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[Official] Suggestions for the Server


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Ok I kno haven't played, But I think a. Suggestion is to make it for the Cops or more with the playerbase 


So I think every player/ class should have a phone or some sort, where you could call the cops on someone or even use it for a private chat.


Also, another thing that would be cool is to enable players to get a restraining order against other players (of course they would have to hold a court session and have proof they harassing/ Stalking/ or sending death threats, if the player who was served broke the order they would be arrested (the suggestion above this about the phone goes with this, for the player can call the cops on the stalker)


but yeah.


And I said this before but a way to claim someone's printer as your own for people can't d/c after being raided to take there printer back..

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And I said this before but a way to claim someone's printer as your own for people can't d/c after being raided to take there printer back..


People could easily abuse that. I have seen it on other's and could become very OP, example.

I have seen this available on a server before.


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True true, But it would be easy detected of someone was abusing it, for example. "Ospevon has joined the server.... Ospevon has left the server" if it. Continued it would be a easy fix and a ban, plus if someone or some people were to abuse it the server would lag, logs would be a pretty simple thing to add to support this also. (Claim Printer logs could be added)

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A mayor voting system. And not one where you have to go to the PD and sign up, but one like 1942RP. A mayor would ALWAYS be in office. When he/she is killed, players select the mayor job in F4 and are in the running. Up to 8 people can run in this election at a time. From there, the newly elected mayor would be given a god mode state where they can ONLY put up laws and create PD defenses. We can say this lasts 5-10 minutes.


I've seen many servers with organizations. And they're great systems, but how about if anyone online is in the mayor's organization, they can defend him, make their base like a second PD, and gain money from taxes. It would encourage people to become the mayor and have more government style RP.


Lay off on the strictness of the corrupt. Like add a rule that makes them only able to have 2 jobs KOS. Clarify those rules so "white people are KOS" doesn't happen again, and give the corrupt some manpower like a corrupt SWAT or something like that.

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This is more of a suggestion for staff, and Frisk pointed it out in my video thread.


When a player says in chat, "@ I need an admin for "


We should have when an staff member clicks Claim, it should

  • Tell the player, which staff member is coming to you.
  • Tell the player, that the staff member will be with you shortly.

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Detectives should be allowed to open/lock the pd doors


This is more of a suggestion for staff, and Frisk pointed it out in my video thread.


When a player says in chat, "@ I need an admin for "


We should have when an staff member clicks Claim, it should

  • Tell the player, which staff member is coming to you.
  • Tell the player, that the staff member will be with you shortly.


Done and done. Easy enough to do. I will try to get it in for the next reset

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I know I make a million suggestions, but I will try to keep this my last suggestion to the server:


When we were talking about changing the map, we also were talking about increasing the population cap to 70.


Now you could probably guess, what my suggestion is going to be about, but ... 


Could we increase the server population to 70?

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