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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Lysergic

  1. It makes sense why they would not collide, for server crash prevention. I do believe there should be some mechanic in place to allow players that don't intend to crash the server to use collision with entities. To do this, maybe we could give access to prop collision to VIPs only and only if you no-collide it and re-collide it.
  2. This is a very simple thing to implement and would be very convenient. I think some people have certain items on their CC that might not be convenient to use while raiding and could be hidden to optimize his/her experience. A hide option would allow certain items to disappear from the hotbar for a temporary period of time to allow for better gameplay.
  3. I'm not complaining about them being good or having good base designs, in fact they are easy to replicate and I can easily kill one or two of the kids with buffs in most raids. The problem has nothing to do with having building/aiming skills, the problem has to do with skills not being part of this server anymore when you add esp perks, sbc cannons, and jetpacks. Bring skilled play back, its what makes everything fun .
  4. I think you are exaggerating, there is a suggestion thread for a reason. I'm giving a fresh perspective on things to provide constructive criticism. Some people just take it too personally, I guess. I just decide to ignore these people, and continue with the players that actually want positive changes. I don't think everything needs a reset, I like most of the mechanics that makes this server different from the others. The problem is older players can't accept that newer players don't really have a viable way to get through the server, which makes them want to quit early. The turnover rate of this server is high, I'm trying to lower it. "Really starting to think you hate everything about our server, like others stated do you just wish us reset everyones stats because you’re upset that we have more money and items because we’ve played longer?" This thread has nothing to do with stat/money resets. I mentioned that as a very radical suggestion on another thread because I didn't have the statistics SugarTits later provided. Now I realize the server doesn't need a reset. If you learn how to use a jetpack, pvping with it is overpowered. Also, stealing and transporting is overpowered. Maybe most people don't pvp with it, but the fact that you can get from point A to point B in 5 seconds and avoid all of the trouble of carrying pick up boxes/valuables is too much. Instead of negating risk, we should be making it riskier to transport valuables like that. It's rare, I agree. That doesn't make them any less overpowereed. You are a passive Rper but pvpers and raiders are affected the most. These jetpacks could potentially be used to transport valuables so quick it negates all of the risk of going through the city. What's the point of raiding if there is no risk anymore? In regards to SBC cannons, they can one-shot you if they are used correctly in a base. Maybe rare, but its happened to me three times yesterday during raids.
  5. Honestly, they don't know. And the reason they don't know is because of their vast playtime. Once you get to that point you either no longer want things nerfed, or you don't have the empathy to see how overpowered something could be against a newer/less active player. Like I said before, I'm not proposing a 100% level playing field, but the odds against a jetpack/sbc cannon player are low. Also, these people that have been playing for years don't understand the problems new players face like I do, which is why I'm bringing suggestions from a fresh new perspective. It would be nice to see new gangs made up of new players surging and not people quitting the server because they lost their printer in the first hour they logged in and can't get it back. The people running the server are the same, and everyone seems to be allied. I like competition, thrill, and some sort of rivalry between players; it makes everything more fun. Stakes right now are low, so fun is lower.
  6. I agree with this 100%. I don't think selling money should be against the rules since some people leaving the server have the right to cash out on their hard earned cash or priced items, but it shouldn't be the norm either. We're at a point right now where a lot of people are selling millions of dollars in-game for one dollar irl. This leads to people just buying every good item from the older players with money and skip the whole grinding process. "It has the negative effect of no one wanting to base because why would anyone base if they get paid to not base. It dumps so much money into the economy when there is a just a single group of people hording 400 - 600 printers in their base for 23 hours a day. Its a massive money farm both in game and out of game and it just hurts the overall economy." This is something older players don't want to admit, yet it is basic economics. That level of hyperinflation for a single group of people in such a short-period of time is unhealthy economically. In regard to the proc/printer farms, I think some sort of system should be implemented to punish or at least debuff high quantities of procs/printers in close proximity. This will discourage megabasing and will allow for more bases to emerge. At the moment, big bases and groups are strongly incentivized, and you can easily farm printers day and night without repercussion if you are friends with all of the other big groups. The problem on the server is not only that there is a monopoly, but also that raiders don't have many options. The megabases end up raiding the small bases so quickly that an average raider can only chose between raiding the megabase or two other bases. There is not a lot of variety which makes raiding and basing less fun. Another problem I see is the server encourages big groups while punishing people for solo basing. For example, there are gang perks for big, reputable gangs; but small groups of new players don't have those perks and talents. I think the gang perks should be nerfed to encourage smaller groups and give them a chance, instead of buffing bigger groups. This will help deal with the monopoly problem because it won't be so much of a pain in the ass for a solo to raid a group of 6 if they, for example, don't have Precious Life (when you get to 30hp, restore hp to 100). This is a perk unique to high-level gangs. Also, big groups on the server are usually allied with all of the other experienced groups, making it almost impossible for a solo to stack up against a party that is indirectly helped/influenced by the other good parties. The party system should see a nerf. Something a long the lines of "Every party/gang member must be basing in the same base. Multiple bases are not allowed as parties/gang count as an individual entity." I've seen parties split their valuables into two different bases next to each other to make raiding EVEN more difficult for newer/smaller groups of people. Now they have double the space, can counter the base next to theirs, and face little to no repercussions. Some strategies to limit "power in numbers", both in proc/printer amount and in player amount, will largely help deal with the problem at hand.
  7. Don't you guys get it? Whether jetpacks are expensive or not, or whether they are easy to come across or not is irrelevant to the discussion at hand. The problem is jetpack pvp, its mechanics, and its implications. The things that makes gmod, gmod is the fact that you mostly kill with guns and melee weapons, not that you noclip-pvp. Not fun for most people, either 1v1ing another person with a jetpack or being killed by a person with it. It comes down to pure luck and all of the skill factor that makes this game fun is lost once it all comes down to luck and who can hit a target moving at the speed of light. Also, I don't want the OP shit handed to me, I want the OP shit that breaks this server's ability to rely on skill and risk gone. I want the server to be fun and not ran by the same people that reply to this thread on the first place. These guys (4 people in this thread) are complaining because they all base together and use jetpacks. They don't care if the server improves or not, they put their own advantage over the server. Why? Because if it came down to skill, most people farming megabases right now would already be wiped. Sure, grinding for items that give you an advantage is fine. In fact, that is the core of most MMOs. The fact that you progress, that you gain new and better weapons - that's what encourages us to play. Now, some items are just ridiculously overpowered which makes skilled play oblivious. The only skill necessary for jetpack pvp is flying the jetpack and dodging with it, while the fundamentals of this game (aiming, movement, positioning) are thrown out of the window. Let's get a balance between grinding to incentivize older players to keep playing, and giving the rest of the players a chance.
  8. Disregarding the immaturity and clear intent to shed a negative light on me in your post, I've taken some of your posts arguments decided to debate them. First of all, just because you can die to fall damage with a jetpack doesn't mean someone playing with a jetpack for 10 minutes can't get the hang of it. Second, "jetpacks are hard to come across" this makes the playing field even more uneven. The fact that they are hard to come across, and that it gives "rich players and other players something to work for" just serves to my point. The jetpacks are in the hands of a select few and with a few minutes of practice anyone with a jetpack can destroy a kid without one. There is a clear gap and disadvantage if you are pvping with a jetpack. Sure, maybe the SBC has clear disadvantages and a lack of accuracdy to compensate for its damage, but jetpacks, after a bit of using them, are the deadlist tool in this server (outside of a base). Like I mentioned before, stealing with them is incredibly easy, transporting is gamebreaking, and killing with them is unfair.
  9. First suggestion: -1 Second suggestion: +1
  10. Ok, this suggestion is going to be a little bit more specific and won't rely on changing the entire server's system. After playing on this server for a while, I've gotten into a fair playing field for the most part and can raid. I like the mechanics, potions, and c4 raiding. KOS Mazes are not really as op if you smoke nade, c4, and then kill the people inside. If there's something I have to completely disagree with is SBC cannon use and Jetpacks during PvP. Most of us could agree that what makes PvP and taking gun fights fun is the risk associated with it. When you are fighting someone else, or making a base, the thrill of dying and losing anything is what gives your life and investments value. This is the core of DarkRP. Now that we've established this, I would like to talk about jetpacks. This item is extremely overpowered on a gun fight, making it impossible for one to fight against if one is not on a level playing field. This is the equivalent to having an admin gun and fighting a kid with a glock. There is extremely little risk, removing all possibilities of you dying and losing your items. Why? You are basically noclipping. You can fly extremely fast and in the worst-case scenario you'll just flee the scene, heal up, and come back. Jetpacks are really fast and EXTREMELY hard to hit. Unless you have an aimbot, I don't think you'll defeat a guy that took a shrink potion and has a jetpack on. Another thing about jetpacks is it makes stealing gamebreakingly easy. You can grab a pickup box, fly across the map in five seconds and deposit. How is this fun? There is no risk of dying while transporting valuables. This is an item that definitely needs nerfing. I know the jetpackers out there will disagree with me because they like having a gigantic advantage over other players, but these people are not empathetic and have no sense of fairness. Sure, its okay that some guns are better than others and that you can heal/potion up, but jetpacks are on another whole playing field. Now, lets talk about SBC Cannons. If you use them often, more likely than not you've RDMed someone with it. They are called "meme cannons" for a reason. If you use an SBC cannon against someone else with a gun, he has no chance. Even with 100 armor and 135hp, this person is instantly dead. Oh wow, that was fun, he pulled out an SBC cannon. Sure, they are expensive, deterring players from using them, but this is basically what I am talking about when I say grind-to-win or pay-to-win. People with a lot of money will just buy these items and no one else will be on a level playing field. In short, SBC cannons are either overpowered or a recipe for disaster. They either kill you, or they accidently kill 4 players. This item must get rid of completely or it must undergo serious changes. My popular suggestion on this thread might've been too extreme and radical for older players, but this one is just plain logic. Whether you like to pawn noobs or not, at least admit Jetpacks and SBC Cannons are overpowered, giving people without them a very low chance of winning gun fights. Lets level the playing field at least a bit, giving other players with skill a chance to win. There is no skill in using these items.
  11. I agree with both of you. Maybe the rule should be less restrictive and only include "Raiding for the sole purpose to harass for personal reasons is against the rules". Honestly, the 20 minute cooldown is there to prevent the targetting in the first place. The thing is, at the moment, some people complain when I raid them often. Last night I almost got warned for attempting to raid Asuna's base 3 times in the span of like 3 hours. The admin justified this by quoting the rule "Do NOT raid the same person over and over again". I don't see how I was raiding over and over again, but two people can have different interpretations.
  12. Some rules in this server seem to be written in a manner that can be misinterpreted by some administrators/moderators and allow room for these to dictate their own subjective measures to deal with a situation. Rules are meant to be objective and unbiased, so for this reason I'm copy pasting some rules that require specificity. "DO NOT raid the same person over and over again, pick on someone else every once in a while" The use of both "over and over again" and "once in a while" are very subjective. In a sit I had with Spartan, we had an argument about what would be considered targeting and what wouldn't. In my opinion, targeting is raiding the same person and no one in between, doing it for the specific purpose of hurting that base for personal reasons. Even if the 20 minute cool down has subsided, raiding in succession (3 times in an hour) is excessive. Now, I don't think there should be any rule to prevent people from raiding over the course of the entire day, but rather over shorter time-frames that would disrupt a player's ability to defend. The rule should be: "Chain-raiding: Do not raid the same person in quick succession for the specific purpose of hurting the base for personal reasons. Instead, pick on someone else in between cool-downs." Honestly, I don't think this rule should be so restrictive due to the fact that there is already a 20 minute cool down to raid the same person for the purpose of preventing targeting. "DO NOT attack a base member while raiding they must be both within eyeshot AND reasonably close to the base" This rule should have an established distance in meters/feet. I think 25 meters away from the base is "reasonably close" enough for them to be KOSable. "Your base must have a clear path through. This means no full blackout/super dark bases, invisible bases, or maze bases where the path is not obvious" This rule needs to be enforced more often. I see a lot of bases with no collided props you need to crouch through that are counter intuitive, waste time, and are clearly not obvious. For example, ajax had a base with a crouch killbox in which you had to go through a nocollided hole in the side leading away from the base, to then drop down and come back in through another no collided hole towards the base. This was very misleading and took me a bunch of deaths to figure out.
  13. Agreed. They will turn you into emotionally-blunted chinese factory workers.
  14. I've taken some of the points you made and arranged them, pardon me if it looks confusing I'm not very familiar with the forum system. 1 & 2.) Even though the printers and procs have a failsafe system and a fuel gauge system respectively, this does not give a lot of room for them to explode and respawn. This system only encourages people to not AFK farm, as their items could explode, but as long as someone is tending the base and refilling everything, printers and procs will be in the hands of the same people until they are raided by a bigger group. This is problematic, since as long as the experienced players actively refilll their valuables they will keep most of it. I was thinking of a system that would have the printers/procs disappear overtime regardless of whether you were active or not, but not disappear instantly after DC like in a lot of other servers. 3.) How has the market suffered a massive drop? I really don't understand how an inflationary system like that of DarkRP lead to negative economical growth. 4.) I don't think keypads and lockpicks should be the meta; I actually like the idea of c4, timebombs, trishas launcher, blowtorches, and other raiding tools. It makes the experience more fun. The problem is lockpicks and keypads are no longer viable against good base builds AT ALL. There should be a system that would bring back some utility for new players that have no idea how to use the other raiding tools because they just started out. Make them viable again, but not overpowered and the meta. Maybe you have some idea of how to do this? 5.) I get that, some of the changes might be radical and counter intuitive for an old player. That's why I stated I don't have all the solutions, but we can both recognize there is a problem. My suggestions might not be the best, but this is a call to action to encourage active discussion on how to better the experience overall. I get that. I was mostly referring to the meta and the most viable money-making methods. There are a lot of other money making methods out there, but these are not made clear for the new player. Maybe there should be a tutorial or some other system to teach new players about these other systems, since they are not conventional for DarkRP. I like that there are other methods, but these are not known and not as profitable. Maybe the server dying was an overstatement to emphasize the problem and a general writing technique to lure people into reading the post. I just find a lot of potential in this server and see it being lost in some mechanics that new players can't necessarily delve into.
  15. Lysergic


    Hey, I'm Lysergic. I'll probably be playing on this server for a while, but it really depends. If you think I'm cute, send me a PM when I'm in-game. Peace.
  16. hecko, my name is Lysergic and you've probably never heard of me before. This will be my first post on these forums, and probably the most transformative of the bunch. I'm a new player to TitsRP, and being fairly experienced with the Dark RP genre, I've noticed this server has some issues I would like to help fix. I believe if it continues to follow the dynamic that is currently established, it is doomed to fail in the long-term. Why, you may ask? For a variety of confounding factors, all of which lead to a resource monopoly in the server. The Problem The consequences of this system are clear to a new player like myself, yet may be blinding to a player with a lot of experience on the server already. This is because these effects affect new users the most, so its harder to speak out to admins with hundreds of hours, abilities, and money. It also explains why the turnover of new players is so high, and why the server gets boring and stressing for the newbies. The dynamics are already established, there is a meta dictating how to base and how to raid, and outside of this there is little room for creativity and innovation. Some consequences of this system are: high turnover rate, no fun for the new players, an unbalanced economy, overpowered players, a steep learning curve, and a lot of repetition. I think all of us in this server are looking for memorable, fun experiences rather than endless hours of grinding with the server's entirety of printers. Yet this is what we've resorted to. I think the biggest problem relies on the fact that a select handful of people with a lot of experience in the server have 90% of the printers, processors, and bit miners. These are the biggest sources of income, yet a player can hold them ransom for a whopping 24 hours a day. Yes, you heard that right, you can log in at 6AM EST and get raided; don't expect to get your printers back until 6AM of the next day. First of all, a new player has no idea that printers, bit miners, and processors won't respawn until the next day or until they are destroyed. For this reason, they have a more careless attitude towards their potentially valuable money-making methods. Noob bases are easier to raid and they don't have all of the good weapons/abilities/talents to fend off the more experience bunch, yet they are getting PUNISHED the most. They are getting eaten by the top players regularly, which encourages them to stop playing on the server. Why is our method to lure in new players to have them in the most difficult of situations? For example, I joined this morning and went on to make a base with 1 printer and 1 processor. It ended up getting raided in about an hour, and after that I couldn't spawn a printer for the next 12 hours. Fun? I don't think so. Some of you might be thinking a new player has to be more careful, more knowledgable, and deserves to have everything stripped away from him/her. But how do you expect a player to continue playing on a server that has other players holding their items ransom for such a long period of time? They lose interest very quickly and have very little ways to compete against a KOS maze vault holding all of the servers' valuables. Yet this is the reality of the situation. I've seen bases with 30 processors, 30 printers and 30 mini printers. That's potentially 20 new players that will no longer have access to their valuables until the day after. What happens here is what I call TitsRp's cycle of raiding. From a new player, to an intermediate, to an advanced. First a new player spawns his limited amount of printers. Then, he gets raided by an intermediate/advanced player, looking to either base with the newly acquired goods or to sell these to the mega base that has already established its presence on the server. From there, the mega base either raids the intermediate player or buys the items off of them. Where do all of the server's items end up at the end of the day? In the hands of one or two advanced groups that already have millions of dollars. What is the most absurd part about all of this? The advanced players don't even need this money and are now selling it for real life money to the beginners so that the ones that haven't left yet at least have a chance to catch up. Not the best system, right? I don't think so either. If you have a lot of experience in this server, I am not trying to demonize you. It is not your fault for being "greedy" or "selfish", the system is designed this way by people that didn't know any better. You guys are just doing what is the most profitable and smartest, which makes all of the sense in the world. The problem is the system is rigged and punishes the beginners while shoving it all up to a small group of people, like a production line. Suggestions/Fixes Now that we know what the problem is, we can all as a community look for solutions. I don't have all of the solutions in my head, but I have some ideas that may help improve the server. 1. Change the amount of time "unknown" printers are active on the server. I don't think making them instantly disappear after someone disconnects is the solution (leads to FailRP and DC to get your items back), but some middle ground is best. For example, a server I used to play on a lot called Divinity RP had this system where every time an "unknown" printer would print money, it would have a small chance of exploding. This works really well because "unknown" printers are still valuable, but as a new player you can expect to get your valuables sooner than until a restart. 2. Change the building dynamics. Building at the moment is very boring and unoriginal. There is no incentive to be creative and innovate, making cheeky bases with interesting pathways or angles to get shot from. This servers' meta is building a one-way, KOS crouch-maze long enough to avoid getting raided by 1 c4's aura. For this reason, most mega bases are inside a warehouse in the sewers. A solution to this is making a rule against KOS mazes longer than an established unit, like 1x8. This incentivizes raiding the big bases, punishes having such a big investment, encourages pvp, and will lead to redistribution of valuables. 3. Change the raiding dynamics. Just because building could get nerfed doesn't mean raiding should stay the same. I believe the c4 is overpowered at the moment and resorting to the good ol' keypad and lock pick is necessary. Nerfing the c4 will give way to new players without a lot of money to raid with keypads and lock picks. I think c4s will still be useful against big clans and active bases, but they should be the norm and go-to for every situation. This encourages new players to raid and makes the server more fun overall as there are more events happening at any given time. 4. Make processors more expensive, and make them despawn quicker. In my opinion, processors are extremely cheap for what they do. They should be way more expensive to spawn in (at least $30,000), but they should also despawn after a maximum of an hour after one has dced. Why? Because hoarding processors is overpowered. Let's face it, if they are going for $100,000 to $300,000 on the free market, why is the spawn price $5,000? This will decrease the amount of processors on the server, therefore decreasing inflation and discouraging processor spawning for new players. 5. This last suggestion is radical in nature and more of a long-term approach, yet necessary. After a long time of dealing with this dynamic, the economy has suffered from hyperinflation. Some people have so much money that they are reselling it to newer players, incentivizing donations and real-life transactions over actually playing the game. This is problematic. Money is becoming so abundant in the more experienced players' hands that it no longer feels rewarding to them. Some people have so much money they have decided to give it away to make server events (like Asuna). Because, let's face it, the server is not as fun when some people are just giving you everything for free and money is infinite. I think if the server is going to undergo economic changes like the ones mention previously, it needs a reset or at least some cap. What I mean by cap is anything above a given value is stripped from a player, for example any player above $10,000,000 will have their money set to 10mill. I would like everyone to have an open-mind. I fear there will be a lot of backlash from the older players than have already accumulated an insane amount of wealth. Your efforts should be praised and appreciated, maybe with a cosmetic item or with some sort of ability, but let's face it: it's not fun to sit around in bases with $50,000,000, giving away or selling your money because the server is no longer fun at its core. I really find potential in this server. The community is fun, the staff is helpful (most of the time), and there are very unique mechanics like enchanting, crafting, and farming. I like it, and I really hope these changes can bring about an overall more fun experience, both for the older and newer players.
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