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[Official] Suggestions for the Server


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Old suggestion but something I think is really needed.


Give people an option to co-own CCs, as in they can edit in their permissions to the class. to avoid an issue with people just putting on weapons then leaving the class either make this an option you need to buy in,t have sugar approve it being a co-owned cc or make weapons not owned by anyone on the class be locked or swapped out for random weapons when someone leaves the class.


I have no way to place or edit weapons on mine and Silly's CC from my permissions and it feels like a huge waste on a CC we both added to and had planned to be shared from the start

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Could we possible allow the light toolgun option again? Having the single light like we used to helped a lot in darker bases.


Lights were removed since they were being abused with the max settings I think but if the settings can be limited like the keypad limitations it would be nice


Add back motor tool too :)

Let everyone right click people and get SteamID through the new scoreboard. The only way to find someones steamid as a user now for things like reports ingame is to go to logs and into job changes and then right click the person you need steamid from.


Who are you reporting? (Their name and profile): List it or we won't bother to really help you. You can get this easily by pressing TAB and clicking on their name and clicking their profile text. It will copy it to your clipboard and you can paste it here.

not true anymore


You're not wrong. Only staff get the option to right click to get a flood amount of options but I can add that in for users too (because it only helps). I will also re-enable clicking the user's row for the options too as some people either like using right click or the left click


Certain tools were removed either to boost performance or because they're dangerous regardless of which hands their in. There probably is some solution to allow certain tools back but it's not something I am working on right now

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Went back and read some of the pages, love the idea of a command center/garrison, maybe make it so there's little minigames you can do to make the missions go faster/rewards better?


As for my idea, it was mentioned in today's meeting but I felt like writing it down here to get people's thoughts:



Give Gravestones more uses

Sounds odd but bare with me

Killer's Evidence is annoying and gets people stuck (Also moves you when you run over it due to it not being no-collided) and the fact you can throw it is a bit odd.

Instead, have Detectives use graves to scan for the evidence instead of another, uncessary prop.

Would also like to see the Spirit Caller be able to knife graves to get a Spirit Jar, instead of the current system which is *mostly* unused except by elitists, and is often looked at by first timers as an excuse to RDM. (I literally get sits on the daily about this job.)

There could be other uses for gravestones, but the main idea here is that each job that uses gravestones will now be fighting for them, I think it'd be something interesting and very unique to add to the server. (And fighting for gravestones sounds like fun)


edit: Also, any job that uses gravestones should have an internal cooldown of 30 seconds before they can use another. I think this should be added to the Necro now, because there are times where a necro will run into the PD and rez multiple things in a few seconds. This should definitely be added if the Spirit Caller is changed to work this way, as you could get a lot of jars if not.

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