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Yeetus last won the day on June 25 2020

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  1. I believe this is intended and is what the talent is supposed to do. Unless I read it wrong it’s just supposed to not drop it at all when you die.
  2. I can’t be bothered to get dates right now but the banning of boom boxean should definitely be included as well as the bears gang and north bears ban. I’m also pretty sure Jawson set the proc record in the lower sewers base with like 400 or something.
  3. I’ve been pushing this for a while but I’ve never considered as a token, +1 I had always considered like a makeshift pond or something but the token idea is a lot better.
  4. Tower of god came out recently and i watched a bit of it then got bored and read the rest. My favorite will forever be hunter x hunter.
  5. Mayor can make kidnapping legal, but it’s still kos by default rules.
  6. Long time no see chicken man
  7. I use to do a lot of clone wars rp and ttt but gmod became stale to me. I’ve recently got into Bloons td 6 the tower defense game it’s good. Gta online is still fun to kill rocket bikes and griefers.
  8. You can also vote to demote them if they do this. I can see both sides of the argument but like booper said this has been a bit of a controversy for a while now.
  9. Or you could you know? Do both? I mean some of these suggestions could be helpful in the future. From my time as staff I specifically found the plugin for spectate we have to be time consuming and annoying. If their were a better one in place simple sits revolving around stuff such as building signs could be solved a lot faster with less flying around clicking on different players. Correct me if I’m wrong but unless spectate has been updated there’s no sound so you can’t tell if a suspect is shooting unless a kill feed message pops up. The spectate system is really just a quality of life thing but I think it would be nice if it changed. I like the other suggestions except for the respected one. Respected is simply a tool that lets rule breakers be punished while staff are on. I don’t see the need for them to have access to admin chat.
  10. Am I named Patrick now? As I stated before every time I join I see that problem. It exists. That's the main reason I don't join much anymore. You say they get melted anyway but their friends protect them and kill anyone that shoots at them discouraging fighting back so people don't even try anymore out of fear of death. (Batman is already able to zip tie kidnappers. However that doesn't mean its easy or viable.)
  11. All of this Paragraph is my opinion as everyone is entitled. If you have any points that validly counter mine feel free to post them below.) My main problem with it is the big parties that kidnap and laser anyone that tries to kill a kidnapper. This is how it generally goes down-There's one main person kidnapping while the party members stay around and instantly spam their party bind and shoot you the moment you so much as look in the direction of the kidnapper. The Gang perks barely do anything since the kidnapper can also have perks that enhance kidnapping. I think kidnapping is a big problem with the server and needs to be at least changed. I've heard many people complaining about it as of late since most of the players with cc's have resorted to kidnapping for entertainment. If it was only one base kidnapping at a time it wouldn't be much of a problem, but now whenever I join I notice multiple kidnapping bases up at once and its not exactly fun to sit in a black box for 500 seconds while waiting to commit suicide.
  12. Yeetus

    Fining bug

    I used to see this bug a lot and I'm not entirely sure what the problem is, but its a known bug. I thought at one point it got patched a while back but it might not have.
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