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[Official] Suggestions for the Server


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Include a rep system for trading. Basically, after every trade, you can either give +rep or -rep or no rep. This would contribute to a number in total that would display as a rank in the trade menu.


The tiers would be:



-10 and below: Scammer

-9 to -6: Untrustworthy

-5 to -1: Shady

0: Neutral

+1 to +5: Reputable

+6 to +9: Trusted

+10 and above: Verified


There would also be a number of special tags that would only apply in certain situations, here's a couple of examples:


Rep Farmer: Given if someone is convicted of rep farming. This could be seen through trade logs and applied by a moderator.


Previous Scammer: If someone manages to get out of the rep bracket of scammer, their profile will remain forever tarnished with this rank.


Certified Trader: This could be given to people who have had a large rep amount over a large period of time.


I don't know, just a suggestion.


I had a whole reason why this wouldn't work because it can be easily abused but I have an idea on farming rep would be basically useless.


What you could have it like the rep system on the forums but if you're friends with the person it would also say so next to the rep.


It could add a whole other dynamic into the game which could be pretty cool. Plus it would work with the auction house system. It could be an eBay type of system

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Include a rep system for trading. Basically, after every trade, you can either give +rep or -rep or no rep. This would contribute to a number in total that would display as a rank in the trade menu.


The tiers would be:



-10 and below: Scammer

-9 to -6: Untrustworthy

-5 to -1: Shady

0: Neutral

+1 to +5: Reputable

+6 to +9: Trusted

+10 and above: Verified


There would also be a number of special tags that would only apply in certain situations, here's a couple of examples:


Rep Farmer: Given if someone is convicted of rep farming. This could be seen through trade logs and applied by a moderator.


Previous Scammer: If someone manages to get out of the rep bracket of scammer, their profile will remain forever tarnished with this rank.


Certified Trader: This could be given to people who have had a large rep amount over a large period of time.


I don't know, just a suggestion.


I had a whole reason why this wouldn't work because it can be easily abused but I have an idea on farming rep would be basically useless.


What you could have it like the rep system on the forums but if you're friends with the person it would also say so next to the rep.


It could add a whole other dynamic into the game which could be pretty cool. Plus it would work with the auction house system. It could be an eBay type of system


I think this is a really good idea, based on the fact that scamming is now allowed. Just make it so that staff can remove rep if we believe no actual trade took place. Also, please bring back the !friends command that told you who on the server was friends with a player.

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I think this is a really good idea, based on the fact that scamming is now allowed. Just make it so that staff can remove rep if we believe no actual trade took place. Also, please bring back the !friends command that told you who on the server was friends with a player.


Scamming is allowed, it's not breaking any rules in the !motd.

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Scamming should be against the rules. End of story. If your gonna optimize the server by using the same world models for stuff, then false advertising shouldn't be allowed. If someone wants to charge 40,000 for a regular AK and say it's "Super OP", then fine. But I literally saw someone selling "Blowtorches" which were just UMP's for 150k. That's unacceptable, in any way shape or form. If you can't rob the bank as a gun dealer, raid, mug or otherwise do criminal shit, you shouldn't be able to scam. Either that, or add a way for people to see who owns a stand and make it arrest able to falsely advertise what your selling. No, it's not "a learning experience" for new players, new players may not know how DarkRP works. AND 90 percent of the people who use that excuse are just too lazy to make money the right way, or too greedy. End of story.

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Scamming should be against the rules. End of story. If your gonna optimize the server by using the same world models for stuff, then false advertising shouldn't be allowed. If someone wants to charge 40,000 for a regular AK and say it's "Super OP", then fine. But I literally saw someone selling "Blowtorches" which were just UMP's for 150k. That's unacceptable, in any way shape or form. If you can't rob the bank as a gun dealer, raid, mug or otherwise do criminal shit, you shouldn't be able to scam. Either that, or add a way for people to see who owns a stand and make it arrest able to falsely advertise what your selling. No, it's not "a learning experience" for new players, new players may not know how DarkRP works. AND 90 percent of the people who use that excuse are just too lazy to make money the right way, or too greedy. End of story.


If people want to buy things from people they never interacted with, or raided, or farmed with, then get advice from someone to convince you not too do it or too do it.

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It displays real entity name at the bottom of the list, if you get tricked like that, it's your fault. Scamming for CCs is something that shouldn't be allowed since CCs don't have anything to do with RP.


Scamming CCs isnt allowed

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Just a bunch of suggestions to address some issues I've noticed.


1. Change

There is no NLR but do not return to your base immediately after it being raided, you lost, just accept it and wait 5 minutes


There is no NLR but do not return to your base immediately after it being raided, you lost, just accept it and wait 10 minutes

Because the max raiding raid time is 10 minutes according to the MOTD. This rule's current phrasing allows players to return before a raid is over, which just leads to a cluster fuck.


2. Add the jobs "Fantasma" & "SWAT Sniper" to the list of jobs in the cop ruleset.


3. Change

You can raid, heist, kidnap and mug players if you're hired to. Only applies to Mercenary Job.


You can raid, heist, kidnap and mug players if you're hired to. You may not be hired for the sole purpose of killing other people. Only applies to Mercenary Job.

Otherwise they would be a hitman without a cool down (Pretty positive this was already a rule, I just don't see it in MOTD).


4. Add something along the following lines to the Gun Dealer rules:

You may not sell weapons on shelves in spawn.


5.  Add the job "Abomination" or "The Abomination" (I forget if it has the "the" or not) to the list of jobs in the stupid job ruleset.


6. Add something along the following lines to the general rules:

DO NOT use items in your inventory while kidnapped. You may; however, use items on your person while kidnapped.


7. Bring up double fading doors in basing rules


8. Bring up crossfire in the general rules


For 7 & 8 I was too lazy to create things myself :p. I will also be suggesting more things like these when I return from vacation.

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