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Map Related Suggestions


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Perhaps instead of tunnels that limit the skybox in certain areas, the tunnels could be made to simply be streets so that we have a dedicated skybox that is the same height for the whole map with decent airspace, all the buildings can have rooves instead of having them merge with the low cut skybox, I also recommend completely redoing the bank and the bank jobs since no one ever plays them and the current setup for the bank isn't very well defendable.

Side note: Don't change the anne frank (the building in the ghetto that you can peak up thru the basement window like anne frank), that building is my life blood and if something happens to it I will probably pass away.
It's unique, it's old school and in my personal opinion it is the HEART AND SOUL OF THE ENTIRE MAP.

I Also recommend a dedicated casino building (I know the dev team is planning on doing a auction house of sorts at some point and it'd be nice to have that merged into a dedicated casino aswell instead of the LITERALLY CUM STAINED BUILDING that gambling currently takes place in.

Additionally I recommend adding a new district behind suburbs with an extended ocean reaching out around suburbs connected in some way, I also agree with Friscos suggestion about the tunnel from ocean to the farming area. (All of Frisco's suggestions in general were good)
Overall I think the ocean could use some work in regards to quality of life.


I would also love to see a sewer branch that extends underneath Suburbs since there is currently no sewer entrance or infrastructure there.

(put a fookin bank in indust)

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Heres my List of Issues


The Barriers Start Blocking right where the fence door is.  I would like these removed or atleast made more reasonable of a looking blockade then giant invisible walls. The only excuse that could be given is the RDM arena blockade, however since you get teleported back if you run too far away from the arena I feel like pushing back abit more to give more room for hobos wanting to base in these areas seems fair.

This area could be given more love and could be used for something like a hobo base without all the obstacles and uneven terrain making it tough to build on without building a platform over the train and trees. 

On the old map this roof was typically used in bases and would make for a nice way to give love to this base and make it a stronger because almost everyone has access to Jump Tools with master swords being so Accessible.

The Tunnels and Skybox here could be ultimately higher 

Short of the smaller roofs, there is no reason I shouldn't be able to jump up on these 

I know these probably have been talked about but if It has been then dont shout at me, Providing multiple voices on an issue gives it more levy to how much people want it to be changed.

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 add back the movable train in sewer because that will help newbies a lot.


add back that train that had opening doors where the ladder to spawn is now.


add another built in gunshop in that base that cant be used when you leave spawn going to fountain/suburbs. this would actually give that base a purpose, and plus this would hopefully add more actual rp to gun/black market dealers if they want to. if it isn’t even used in tits because of gunstands it’ll be used by every other actual rp server that uses tits map.


add a secret base where the useless water in industrial is at. i suggest keeping the same looks, but just make the water deeper and add a hole that leads into a base.


add water beneath every ladder that you can take fall damage from. glitchy ladders have killed me way too many times


remove the giant unused base in the center of spawn


like in the default gm_flatgrass where there is an easter egg if you noclip into it. on the other side of where the enterable base is, make a room with an easter egg dedicated to the map maker and/or sugar


thats all i got for now.

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