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Discussion: Server Rules


Shorten MOTD / Server rules to make it easy to read/understand  

9 members have voted

  1. 1. Shorten MOTD / Server rules to make it easy to read/understand

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How would the community respond to a slimmed down list of server rules?



  • A good portion of the MOTD is out of date.
  • A lot of this information can be found in the server somewhere.
  • Jobs now give a detailed description that you must read before you join.
  • The MOTD has turned into a handbook on how to not get banned.
  • The staff do a fine job of maintaining the server, do we really need to rely on 19 pages of server rules to justify every decision we make?
  • Are there some rules that are unnecessarily harsh and don't promote fun or enjoyment?

Below I will post a revised MOTD. Please respond with feedback/suggestions or vote in the poll. I'm not looking for suggestions on what to add at this point (unless it's not covered somewhere else), just whether or not we should refresh the MOTD.






hecko and welcome to our server! Below, you can find all of our rules![/align]

Not reading the rules is your own fault, our rules differ from most servers


General Rules


DO be respectful to everyone

DO try your best to help other players in a time of need

DO report rule breakers on the forums

DO speak English since this is an English server

DO have some sort of video recording software if you ever report anyone

DO trade at your own discretion and do your research. Ask for a staff witness if you are unsure of a transaction

DO report bugs/exploits! Using them to your own advantage and not reporting them will have you banned



DO NOT Minge

DO NOT Propclimb

DO NOT Propblock

DO NOT be a dick, we are all here to have fun and play the game

DO NOT attempt to loophole any rules

DO NOT Do Violent Thefts (Ex. Player A shoots and kills player B because they are holding a printer. Just try to take it with a gravgun or something don't kill them on sight. Events like Golden Printer are an exception)

DO NOT be racist or offensive to other players/staff

DO NOT block off NPCs, everyone needs to get to them

DO NOT raid public bases. Some people just wanna chill.

DO NOT advert heist if you're inside of the PD. You must do it outside.

DO NOT switch jobs during a raid or other RP interaction.

DO NOT incite other players to break the rules.

DO NOT return to watch a raid.




NLR exists and please use your best judgment to determine whether or not it is okay to return to a place after death.

Most people don't care if you died to a hit at PD and come back. People will care if you died in a raid and come back.

If you want to play it safe don't return to your place of death until the time is up, no one likes a sore loser.


Time Limits:


Raiding Cooldown: There is no cooldown but you cannot raid the same person again within 20 minutes

Max Kidnapping Time: 5 minutes

Max Raid Time: 10 minutes

Cooldown for raiding the PD: 15 minutes




If you're heckin dumb enough to get warned, you're gonna get the slap down.


15 warns: 1-week ban

25 warns: 2-week ban

35 warns: 1-month ban

50 warns: Permanent ban




RDM: Random Death Match

RDA: Random Arrest

NITRP: No Intention to RP

LTAP: Leave to avoid punishment

FDA: Fading door abuse

NLA/SGA: Non-lethal Abuse / Stun-gun Abuse

A (RDM/RDA): Attempted (RDM/RDA)

R (RDM/RDA): Revenge (RDM/RDA)

Propblock: Blocking all areas without a way to get in using a lock-pick/keypad-cracker

Propclimb: Using props to get on places you cannot normally get to

KOS = Kill On Sight

AOS = Arrest On Sight




RDM: John kills Billy because why not (this does not include death matches that involve job rules ex: Pissed Baby killing Pedophiles)

RDA: John arrests Billy because why not (this doesn't include 'random arrests' that deal with RP)

NITRP: John freezes Billy in a prop he made and calls him derogatory terms while doing it. This shows John has no intent on playing on the server.

LTAP: John kills Billy for no reason before he hops off for the night. Once he kills him, he leaves immediately.

FDA: John is getting raided by Billy and instead of using his keypad to open the door the raider is picking, he uses his key-bind to open it quickly and kill him.

Propblock: John is printing money and blocks off his house and printer with 50 bathtubs to make sure no one can get them

Propclimb: John is raiding Billy's house and sees he has an opening at the top of his structure. He builds a stairway using props to get inside the house

NLA: John sees a hobo begging for money and starts spamming his non lethal pistol at him

KOS: John sees a hobo and kills him on sight for being wanted

AOS: John sees a hobo and arrests him on sight for being wanted



Advert Rules


Adverts that Exist:

  • PD Raid
  • Bank Heist
  • Warn

Basing Rules



  • Fading door limit is 3 doors protecting your items. You may only require raiders go through 3 doors to get to your entities/bank vault.
  • You cannot have a base that requires special tools/prop climb. It must be raidable by a single person using a lock-pick and/or keypad-cracker.
  • You cannot have a crouch base that exploits a head or foot glitch (or any other body part, don't loophole please).
  • Placing a building sign prevents you from being raided, but you may not have any entities or any form of making money.
  • Trespassing makes you KOS. This means if you trespass someone's house while they are "building" you will die. If it is a public place base, you must be warned to leave first.
  • The owner of the MOST doors in a base is the owner. Not the owner of the front door.
  • You must have your keypads in plain sight and it must be next to the door.
  • Your base must have a clear path through. This means no full blackout/super dark bases, invisible bases, or maze bases where the path is not obvious.
  • Building/loitering signs must be easily visible, and near the main entrance of the base.
  • You may only base in one spot at a time.


Party / Gang Rules


If you're going to kill someone because they attacked your party/gang member, make sure they know you're together (local chat or voice (not OOC/Advert)).

Not doing so will cause confusion and most likely result in a sit which no one wants. (This applies to raiding as well)


Examples of a BAD party/gang member


  • Sniping a player from across the map because his party member got mugged
  • Attacking a player because someone just killed their party/gang member when you were nowhere nearby/not visible
  • Calling staff when their party/gang just raided them
  • Calling staff when their party/gang just kicked them because he paid 500k to be in there

Examples of a GOOD party/gang member


  • Running up to the player who killed their party/gang member and telling them they are about to die for killing their member
  • Killing a cop for cuffing your party/gang member you are role-playing with (fishing, mugging, kidnapping players together, etc)
  • Leaving the party/gang
  • Never join another party/gang with those people and spread the word

General Job Rules


  • Click Details on any job in F4 menu for all job-specific rules.
  • Bank manager CANNOT work alongside Bank Heisters.
  • Chucky and Jigsaw are at constant war, they are KOS to each other all the time.
  • Medics can assist in raids.
  • The king may only create a mega-base inside the kingdom and not on the regular map.
  • Pedophiles are default AOS (Arrest on sight)
  • Pissed Babies can kill Pedophiles on sight.
  • The preacher can sky-base.
  • Do not use your disguise swep to avoid RP/arrest.
  • Kidnapping/Attempt Kidnapping people makes you KOS as you're a threat to everyone around you.

Cop Rules


Basic Description: You protect and serve the people of the town


  • You cannot assist criminals or commit crimes.
  • Becoming a cop so that your friend else can raid the PD is FailRP/job abuse.

Mayor Rules:


  • You cannot assist criminals or commit crimes.
  • Don’t make rules that allow players/CP to kill each other.
  • Your laws must follow some sort of RP guidelines. Making them stupid will result in you being demoted and or kicked. No one likes a dumb mayor.
  • Laws can not target an individual group, class, job, or person. Make your laws general, and make them affect the entire town. You can restrict areas of the map, but not force people to be there.

Misc Rules


  • Rules that generally don't have to be said but are here for the people who need to see them
  • Do not force other players to get stuck, if they can't move it's not RP.
  • Killing people at NPCs has no purpose, you don't gain anything and therefore is RDM.
  • Fading door abuse is when you explicitly use bound key to toggle the door during any rp situation like kidnapping, being raided, being arrested, etc.
  • If you're heisting the bank, you cannot go back. You must call heist again at some other time.
  • Being revived by a necromancer does not mean you can continue a heist/raid. You lost, no second chances.
  • Intentionally lowering people's framerates with a ton of moving materials/flashing materials will have you warned and then punished
  • Misleading adverts are not allowed, making 3 lines of random trading advert then adding a subtle (PD raid) at the end is stupid. If a staff ask you to remove it then please do so.
  • You may request a staff member as a middleman for large (1m+) transactions. This service is dependent on staff availability.
  • During the Kill the VIP, Defend the Vault, and Golden Printer Events, there is no NLR if you are trying to attack/defend the Event (NLR applies to all other situations during these events).
  • You can micspam as any job but be respectful if someone asks you to stop. If they warn you to stop and you don't comply or move away within a reasonable amount of time, they can kill you.
  • Killing someone to save them from being fined/arrested is FailRP.
  • Destroying your entities during a raid on your base to avoid them being stolen is FailRP.
  • Macros/external programs/scripts are not allowed.
  • If a player has been gone for 30 consecutive days from the server without prior notification, you can revoke their custom class permanent slot without being subject to the scamming rule. It is highly recommended that you record their gametracker (Recommended method is via screenshot) at the time of revocation to prevent future issues.
  • Being scammed 1 Mil or more DakrRP cash or any amount of IRL money or Suga Dollars is subject to review and punishment.

Important Links (Intended to help you out in-game!)


https://titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=8639 - Sit Guidelines (Gives players and staff a run-down of how to act in sits and other things)

https://titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=2055 - Proper Punishment Guidelines (Our punishment guide list)

https://titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=1682 - "New staff" Guidelines (Goes over "How to staff"; please read if you intend to apply for staff!)

https://titsrp.com/announcements.php?aid=12 - Moderator Guidelines (Guidelines our staff members must follow to maintain their staffing rank; please read if you want to be staff!)


NOT OFFICIAL, just testing formatting

It might still seem like a lot but I got it down from 19 pages to 7 pages in google docs.

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Can there be something in here about people basing? When I was a staff I got questions and complaints and sits all the time about cops not being allowed to base or hitman not being allowed to base and so on.

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The goal is to make the MOTD as short and easy to read as possible. this means staff have to take a little more time explaining what is right / wrong to new players. In the case of classes basing, there should be information about basin get in that job’s description. If not, we need to put that info there and not in the server rules.

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I think its better to rework it like making key points bold or have a larger font size and have detailed rules be smaller

for example 


Party / Gang Rules

A section dedicated to people who don't know how RP as a party/gang.


 Using parties/gangs to combat other people usually results in confusion. Just because you are in a party/gang with somebody doesn't mean you are automatically "involved" with their situations. Here is how to do it correctly.

  • If you're going to kill someone because they attacked your party/gang member, make sure they know you're together (local chat or voice (not OOC/Advert)). Not doing so will cause confusion and most likely result in a sit which no one wants.
  • Being in a party or gang doesn't mean you will not die/be raided/kicked/harassed by your own party and gang. Don't call staff members for internal issues you're dealing with.
  • Deal with situations using role-play. If you aren't role-playing together or they have no reason to suspect that you are connected in any way, it makes no RP sense to randomly pull out a gun and shoot them.

The BAD section is parallel with the GOOD section


Examples of a BAD party/gang member


  • Sniping a player from across the map because his party member got mugged
  • Attacking a player because someone just killed their party/gang member when you were nowhere nearby/not visible
  • Calling staff when their party/gang just raided them
  • Calling staff when their party/gang just kicked them because he paid 500k to be in there

Examples of a GOOD party/gang member

  • Running up to the player who killed their party/gang member and telling them they are about to die for killing their member
  • Killing a cop for cuffing your party/gang member you are role-playing with (fishing, mugging, kidnapping players together, etc)
  • Leaving the party/gang
  • Never join another party/gang with those people and spread the word

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