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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Beersy

  1. Im glad im clearly not the only one who thinks this. However, Im not trying to report the moderators as they are only following what the MOTD says (One of them was only a mod since 1 day prior). Im simply trying to make the server admins and higher ups aware.
  2. I have been denied the ability to do that, not by one mod, but 2.
  3. Hi. I am sure some of you know me, but wether you do or not is irrelevant. I am here to point a sort of flaw in the rules, one that benefits someone who breaks them more than if they didn't. Here is what happened. Me, playing my prospective custom class, decided it would be neato to raid someone living the top floor of the apartment complex. Upon entering the base, I killed the base owner, and started lock picking my way through his base (He was basing alone). Now, in this scenario, I would have 100% destroyed all his printers, plants, etc, and have successfully raided. However, he came back, blatantly breaking the "NLR Rule" (I know its not actually called NLR, but you know what I mean) and killed me, even though he lost fair and square. Alright, so I call an admin. Upon speaking with the admin and him, its determined that he fail-raided/broke the rules, and gets a warn. However, I still lose my 30k or so in equipped items, and he gets to hop away and keep all his raidables that would have been gone if he hadnt broken the rules. Let me break it down: Scenario 1: -I enter the base -I kill the owner -I lockpick my way into his base -He waits patiently following the rules -I take his money, destroy his stuff, and keep my stuff -I lose nothing, he loses his raidables. Standard raid, standard trade-off. Scenario 2: -I enter the base -I kill the owner -I lockpick my way into his base -He comes back blatantly breaking the rules -He kills me, causing me to call an admin. -He gets a warn, and gets to go back to his untouched base -I lose my equipped items and dont get any money, and he gets some text that says he did a bad thing. Do you see what im saying? By breaking the rules, hes better off than I am. I got raided last night, admittedly I was salty about it, but I waited like I should. Because it was a fair raid, and I lost. I lost my things for following the rules, but if I went back, I wouldnt have lost my stuff, and all I would get is a warn. If I was a class with a gun I wouldn't even have lost weapons or equipment either. In what way, shape, or form, is this fair? How come he doesent get a kick to lose what he should have fairly lost, or at least let me go back to destroy his things? The admins claim its because I died during a raid, and cant go back. However, I shouldnt have died in the first place since he shouldnt have come back. The same rule that he broke is the same rule that protects him. In no way, shape or form is that fair. The admins had no answer for that besides "I dont know" and "Thats just the rules". When I was mod, I would have kicked them, or brought them back to the house, let them continue the raid, and make sure everyone got what they deserved. Nobody complained, I was never reported and it was a done deal. I know things a little different now, but that doesent make it fair.
  5. Im wondering what steps I need to take in order to become mod again, IE: Do I need to have more time on the server again, make another application, etc etc?
  6. I dont have tits added and ur a meme
  7. Broke af, can people still buy RP cash?
  8. hecko guys. So, as probably 0.3 of you remember, I used to be a mod and then I fell off the face of the earth. The long and short of it is: 1. I finally upgraded my GPU so gmod doesent run like a kid with no legs. 2. I finally figured out my issue with first person sounds. Im assuming my moderator status has been stripped, but I should be coming around alot more now and hopefully at some point I can get it back. Im re-downloading all my content packs now. #PhoonIsComingBack PS: Tits, can I have my custom class re-added? Im assuming its not there anymore! THANKS!
  9. #Banned B) You assumed I wasnt cool, so now ur banned (PS im jk, your not banned ;3 DONT TELL ANYBODY)
  10. Finally got gmod to work. IDk, but it was something about the drive i had it installed on (My SSD) that was delaying sounds. But yeah, ill be on more starting tmmrw. #PhoonIsComingBack
  11. Your Steam Name: Beersy Your ingame name: FeBreezy Your Steam Profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/CanYouFeelMeNow/ What segment would you like to be a part of?: Staff Promotions/Demotions, Notable Bans & Member News [Available] Why do you want to join the team?: Because im boooooored as fuuuuuuck. Plus a got a new sexy desk microphone that record high quality as fuck. Anything else you would like to add? (leave blank if you have nothing to add)
  12. 1. Cant, cant find my CD but that really shouldnt change anything considering I dont have that problem with any other game 2. Again, only in gmod I am having the issue 3. YES. 3 TIMES! 4. Yes, 3 times... 5. Yes, did not do anything.
  13. Until my GMOD is fixed (No first person sounds) I wont be playing much, because it literally makes me wanna rip my hair out. Thx<3
  15. can you make a price list I dont think there really is a price list. I have been able to sell CH and Fade's for about 3000, but everything else is just crap xD
  16. I have no weapon sounds in first person, but I can hear them just fine when other people shoot their guns, and all my sound in GMOD is delayed by a good 3/4th's of a second. WTF D: I have tried an reinstall and it doesent fix it.
  17. While it might just be coincidence, I have un-boxed over 100 knives. as such, its leads me to believe that there is some form of rarity to the knives and their skins. Heres what I have found so far ~Knife Rarity (From least most to least rare Shadow Knives Huntsman Knives Falchion Knives Flip Knives Default Knives Butterfly Knives M9/Bayonet knives Karambit Knives Bowie Knife(?) -------------------------- ~Common~ Forest DDPAT Night Ultraviolet Vanilla ~Rare~ Tiger Tooth Crimson Web Damascus ~Ultra Rare~ Fade Case Hardened ~Legendary(?)*~ Greyscale - I have only unboxed one of these, and its the buttplugs Default CT/T Knife - Always golden Bowie Knife - Doesent have an actualy unbox, just shows up from a Butterfly or Karambit knife unbox. Doppler/Marble fade - Have not seen them yet, they might be rare or just not there at all TL:DR I could just be over-reacting, but it seems like since I unboxed 4 shadows daggers last night, and only unboxed two karambits in the 100 that I unboxed, seems likely that im close to the rarites.
  18. I own CSS, and have download HL2/Ep1/Ep2 Textures. All installed, and CSS mounted.
  19. I have download everything from Ghostlys post, tits workshop, uninstalled them, and downloaded them again. Im still having issues with THESE textures coming up as purple error textures. Plz help head admemes and server pwners ;-;
  20. All cars are errors, the car spawn NPC is a error texture aswell. Link plz?
  21. It says "() Killed beersy with worldspawn"
  22. Joined the new updated server for the first time. Literally, and I mean LITERALLY before I had time to even run 10ft, I was RDM'd by someone using a wordspawn. Lost all my money.....
  23. Thank you. And here is the promise panty shootys ;D http://imgur.com/VGwbE6o
  24. Look at this sign As you can see, it says on the sign "Reading sign=KOS" I think this is a problem that needs to be solved before it is a bigger issue. I have been killed simply for stopping to read signs, and frankly, I think its damn ridiculous. It needs to be stopped ASAP, in my opinion of course. First person to comment gets to see panty shots of Mclovin B) as long as your comment is of substance and agrees with the above.
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