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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Ospevon

  1. To make sure the people who didn't know about it still don't know about it.
  2. I will be moving this to staff only. I honestly have no idea what I did. But if it moved good. If not I fucked up
  3. Ospevon

    CCs super bug

    It doesn't trigger everyone, you act like you know everything, when something doesn't go your way you complain in @ chat and when someone says to stop you them a faggot and proceed complaining. Call * in between "you and them"
  4. Ospevon

    CCs super bug

    Tfw Harley acts like he knows everything and argues with every staff member. This is an exploit, it should be fixed sugar ples fix
  5. ^ if he thinks its a good idea to re-suggest, he can re-suggest it, there is no limit to what people suggest, In all honesty, I wish the boombox could be optimised in some way to make it run better with the sever. While the boombox was a thing I used it to cover up my printer sounds or just chill in my base listening to music.
  6. I also think adding back the "Gangster" pistol back to bloods and crips would be a pretty nice idea (i used to love playing as crips and bloods with them pistols)
  7. Make it for when you get handcuffed you lose all your weapons, kinda like when you get with the blufgeon, I am only suggesting this because any weapon with a right click function is still usable while handcuffed.
  8. +1 it is also happening to albino
  9. +1 to Frisk's idea, I could finally find a neat way to kill my self when all heck breaks loose at night
  10. Ospevon

    CP Bug

    hey, isnt 10 mins in jail that seems no fun, but you should find a way to make a jail yard for the players can atleast run around and play ball or something (kinda like a prison yard)
  11. ^ agreed, i think warns should ware off at some point, Ex.) Preschool, you get 1 warning 3 being the max, if you get 3 warns you get put in timeout (aka a ban on the server but more warns) the warns you get in preschool go away the next day. example over... So im not saying if you get warned it should go away the next day but i think warns should slowly go away, another Ex.) Ospevon Has warned Sugar for RDM A month or so later the warn goes away or becomes inactive (meaning it won't affect the player its ust there so the staff knows what he has done in the past) Over So I think this would help a lot, because new players join the server they dont know they rules entirely and want to play, they break 1 or 2 and get warned, it was an accident, then a few months later the warns are either gone or inactive like i said above, (sorry if i sound retarded I was up all night with musical because he was helping me with something)
  12. Anyway to remove shadow knife damage in spawn
  13. True true, But it would be easy detected of someone was abusing it, for example. "Ospevon has joined the server.... Ospevon has left the server" if it. Continued it would be a easy fix and a ban, plus if someone or some people were to abuse it the server would lag, logs would be a pretty simple thing to add to support this also. (Claim Printer logs could be added)
  14. Ok I kno haven't played, But I think a. Suggestion is to make it for the Cops or more with the playerbase So I think every player/ class should have a phone or some sort, where you could call the cops on someone or even use it for a private chat. Also, another thing that would be cool is to enable players to get a restraining order against other players (of course they would have to hold a court session and have proof they harassing/ Stalking/ or sending death threats, if the player who was served broke the order they would be arrested (the suggestion above this about the phone goes with this, for the player can call the cops on the stalker) but yeah. And I said this before but a way to claim someone's printer as your own for people can't d/c after being raided to take there printer back..
  15. I know I don't play much anymore.. But a option on printers to claim them as your own, for example this could be helpful for if you get done raiding someone and steal there printers, they cant D/C to claim them back..another cool thing that you could do is sell them before you logg off or what ever.
  16. I thought you could buy armor from the gun dealer? We I don't think sk, might have to check into it
  17. That's dumb... Then there's really no reason to buy armor on spawn.. Other than that its a bit op for everyone to have armor, hence the reason sugar moved it to 50 instead of 100 on custom classes and raised it up on cops
  18. Type Record 1 in Console and then stop
  19. I wasn't thinking the police stun batons but the HL2 stunsticks ohhhh ok
  20. I'm pretty confident I can do this I will add that! stunsticks on BMD is horrible idea.. then people will just run around stunstick abusing and hitting random people...
  21. I completely agree I will beckme rich on pornhub THE TITLE OF MY VIDEOS WILL. BE "Animated facejob" then I will be rich
  22. I have a class suggestion for vip or member. Class name Verdugo Class model http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=272148309&searchtext= Class Weapons The Deadric sword (i believe that is it, it is already on the server? its the short one that you can gain from un-boxing), The screw driver swep ( http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=112354597&searchtext=melee ), and the brick (already on the server) Class Rules 1. Can advert " I am Verdugo, I desire a sacrifice." Every 10 minutes.( Can kill one person, ANYONE can kill him/her after they advert this.) 2. CANNOT call Raid but can assist in one, CANNOT Heist, CAN revolt. 3. Can kidnap but does not have to advert. 4. Lives on the street. (Can build like a hobo and what not, but he cannot live in a house.) 5. CAN ONLY USE MELEE WEAPONS ( Swords, bricks, or any other melee weapon only. ) 6. I ran out of rules. Well I hope you like my idea, if so please let me know or if not let me know also :)
  23. Sure, I can add an immunity grace period for the mayor. Say like 15 minutes before anyone can call a revolution on you? This still does not make you immune to hits and what not. yeah that is exactly what im trying to say. hits and stuff would be fine to do but people revolting right away is slightly out of hand, if someone gets a hit on the mayor it's gonna be nearly impossible to kill him if the doors are locked to pd.
  24. ok ok, i have a idea for the mayor i think he should have a grace period ( a x amount of time he cant be killed when becoming mayor) this would allow him to enjoy his or her time being mayor and allowing them to actually add laws and roleplay instead of switching to mayor and being killed Ex.) Billy bob Has become mayor. Billy bob places laws. Old man jenkins- aww shit i don't like these laws Old man jenkins- /advert VIVA LA REVOLUTION Billy bob- is really mad and spooked so he goes to hide But its to late Old man jenkins has already killed him. Old man Jenkins- heck YEAH- fuck da police Billy bob- :( i was only mayor 5 min's see this is the best way to explain it, most mayors have time to do NOTHING! becuase alot of people dont like rules so i say you add a grace period for mayor
  25. ok i have a suggestion of a new class... its called "The Freerunner." basically all they have is a parkour swep (which you know does parkour.) you can basically climb walls do 180 turns and more stuff. while you a pushing the buttons a think pops up and tells you what buttons to push to do what. the link to the parkour swep is here. Parkour Swep: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=410645074&searchtext=parkour Playermodel (if this is to big or something there are other runnning playermodels like this) : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=271967400&searchtext=runner+playermodel Video of how it works (not the perfect tutorial and or how it works. but you should get the idea) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uf9N-5gEhGo&feature=youtu.be
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