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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Beersy

  1. A few more suggestions 1. INCREASE. BITMINING. RATE 2. I think a drop down menu for the mercenary class would be fantastic. Example: You walk up to him, and a menu opens up. The menu has a drop down for "Raid", "Mug", "Kill", "Kidnap" and "Carjack/Steal". Then, you select a name from any person on the server. From there, there is an "instructions" box so you can type out some specifics, such as "Mug him for 2000" or "Destroy his printers" etc. This will make mercenary a more desirable class to play. 3. Add an option for the hitmen (and mercs too) to have a "Hit board". There are points in which hitman can place hits, and they dont need to be near the hit man to do it. I see them on various other servers. 4. I have suggested this a few times, but the camera addon that lets you use your own screens that I have previously mentioned would be nice. If you are seriously thinking of switching to evocity, then it would be a fantastic choice. 5. While I know the server uses CSS sweps for a reason, I think it would be nice for cops/weapons in general to have a more finished look. I have found a weapon pack that is only 77MB that looks and works fantastic, I think you should consider it: Mr Pyrous Tactical SWEPS These are more or less rule changes suggestions: 1. Give the Mayor/Corrupt a grace period after spawning. I think that the fact he does not have one is just awful, and its gonna be a huge pain on a map like Evocity, considering its size. Thanks for reading! :D -Beersy
  2. What kind of fucking super computer do you have!?
  3. Ive just never been a fan of 33x, personally. But then again, thats just me. ;3
  4. The map offers little to no FPS difference, I actually get smoother FPS on evocity servers because the people are so spread and and the map has such a small draw distance as it is. And trust me, if 40 people on EVOctiy works, 50-60 will have plenty of player engagement. Nah, Beersy is right. I tested it with 50 bots in my local server and I didn't even notice a dip in my frames since I was in another section of the map. The map has render distance techniques in it which helps with FPS. The only hard hitting point is main part of the town which I get around 130 - 150 there. I think it would be a good idea to get the communities idea on a vote. New players come and go every day, its the regulars that we need to make sure stay happy. Maybe do a test if the community thinks its worthwhile, and then we can see what kind of numbers we are a attracting for a few days once the map has been changed.
  5. While I see what you mean, the problem is that most people dont like to buy bases, the bank practically serves no purpose, and the map promotes different styles of role play more so than any standard version of downtown. I think its worth a test, gather some opinion, and then call a vote. 33x also seems to be less optimized, or atleast in my case, because I get less frames on that map. im usually getting 100+ in all areas except downtown, where I drop to 60-40 frames. Take it from someone who used to moderate a Evocity server, if your gonna switch maps and increase serverlimit, Evocity is a good option. Downtown might add sewers, but that isnt going to do too much to spread people out. The Source engine has a problem rendering multiple NPC/Players that are grouped together. Evocity sort of solves this problem. Plus, between 3pm and 10pm weekdays we are at 40+ players. With all due respect, the map you considered for replacing downtown, especially if your increasing server size, does not help with the problem of too many players in a small space. Even if not on the scale of Evocity, a larger map would do nothing but benefit the server. I have seen several servers with beach sections, larger slums, intricate sewers and the like that are still, at its core, downtown, but have a wider variety of options to choose from. Have you considered this version of downtown?
  6. I have been seeing alot of people debating over a map to play on, and alot of people seem to want RP_EVOCITY. After doing some research, I think that I have found the best version of it that will work and on its own is fairly well optimized. IMGUR for people who just wanna look: IMGUR Gallery Workshop link for people who wanna explore: Steam Workshop Pros: 1. Big PD, harder to raid 2. Built in RP focused buildings such as banks, grocery store, hotels, pool, car dealership and more 3. Expansive woodlands 4. Makes use of the flashlight. 5. Great for cars 6. Great optimization on its own (I get higher fps alone on this map then alone on downtown) 7. Built in oddities such as Shield doors in PD, elevators, garages and sliding doors. 8. Build in atm's so that can be brought in as an addon if nessecary. 9. Wide open areas for free base building and the addition of things like Casino's and Movie Theaters 10. Most of the buildings are in downtown, so people who want to print/cook in peace can flock to the outside of the map. This means that less people will be in the way of the cops trying to shoot/arrest people downtown, and spread people out more evenly. 11. The mayor can base in SEVERAL of the floors in the PD, and there is even a small underground section for him to go if he wants to, making killing the mayor a bit more challenging than just one custom class fucking his shit up, and make the rebel class a bit more interesting. Cons: 1. The size of the map will make the hitman job a bit harder. 2. The woodlands can be very confusing 3. No blatant admin spots to use for privacy, but the size of the map should make it pretty easy anyway. 4. Kidnapping people will not get countered as often, again due to the size. (If I think of anymore ill add them.) Bugs/Glitches: 1. I would crash every time I entered/exit the spoopy tunnel, however I believe this is a problem on my end. I think that this map would be fucking fantastic, especially if a few minor tweaks are made to it to make it better (Depending on tits expertise of course) Thanks for reading! :)
  7. Beersy


    A few things: 1. Not sure if its intentional, but Juggernaught only spawns with 44 armor 2. Juggernaut, corrupt, Mayor, and a few other CP classes cannot lock/unlock PD Doors.
  8. Sure, I can do that 1) If they are printing while they are building it's already against the rules. If people raid them and the people with the base complain, it's their fault 2) I don't think I am going to do that 3) Done 4) I can do that, it would make x y and z more common though so I would have to find fillers 5) That's not too difficult, make it an entity and if you use it within your inventory, you gain +1 key? 6) I'm gonna be so real with you, I have never learned how to spawn in shipments. It's black magic to me I actually thought about something like that the other day. It's not a bad idea in a sense but I don't really think it would make people join the forums. If you haven't noticed, no one besides mods use the forums. I shouldn't have to bribe people to talk to each other outside of the server, but that's just me. Either way I will think about it. Custom class stuff would be a definite, but maybe I can do more. I understand its their problem, but its starting to get annoying that people bitch and moan and call for sits over it. If a player is breaking the rules, a mod should handle it, not the player. Also, the only reason I suggeseted and increase in bit mining amounts was because the large bitminers take more than 2 hours to remake the money they lost (Give or a take a few minutes, and yes, I did test this) luckily, I did it at 2AM so barely anyone was on, however, its just a money pit because most people get raided within half an hour, and having to farm/stay in your base for two hours is not as fun. Also, a few more random suggestions 1. You could add some BMD items as fillers (Keypad crackers, lockpicks...) Also, maybe you can make it so that unboxed stuff goes into inventory? This way people dont lose their items if they die while unboxing/get kidnapped/get taken out by hitman 2. While this is a much more far fetched idea, I think maybe adding CS:GO Knives could be cool. Disaray gaming has that, and it has created a small trading economy because of it. Their server never surpasses 25-30 people, so having this on a server of our size would be pretty cool. Plus the default CSS knife is so fuckin boring D:< 3. The knives thing again: Maybe replace the hitmans knife with either a Karambit, Butterfly, or Bayonet or something? They dont take up much resource and AFAIK dont need any special base or need CS:GO Mounted to work. I have CS:GO unmounted and my addond for knives still works (No errors or purple textures) 4. As I suggested earlier, the cameras addon that hooks up to screens would be cool. It doesnet lag server because the screens play in a very low frames a second and only render the image if someone is about 500-1000 units away (I think its adjustable, or so I have been told). The AMR DarkRP server has those, and I really like them. The cameras can also be prices, and the addon comes with motion sensors that can alert players. 5. Speaking of hit man, there is also an addon that is floating around that allows you place hit board. Its basically like putting a hitman on a prop and you can place hits from it. This way, the hit man doesn't have to go around asking people. 6. Make me headmod? Ill give you the succ bbbbbbeeeee! (Jk, could you imagine if I was really like that? x3)
  9. 1. Make a rule where if someone is printing while building, instead of raiding them, call an admin. This way, people arent calling admemes because they were raided while building. 2. Increase bitminers farming amounts/speed 3. Delete a bunch of unnessecary classes 4. Remove the heals from unboxing, useless and messes up custom class health 5. Make keys an actualy item, so they can be traded :D 6. Add weapon shipments to unboxing
  10. As of late I have been dealing with alot of shit in my life IRL, and its been putting me in a pissy mood. It hasn't led me to any mod/admin abuse, but it has led me to be very impatient and rude to players in the past few days. Luckily, shits starting to get better so I should be just fine in a few days. To anyone I pissed off (Except a certain Trial Mod, you know who you are), I apologize.
  11. another oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother oneanother one
  12. I find it really dumb when you are doing a PD raid and you just get stick rushed. Combat arrest should not be allowed inside the PD during a raid.
  13. Alot of them are errors, and most have a checkered purple texture somewhere on them.
  14. Tis why I suggestd removing alot of useless jobs a few weeks ago^
  15. I find it riduculous that I had spent about 5 minutes making laws as corrupt just to get raided immediately after. Had no time to build, barely escaped alive trying to put my law board down. Mayor/Corrupt NEED a grace period for everything, not just revolutions.
  16. I tested it and it all works so far...whats not working??
  17. Since im bored, and im just waiting for my package to be delivered (Computer parts) I thought I would post a list of the changes I suggested to sugar and see what people think of them. Plz dont hate, I am just trying to contribute bbe'z ;~; Map: -Add a tunnel connect suburbs and the ghetto/houses near spawn -Add a car dealership, keeping the spawners outside of spawn -Remove the gas station and just make a house\ -Remove all bases from spawn -Increase size of PD -Make a seperate bank Textures/Models/Coding: -Fix Master Chief hand texture -Fix Enforcer shotgun -Fix Perks not taking effect when changing classes -Fix Scope Sensitivity on CSS Rifles (Scout, AWP, GSG1) Other: -Make cars able to be picked up with phys gun -Reduce NLR Radius -Add an incentive for cops (Getting money for destroying printers with stunstick) -Simplify meth a bit -Reduce price of bit miners slightly or increase bitminer productivity -Raise price of light bit miners (Too far spread from the other two) or just even out their prices in general -Remove the 50 and 100 percent healing from unboxing -Add BMD shipments as a yellow/gold rarity unbox. There is only 1 unbox yellow. Things you could add: -I remember playing on a server (AMR DarkRP) that had a camera system of buying cameras and hook them up to screens. Both the cameras and screen were addons, seperate from HL2/GMOD. It did not cause much lag, as the camera screen ran a low frames per second, so it was more of a frame by frame camera. This way, people can use camera better. This addon also had motion sensers that would alert the spawner if someone walked by, and these items could be priced. Jobs: Some jobs are kinda unnecessary, so here is a comprehensive list with reasons Cultist: Already two jobs that can kidnap, basically just pedophile without an AOS Bank Heister/Heist Leader: Really just a modded thief/raider. Too many raid classes as is. Either remove these or remove regular raider, cuz personally Bank Heister just sounds cooler Mugger: Again, does what a criminal and do already, but cant do other things. Why does he have a lock pick? Either remove him, or change the class to have a special kind of pistol and remove lockpick to give him some originality Drug Dealer: Only ever seen one person use this, and not really useful considering drugs dont really help when raiding. Either remove or change drugs effects to be helpful. If removed, just make a drug buying NPC. Detective: Just another cop. Never see many people play it, and people who do just act like a normal cop. Mercenary: Again, not a lot of people play it. Unless you can add a special weapon, and a raiding tool set, and and actual coded system for paying them to do things, I do not see any reason for it to be there considering hit men and criminal classes exist. Stalker: While people enjoy it, its just an unnecessary class considering Night Stalker has a lockpick and its just the same thing\ Preacher: Only seems to cause problems with RDM. If necessary just make his weapons a un-boxable SWEP and remove him. Mechanic: Literally never seen anyone play this. Pretty useless considering most people just respawn their cars. Unless you can add a fixing garage to the new map, just remove him. Lawyer: Seemingly just another class nobody plays, and even when they do, nobody takes their job seriously. Either remove or make some serious modification. Gambler: Why is this here? The server hasn't had slots for awhile... Bus Driver: No real reason for this to be here. Might be a different story when a new map comes in, if its a bigger size then it could be more useful, otherwise I have only seen one person play it before. Builder: Literally seemingly just a civilian/hobo under a different name. Billy Mays: Unless you can have him sell something special, ive only ever had RDM problems with this class. Bank Guard: Unless you add in a new bank seperate from PD, this is useless. Bloods/Crips: Not nessecarily remove, I would suggest just turning them into one Mafia/Mafia leader thing. Keeps things simple. Those are all my suggestion! Let me know what you think!
  18. I made a CFG for making some of the task on titsrp a little bit easier and quicker to use. Things like dropping, adverting, and buying printers. Heres the DL link for the CFG To use it, simply type "exec Tits" into your console! DL Link: Download The .cfg! If you dont trust the DL link, heres a pastebin of the CFG: Make your own .cfg! Simple copy and paste all that text into a notepad file, save as All Files, and name it "Tits.cfg"! Thanks! If you have any suggestions, please feel free to comment below or add me! My Steam Profile If you wanna say thanks with some TF2/CS:GO Items, feel free to shoot me a trade request! Trade Offers! NEXT PLANNED FEATURE: Binds for jobs and a color Profile for a Razor Blackwidow! :D -Beersy
  19. A few things: 1. Can the 50% heal be removed from crates? all it does it cause anybody with more than 100 health to go back down to 100 health 2. Is there any sort of incentive we can add to being a cop so they are more common on the server? I feel like the only time people wanna be cops is when there is a corruopt and they can do whatever they want. Like, maybe give them a higher salary, maybe they can make money every time they destroy someone elses printers/meth cooking equipment, maybe they can make money from bails, etc. Something along those lines, those were just the frist things I could come up with 3. Can you bring the old meth cooking back? new cooking is too hard ;-; 4. This isnt really a suggestion, more of a glitch, but when I change classes I lose my health/speed/armor bonuses. I only get them back if I commit suicide. Those are just some of my suggestions :D
  20. Beersy

    Staff Sucks

    Well, I think that sometimes I handle alot of the sits when there is 2-3 mods on, which bothers me. I don't really complain, but I usually try and do sometimes farming later at night, but I can't because I'm in sits all the time and can't defend my base. Dont get me wrong, I like being a mod, but I feel like at night the communication between mods fall apart and it all falls on one admin/mod :/ im not gonna say any names, however.
  21. Yeah, between a combination of working, doing stuff with my HL team, and being away at dads, I've been busy. I will be stopping by for a few hours around 1:00PM EST. Again, sorry ;^;
  22. Im not sure if it is allowed, but would it be possible to make my model a character from tf2 if I purchased a custom class+theres a tf2 model on the workshop? and would it possible to have a tf2 weapon? :D
  23. I wasnt trying to report the admin D: And FailRP on my part, or his?
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