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defending gang members raids?

Wilhelm Panderino

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i dont agree with the new rule change regarding gang members as the people who make the rules barely play the server. If they did play more than a couple hours a week they would know larger gangs such as Gucci get targeted a lot solely for having a larger group and presence on the server. We raid more , we base more,we kidnap more. WHich makes us a target for retaliation. Thats not my gripe though, my gripe is that with this new rule implemented..


You must to be in a !party with someone to assist in a roleplay scenario. Being in a gang together does not count.  


Does this mean we cannot defend other gang members that are being raided if we are not party members with them? As with every gang on the server, the moment they get raided they put a nice help message in gang chat and the gang comes to the rescue, but if we must be in a party with the them that makes that almost makes being in a gang pointless. What do you guys think about this rule change and how it affects gangs on the server?

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This was discussed in the meeting and passed overwhelming popular vote. It's fucking stupid to cuff/mug/raid someone and have 12 people come out of nowhere and wreck your anus. Limiting it to party makes it so only the people actively roleplaying with you can defend you. (And it puts a bit of a limit on the size of retaliation, since now only a max of 5 related players can intervene)


And to clarify, yes, that does mean you cannot defend your gang members raid if youre not in their party at the start of the raid.

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Its almost like having more people in a gang means more things will happen to the gang as a whole :o


Do you think its fair to have some people get 8 people countering without any other rp relations other than joining a gang? Do you think its fair to have a meta revolving around people joining huge gangs to have more countering power?

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Alright I understand your point now and I do agree why it should have been changed now as those who are in a smaller gang will have the smaller advantage. I just felt a bit off because it's been the same for so long and felt that it's just gonna make gangs just a title now at the time.  The party system was underused and this will for sure increase the amount of parties used and bring balance.

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I like the change. I’ve noticed a pattern with your group (nothing against you Corp) but every time I see someone get kidnapped and try to help you and several other people instantly begin attacking me. Lots of people that kidnap do this and it’s quite annoying.

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