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[Official] Suggestions for the Server


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Make it where if the mayor removes a law / adds a law, it will say that he did that. 


Also, make it that if the mayor dies, it will say in a notification that all laws are set to default so cops can stop following up on a dead mayors laws because they don't pay attention. Thanks

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If you don't make this happen you gotta meet me in the bullpen with no equipment.

You know how we have the general buyer to sell trash and some stuff from professor's ok what about that legendary you scared to use cause you think u might die with it and want to sell it to some user that's savage and will my idea is to make other NPC called General Seller. And he lets you have you're own marlet of weapons or anything to sell for you're own price like the app offerup, let's you add your own products and sell for any price bringing this to the game gives jobs better value like modifier cause you can get a legendary and sell it to someome without having to advert.

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I didn't think of making it so you can inventory potions, I will add that to my todo list and I will implement those changes you want


With the gang update, make capture points around the map that can be captures by gangs and will give gang xp. Also include special perks that you can get with gangxp/money. Also have something in like a gang ui that would distinguish enemy gangs from friendly gangs,  etc.


also with the gang update, you could add an NPC that gives you quests to earn gang xp or something similar.


A quest could be to kill someone from an enemy gang, or maybe give the NPC a gun, or capture a certain capture point.


We had gang points with the first iteration of the gang system. You don't want them, believe me. In theory you want it like "Hey lets go secure this point for some points!". In reality it's like "Hey, I heard we can kill each other in this area". It got pretty out of hand (and thats when we had 60 players). Maybe it might be possible in the new map since it's bigger.


Make it where if the mayor removes a law / adds a law, it will say that he did that. 


Also, make it that if the mayor dies, it will say in a notification that all laws are set to default so cops can stop following up on a dead mayors laws because they don't pay attention. Thanks


Yes and yes



If you don't make this happen you gotta meet me in the bullpen with no equipment.

You know how we have the general buyer to sell trash and some stuff from professor's ok what about that legendary you scared to use cause you think u might die with it and want to sell it to some user that's savage and will my idea is to make other NPC called General Seller. And he lets you have you're own marlet of weapons or anything to sell for you're own price like the app offerup, let's you add your own products and sell for any price bringing this to the game gives jobs better value like modifier cause you can get a legendary and sell it to someome without having to advert.


There will be a trading system soon

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I think there needs to be an alternative to gain money as fast as processor spamming yet have high risks, such as an area that lets you kos anyone but there is a point you can capture and if you capture it it pays you a certain amount of money, the money would of course be your choice to make the server as balanced as possible but some people don't have hours and hours to spend each day spamming processors and other types of long time farming items.

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I think there needs to be an alternative to gain money as fast as processor spamming yet have high risks, such as an area that lets you kos anyone but there is a point you can capture and if you capture it it pays you a certain amount of money, the money would of course be your choice to make the server as balanced as possible but some people don't have hours and hours to spend each day spamming processors and other types of long time farming items.


There are a lot of ways to make fast money

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I think there needs to be an alternative to gain money as fast as processor spamming yet have high risks, such as an area that lets you kos anyone but there is a point you can capture and if you capture it it pays you a certain amount of money, the money would of course be your choice to make the server as balanced as possible but some people don't have hours and hours to spend each day spamming processors and other types of long time farming items.


There are a lot of ways to make fast money


Not really best money maker is the processor and printers and everything else is small cash and how would you know pops you don't base.

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I think there needs to be an alternative to gain money as fast as processor spamming yet have high risks, such as an area that lets you kos anyone but there is a point you can capture and if you capture it it pays you a certain amount of money, the money would of course be your choice to make the server as balanced as possible but some people don't have hours and hours to spend each day spamming processors and other types of long time farming items.


This was a thing before. It's a bad idea in the sense that everyone's mindset is "lol i can kill anyone who walks here" rather than actually capturing for reward. Although, it may possibly come back as we're getting a new, bigger map, and a new gang system.

oh and pertaining to the "lol we need more ways to make money" there is plent of ways. Some better than others, but theres a lot. Drugs, events, mug, bitcoin, processor, printers, raid pd, mine, chop wood, parcels, craft things,chemical barrels, alchemy, etc. No one utilizes these

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The basing rules need fixed. Basing and defending isn't a challenge, and the only real way to raid someone who has a proper base in cinema or industrial - is luck and praying that they are afk for 5 minutes. Even with c4 and smokes, it's just not possible to get past a proper layered base, and it's because the c4 prop breaking timer is set way to low. 


My suggestions.


C4 needs to knock out props for at least 1-2 minutes. (Or as long as a blowtorch?)


I would also like to see the implementation of rocket launchers that can knock out props from a distance. 


No more maze/crouch bases. One way props are strong enough.



More ways to make money/more things to do. Currently if you want to make money the best way is to buy other peoples processors and simply farm processors by sitting in your base all day (It's not fun) and pray that the server doesn't crash or that wavy doesn't fly into your base and blow up all of your processors, because stated above I have never been properly raided - because it's simply not possible/insanely difficult to get past a base that requires 2-3 c4. 


-Add Crates that contain.... really rare guns that are overpowered, again - Rocket launchers.. miniguns - like the gaben one - rare craftable items with actual uses that you can't get from a processor, to make it so the crafting table will actually get used - like a rare gun that can snipe props in peoples bases and knock them out - and perhaps the gun could take like 30 seconds to reload... And you have to farm materials to craft it. 


-More materials to farm to make crafting more interesting, and again more craftable items.



-More events (Server hosted) ^ Could reward crates/money


-Serverwide auction to sell the rare items from crates/crafting


-Remove/Buff Bitminers


-Make printers 'upgrade-able' so you can invest more into them - but they print more money. More risk, higher reward.


-Release the new map already so that people can play, and you/thecommunity can identify flaws and fix it.


-Increase the player cap from 90 to 125. (So that the server can grow and not be so dead during EU times)


-Have one of the head admins help run custom models/sweps for people and take a bigger leadership role in managing the community. Also remove the old player model access so people can't be errors anymore.


-Daily objectives so that some jobs get more use, could reward crates/rare items/crafting materials.


These are just some things that perhaps the community could vote on - and would give the server some more replay-ability. Obviously a lot of my suggestions could using some fleshing out - and I've only been apart of the community for a month or so - but I think this would be in the best interest of a lot of the players. Let me know what you think ^>^

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