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[Official] Suggestions for the Server


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Why'd you get rid of drugs  :huh:


You should add a sewer system


Sugar broke drugs on porpoise because he likes breaking stuff.




First it was grenades and then it was drugs. I think they were both unoptimised

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I say you should change the Raid Timer from 20 minutes to 5-10 minutes. Being a lover for raiding I like to be able to raid frequently or else it gets really boring for me usually resulting in me going AFK or sitting in my base and running in circles or something. I used to play on a DarkRP server called Smashing Limes RP and they had a raid timer of 5-10 minutes and it was awesome and extremely fun. I can see and understand why it might not be as fun for new players or people who are not very good at building or self defense and that is why I am saying 5-10 instead of just 5 because It gives people a fair amount of time to get re-coordinated and ready to fight raiders.

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I would like the Master Stalker's description to be named after me since I am the one who made it popular and it's the reason why everyone loves me. It's because I am irreplaceable and I am the best Teletubbie there is.

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I would like the Master Stalker's description to be named after me since I am the one who made it popular and it's the reason why everyone loves me. It's because I am irreplaceable and I am the best Teletubbie there is.






Best Head User app ever!

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I saw this in one of LostInPlace's recent videos.


A server has a job called "troll" that just goes around and fucks with people (unless the owner was trolling the troll). It gave me an idea:


Job: Troll


Weapons/Items: Crowbar, generic pistol or small gun, quack SWep


Description: You are a troll. You make a checkpoint and get people to pay a toll. Or you just mess with people and hide in their home while you quack endlessly.



1. Make a checkpoint and enforce a toll.

1-A: Max toll is $2,000

2. Mess with people, for you are a troll

2-A: Mess with people (e.g. Sneaking into their homes and quacking or speaking random things).

2-B: Do NOT RDM! You may be a "Troll", but real trolls use their heads and finely used words to create chaos, not guns.

2-C: You may mess with anyone, however, if it gets too intense that a staff member tells you to stop, than please play another job.

3. You may mug

4. You may not Raid, or Heist

5. Kidnap is ok for the love of trolling

6. You may revolt if YOU are directly affected by a law or multiple laws.


Model: Not chosen yet, maybe just generic model from server files.


Job Count: 1


Demote on death?: No


Salary: $35

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I saw this in one of LostInPlace's recent videos.


A server has a job called "troll" that just goes around and fucks with people (unless the owner was trolling the troll). It gave me an idea:


Job: Troll


Weapons/Items: Crowbar, generic pistol or small gun, quack SWep


Description: You are a troll. You make a checkpoint and get people to pay a toll. Or you just mess with people and hide in their home while you quack endlessly.



1. Make a checkpoint and enforce a toll.

1-A: Max toll is $2,000

2. Mess with people, for you are a troll

2-A: Mess with people (e.g. Sneaking into their homes and quacking or speaking random things).

2-B: Do NOT RDM! You may be a "Troll", but real trolls use their heads and finely used words to create chaos, not guns.

2-C: You may mess with anyone, however, if it gets too intense that a staff member tells you to stop, than please play another job.

3. You may mug

4. You may not Raid, or Heist

5. Kidnap is ok for the love of trolling

6. You may revolt if YOU are directly affected by a law or multiple laws.


Model: Not chosen yet, maybe just generic model from server files.


Job Count: 1


Demote on death?: No


Salary: $35



I was wondering why we didn't have a tanky af CP job, so I thought out one.


(Thank you to Pres, for the template)


Job: Juggernaut (CP Job)


Weapons/Items: Minigun (that's it, no battering ram, no arrest baton, maybe an unarrest baton). 500 or more armor, or less, depending on what you think would be appropriate Sugar.


Description: You are the Juggernaut, your sole purpose is to be a raid boss, you will be the first man through the door, and the last to leave. Be the one who protects your fellow Swat. If you must die, at least you went down fighting.



1. You must follow all CP rules.

2. You may not stay in the PD at all times lie other CPs can.

3. The juggernaut must make a small swat house, near the PD, which other Swat can live in.

4. You will stay in the shelter, as your Swat friends look for illegal things in bases. If you are needed you will come in the front as your Swat members bust down the door.


Model: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=184167435


Job Count: 1


Demote on death?: No


Salary: Same as all the other Swat.


I think this would be a really cool job as long as people don't abuse the armor.

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This job is not too bad of an idea.


Nerf the armor for CP's,fighting against a 200 armor guy is not cool.



something like 100 is reasonable.


It honestly gives cops a fighting chance against either a bunch of players or custom classes in general. Cops are supposed to be the driving force that are supposed to keep the server secure and peaceful (unless there is a corrupt). I agree that the amount of armor they have is a little insane but again, they are supposed to be very powerful.

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