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Jetpacks and SBC Cannons


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Ok, this suggestion is going to be a little bit more specific and won't rely on changing the entire server's system. After playing on this server for a while, I've gotten into a fair playing field for the most part and can raid. I like the mechanics, potions, and c4 raiding. KOS Mazes are not really as op if you smoke nade, c4, and then kill the people inside. If there's something I have to completely disagree with is SBC cannon use and Jetpacks during PvP. Most of us could agree that what makes PvP and taking gun fights fun is the risk associated with it. When you are fighting someone else, or making a base, the thrill of dying and losing anything is what gives your life and investments value. This is the core of DarkRP.


Now that we've established this, I would like to talk about jetpacks. This item is extremely overpowered on a gun fight, making it impossible for one to fight against if one is not on a level playing field. This is the equivalent to having an admin gun and fighting a kid with a glock. There is extremely little risk, removing all possibilities of you dying and losing your items. Why? You are basically noclipping. You can fly extremely fast and in the worst-case scenario you'll just flee the scene, heal up, and come back. Jetpacks are really fast and EXTREMELY hard to hit. Unless you have an aimbot, I don't think you'll defeat a guy that took a shrink potion and has a jetpack on.


Another thing about jetpacks is it makes stealing gamebreakingly easy. You can grab a pickup box, fly across the map in five seconds and deposit. How is this fun? There is no risk of dying while transporting valuables. This is an item that definitely needs nerfing. I know the jetpackers out there will disagree with me because they like having a gigantic advantage over other players, but these people are not empathetic and have no sense of fairness. Sure, its okay that some guns are better than others and that you can heal/potion up, but jetpacks are on another whole playing field.


Now, lets talk about SBC Cannons. If you use them often, more likely than not you've RDMed someone with it. They are called "meme cannons" for a reason. If you use an SBC cannon against someone else with a gun, he has no chance. Even with 100 armor and 135hp, this person is instantly dead. Oh wow, that was fun, he pulled out an SBC cannon. Sure, they are expensive, deterring players from using them, but this is basically what I am talking about when I say grind-to-win or pay-to-win. People with a lot of money will just buy these items and no one else will be on a level playing field. In short, SBC cannons are either overpowered or a recipe for disaster. They either kill you, or they accidently kill 4 players. This item must get rid of completely or it must undergo serious changes.


My popular suggestion on this thread might've been too extreme and radical for older players, but this one is just plain logic. Whether you like to pawn noobs or not, at least admit Jetpacks and SBC Cannons are overpowered, giving people without them a very low chance of winning gun fights. Lets level the playing field at least a bit, giving other players with skill a chance to win. There is no skill in using these items.

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Few issues with this. (I'll do the annoying numbering thing staff do)

 'Grind to win' - he pulled out an SBC cannon. Sure, they are expensive, deterring players from using them, but this is basically what I am talking about when I say grind-to-win or pay-to-win.


1 SBC Cannons are meant to be good. Its not impossible to die with them infact more times then not the people using them end up killing themselves. Sure it does a lot of damage but not anyone can just pick them up and use them properly. 


2 It is the same thing with jetpacks. They are meant to be good. And again, a lot of the times people end up killing themselves with it because just all it takes is a 15 foot jump to instantly die.


3 These arent things only rich people can get, all you need is to open lootboxes from an npc. Which you can earn with xp not just money. All you have to do is actually try to get them.


My thing with this is, if you're looking to remove or nerf all the shit that makes the endgame fun, what is there to work for?

Ill leave it at that.


edit: some words

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Another thing about jetpacks is it makes stealing gamebreakingly easy. You can grab a pickup box, fly across the map in five seconds and deposit. How is this fun? There is no risk of dying while transporting valuables. This is an item that definitely needs nerfing. I know the jetpackers out there will disagree with me because they like having a gigantic advantage over other players, but these people are not empathetic and have no sense of fairness. Sure, its okay that some guns are better than others and that you can heal/potion up, but jetpacks are on another whole playing field.


You can die to fall damage? Ever took that into consideration? Also jetpacks are hard to come across.

Now, lets talk about SBC Cannons. If you use them often, more likely than not you've RDMed someone with it. They are called "meme cannons" for a reason. If you use an SBC cannon against someone else with a gun, he has no chance. Even with 100 armor and 135hp, this person is instantly dead. Oh wow, that was fun, he pulled out an SBC cannon. Sure, they are expensive, deterring players from using them, but this is basically what I am talking about when I say grind-to-win or pay-to-win. People with a lot of money will just buy these items and no one else will be on a level playing field. In short, SBC cannons are either overpowered or a recipe for disaster. They either kill you, or they accidently kill 4 players. This item must get rid of completely or it must undergo serious changes.

You literally said that the server is grind-to-win which isn't every server like that? This server just has VERY different mechanics and it seems that you don't like. None of your forums post are clearly working. All your suggestions from what I see look like you are trying to make this a generic DarkRP server, which this server shouldn't be.


My popular suggestion on this thread might've been too extreme and radical for older players, but this one is just plain logic. Whether you like to pawn noobs or not, at least admit Jetpacks and SBC Cannons are overpowered, giving people without them a very low chance of winning gun fights. Lets level the playing field at least a bit, giving other players with skill a chance to win. There is no skill in using these items.


"Popular suggestion" SBC cannons and jetpacks are very hard to come across and are rare. They give the rich players and other players something to work for. So what you lost 1 fight to FRISCO and now you are making a forums post about it. I feel that you are just wanting the attention and are really trying to push the server into a boring state. SBC cannons and jetpacks are also very fun to use.



You wouldn't know cause you've played the server for a week and think you run everything.

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You can die to fall damage? Ever took that into consideration? Also jetpacks are hard to come across.


"Popular suggestion" SBC cannons and jetpacks are very hard to come across and are rare. They give the rich players and other players something to work for. SBC cannons and jetpacks are also very fun to use.


Disregarding the immaturity and clear intent to shed a negative light on me in your post, I've taken some of your posts arguments decided to debate them. First of all, just because you can die to fall damage with a jetpack doesn't mean someone playing with a jetpack for 10 minutes can't get the hang of it.

Second, "jetpacks are hard to come across" this makes the playing field even more uneven. The fact that they are hard to come across, and that it gives "rich players and other players something to work for" just serves to my point. The jetpacks are in the hands of a select few and with a few minutes of practice anyone with a jetpack can destroy a kid without one. There is a clear gap and disadvantage if you are pvping with a jetpack. Sure, maybe the SBC has clear disadvantages and a lack of accuracdy to compensate for its damage, but jetpacks, after a bit of using them, are the deadlist tool in this server (outside of a base). Like I mentioned before, stealing with them is incredibly easy, transporting is gamebreaking, and killing with them is unfair.

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You can die to fall damage? Ever took that into consideration? Also jetpacks are hard to come across.


"Popular suggestion" SBC cannons and jetpacks are very hard to come across and are rare. They give the rich players and other players something to work for. SBC cannons and jetpacks are also very fun to use.

Disregarding the immaturity and clear intent to shed a negative light on me in your post, I've taken some of your posts arguments decided to debate them. First of all, just because you can die to fall damage with a jetpack doesn't mean someone playing with a jetpack for 10 minutes can't get the hang of it.

Second, "jetpacks are hard to come across" this makes the playing field even more uneven. The fact that they are hard to come across, and that it gives "rich players and other players something to work for" just serves to my point. The jetpacks are in the hands of a select few and with a few minutes of practice anyone with a jetpack can destroy a kid without one. There is a clear gap and disadvantage if you are pvping with a jetpack. Sure, maybe the SBC has clear disadvantages and a lack of accuracdy to compensate for its damage, but jetpacks, after a bit of using them, are the deadlist tool in this server (outside of a base). Like I mentioned before, stealing with them is incredibly easy, transporting is gamebreaking, and killing with them is unfair.


I could fish for around an hour, and have enough xp to get a few lvl 2 lootboxes, in which jetpacks are sometimes found in. Another thing, there are always gonna be disadvantages to being a new player, there always will be, eventually those players will grow and become the rich player. Legit new players can get jetpacks quickly, considering that they're around 200-300k a pop, fishing or even just farming printers for about an hour can get you them to the point of buying a jetpack

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You can die to fall damage? Ever took that into consideration? Also jetpacks are hard to come across.


"Popular suggestion" SBC cannons and jetpacks are very hard to come across and are rare. They give the rich players and other players something to work for. SBC cannons and jetpacks are also very fun to use.


Disregarding the immaturity and clear intent to shed a negative light on me in your post, I've taken some of your posts arguments decided to debate them. First of all, just because you can die to fall damage with a jetpack doesn't mean someone playing with a jetpack for 10 minutes can't get the hang of it.

Second, "jetpacks are hard to come across" this makes the playing field even more uneven. The fact that they are hard to come across, and that it gives "rich players and other players something to work for" just serves to my point. The jetpacks are in the hands of a select few and with a few minutes of practice anyone with a jetpack can destroy a kid without one. There is a clear gap and disadvantage if you are pvping with a jetpack. Sure, maybe the SBC has clear disadvantages and a lack of accuracdy to compensate for its damage, but jetpacks, after a bit of using them, are the deadlist tool in this server (outside of a base). Like I mentioned before, stealing with them is incredibly easy, transporting is gamebreaking, and killing with them is unfair.


"jetpacks are hard to come across" this makes the playing field even more uneven." What does this even mean? You're just grasping for straws at this point. When you grind for things its just a given you're working for something powerful, cool or just something you want.


This entire thread is just a long way of saying "how dare people that have put the hard work in, have powerful things."


And the best part about this whole thing is that this dude thinks its unfair that people who have money have better items.

That's how the world works man. Get over yourself.

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