It's just a matter of not interfering with anyone, and always being sure the people involved are ok with it. I've had a lot of really fun moments in sit land lol.

Edited by Blue.
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