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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Beersy

  1. Back at it again for the 4th time This bad bean finna RP like its 2016
  2. Maybe not, im not a mod anymore, I dont know if they will re-accept me a third time.
  3. Its a bird Its a meme No.... Its the crappiest moderator you've ever met Hey guys! Just upgraded to a 1600x and Gmod works smoothly again. Gonna try to be more active again (Not like I havent said that before...) but Ill try to come on at least once a week. Thats right Phoon is hopping his way back in.
  5. Scamming should be against the rules. End of story. If your gonna optimize the server by using the same world models for stuff, then false advertising shouldn't be allowed. If someone wants to charge 40,000 for a regular AK and say it's "Super OP", then fine. But I literally saw someone selling "Blowtorches" which were just UMP's for 150k. That's unacceptable, in any way shape or form. If you can't rob the bank as a gun dealer, raid, mug or otherwise do criminal shit, you shouldn't be able to scam. Either that, or add a way for people to see who owns a stand and make it arrest able to falsely advertise what your selling. No, it's not "a learning experience" for new players, new players may not know how DarkRP works. AND 90 percent of the people who use that excuse are just too lazy to make money the right way, or too greedy. End of story.
  6. They're the same thing. Either way, you were tricked into buying something that was not as it was advertised, and it was your fault for trusting "Legendairy AWP". There isnt any way to prove a weapon is not "Super OP' if you new. Then you buy it, you were tricked, and you learn to not get tricked again. Easy. Okay then, im just gonna be a gun dealer, take peoples money, and not give them the guns they asked for, because apparently its okay.
  7. They're the same thing. Either way, you were tricked into buying something that was not as it was advertised, and it was your fault for trusting "Legendairy AWP". There isnt any way to prove a weapon is not "Super OP' if you new.
  8. "Thread is closed due to duplicate" Thread remains open
  9. If you give a gun dealer money for a shipment and he gives you a single instead, you cant make him give you a shipment. This is nearly the same exact thing, false advertising. Demand to see the product before giving him money. Simple solution. So that the customer can steal it? You have a lot of holes in that solution. Just face that fact that scamming shouldnt be allowed and is not okay and move on. Why do you think gun dealers set up complex shops? So the customer stealing the product isn't a possibility. Scamming should definitely be allowed. If you're dumb enough to fall for it, you get what you earn, thus you live and learn. Eventually you will be smart enough to not fall for scams. :) If the person selling the guns puts "LOL ADMIN GUN SUPA OP" then maybe, yeah, but when people put "Deagle, 1 shot, super op" and charge 40000 for it (Which actuially did happen) that where its just blatant lying.
  10. Your definition of fair is very, very, very skewed. I dunno, man. It's apparently very, very skewed but not skewed enough that you can explain why it's skewed. If you give a gun dealer money for a shipment and he gives you a single instead, you cant make him give you a shipment. This is nearly the same exact thing, false advertising. Demand to see the product before giving him money. Simple solution. So that the customer can steal it? You have a lot of holes in that solution. Just face that fact that scamming shouldnt be allowed and is not okay and move on.
  11. Your definition of fair is very, very, very skewed. I dunno, man. It's apparently very, very skewed but not skewed enough that you can explain why it's skewed. If you give a gun dealer money for a shipment and he gives you a single instead, you cant make him give you a shipment. This is nearly the same exact thing, false advertising.
  12. Your definition of fair is very, very, very skewed.
  13. 1. I agree, and if ANYBODY gets to block it off it should be hobos only. The proper punishment guidelines only talks about the drug zones right now so I think it's hobos only since only they can build outside of an owned property, but if an admin+ would like to prove me wrong and say nobody's allowed I would be 100% okay with that. (Except exempt mega bases for blocking these off, obviously) 2. As far as I know, you can't really build on the road. Most people don't care, but some do and it isn't allowed. 3. Not sure if I agree. Do you mean blocking other people's shit or your own? 4. This Walther sounds like an asshole. I think he was definitely scamming though. But everybody told him that scamming is allowed so he set up a stand and is currently making a metric butt load (imperial shit load) of money. Don't ruin it for Walther. 5. Perhaps. The thing that would make NPCs great again is writing checks instead of dropping lods of emone 6. Is it really gone, or is some dummy staff messing with it? Thats not fair for walther to scam people, so I am gonna "ruin it for him". Sugar has said in a previous post that scamming IS allowed and is part of the rules. If anyone is stupid enough to buy one of those fake weapons, it's on them. How is it "on them" when the world models are all the fucking same and you can manipulate the weapon name?
  14. I think there a few things that need to be addressed in the rules 1. Wether or not hobos can block off public resource farms (Chem pipes, trees, etc). Personally, I feel like they shouldn't be able to block off ANY public farms at all. 2. Prevent hobos from building inside any of the tunnels leading out of spawn. While this is possible without "propblocking", it's still clogs the shit out of spawn. 3. Specify that barriers (the things reinforcers can place) are considered prop block if used to block a doorway or other entrance/exit 4. Change the rules so that gun vendors cannot lie about what products are on their shelves. We had a guy (I wanna say Walther, but it wasn't Walther The Assaulter) that was selling "op weapons" for cheap priced when really he was selling regular AWP's for 15k. I feel like this sort of falls under the "unspoken rule" category (IE: NLR not being real but you can't return to a raid, mug amounts/cooldown, etc) because if you buy from a gun dealer, he can't just not give you a gun and steal your money. 5. Move all the NPC's near the fountain to the big garage at spawn. It's unused and has a lot of space. 6. Replace the blue barrier at spawn on the left exit, IDK where it went but it's gone.
  15. Sorry for being away. I literally had to work 2 weeks in a row, then went to NJ for a week and a half. Im back though, and should be coming around more frequently. Just postings this so I dont get demoted for being inactive ;-;
  16. From what ive read in the rules, and what other mods/admins have told me, heres what you do if you see someone kidnapping: 1. You give them a warning to stop or put their victim down 2. If they dont, you advert counter and take action Now, I always get people telling me im RDM'ing when I kill them, and that I never said anything and that they couldnt hear me Now, correct me if im wrong, but... If I see your name on "Players that can hear me" , that means you can hear me and your gonna fuckin die if I say something. We cool? Alright, we cool....
  17. Yeh dat. Plz dont demote tits I need some way to feed my disabled goldfish 3
  18. Man glaze you are ducking warn happy
  19. In my opinion there's no real grey area here. This shouldnt be allowed as it means it's unraidable. There's no way to stop him from pressing the button and killing everyone, so that makes it unfair. It exploit's the physics of gmod, kind of like prop pushing or killing. I remember on a server I used to play on the mayor would build a base in such a way that you could do the same thing except that it wasnt a skybase. That server deemed it unraidable. 1. Raidable if hes afk, so it's not unraidable Any base can be easily raided if the owner is afk so this is irrelevant 2. If you have special tools Not allowed 3. It's not technically FDA Your right, it's not, it's more like using props to kill people, which is propkill, which isn't allowed (albeit near impossible on the server) The base is illegal. Next time I see it I'm either asking him to move it or I'll remove it myself.
  20. If you want my opinion The new printers are illegal, yet bitcoin miners arent and they produce money faster and without batteries. Printers take too long to "level up". I left one for 3 hours, and at max it produced 3500 in a full charge. Plus, the equipment for overclock isnt easily accesible. I think a new printer system would be good, or atleast make them more profitable than miners. Why you cant physgun planting areas is odd. It would make organizing them 100x less frustrating. Why cant we grav-gun weapon forges? Thats what I have so far.
  21. Literally guy below you answered me, thats all I wanted to know. YOu could have just answered me instead of threatening me with warns m8.
  22. BEFORE ANYONE SAYS ANYTHING, IVE MESSAGED TITS SEVERAL TIMES ABOUT THIS. HES PROB BUSY, BUT ITS BEEN ABOUT 10 DAYS, HOPING SOMEONE ELSE CAN ANSWER OR TITS SEE THIS I was wondering if we are still allowed to add custom models/weapons to the server? Also, if tits sees this, I need to be set to moderator on the forums.
  23. Get your buttholes ready im about to take out some daddy issues on all ya rule breakers #Oppresion Nah, jk, but 4 real, its my b-day so if I do come on tonight ill be a little drunkarino.
  24. I totally agree. Unfortunately I do not have a demo, but if you would like to correlate a warning for spazzkid (there were some numbers in his name) then by all means. This all went down around 2:30PM on saturday. However, this was more or less to shed some light on this issue as its not the first time it's happened, not so much a report.
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