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Rules for Entity Sales Stands

UrBaN BoMbEr

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As the Highest Rated Gun Dealer in Downtown, I would like to ask the rules for entity sales stand. Having a stand up more than anyone, I encounter more issues regarding them than most players.


There are dealers who can't compete with me (or my guerilla gun monopoly tactics), and get salty. The following are griefs that I get regularly. I usually will try moving my stand, but if the offender continues I do @ request staff to remove them. How the situations are handled varies depending on who takes the report.


1) Text screen over my stand.


2) Placing their stand DIRECTLY in front of my stand to not allow players to access my stand.


3) Putting props on my stand to not allow players to access my stand.


My thought is that someone's stand would be generally modeled after the rules of someone's base.

Players cannot spawn props or textscreens onto/into someone else's base.

Otherwise every door would be blocked, every building (& camera) would have a text screen in front of it and salty kids and minges would over-run the world!

Some clarification will help establish rules and give me the ability to direct the offender to them and possibly reduce the need for staff intervention.


Or... I can respond with the same (probably worse) tactics to resolve when it happens to me. I've had issues (forum reports on me) about similar issues, so this is my attempt to play by the rules.


Ultimately, this comes down to people minging for no proper RP reason. They get their feelings hurt and have to resort to childish tactics...

Thanks in advance for your help!


And if you need a quality firearm at a reasonable price, please visit UrBaN BoMbEr'S Gun Stand!

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I agree! But as stated, other players do not necessarily see it as we do...

I'm just asking for a confirmation from staff that this is griefing/minging and prop-block. Then I can deal with it as that.

But if staff doesn't agree, I'd likely know what the rules are so I can avoid more trouble.

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I mean you put your gun stands on the streets and admins are ok with it (there's a rule against that in the MOTD but k)

I mean what you suggested to be banned is actually against the rules, if you see anyone doing that make a report, if they don't get it's against the rules then they shouldn't be allowed to play on this server, this server isn't for retarded people

don't be dumb just use your bain *common sense* (a rule in the MOTD)

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True! I put one of my gun stands off to the side of the large tunnel coming off of spawn. I turn it at a 45° angle so it will be as unobtrusive as possible.

Remember jacket; It's where you setup your stand right next to me selling $500 VALs, until I bought 45 if them and you got salty and pulled all the guns from your stand???

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So for Gun stands. Text screen over yours is not allowed. It’s considered minging. Putting a prop over the stand to make it impossible to access is prop minging also not allowed. Putting their stand directly in front of yours to not allow players to access yours is also not allowed. Considered minging as well. All of the things you have suggested is already not allowed.

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