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Emperor Taint Rat Legend X


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Emperor Taint Rat Legend X

  1. Damn. I looked this up to see if it was already a thing and I felt the thin veil between me and the spirit world part like dry bread. I came face to face with the ghost of my ancestors and they were not pleased. I saw millions of years of evolution, the gift of life bestowed upon us by the millions before, the insurmountable odds that had been conquered just that we may exist and in that moment as I scrolled through the search results, I saw that it was all for nothing. The history, the fight, the onward rolling cycle of birth and death, it all meant nothing because humanity had evolved to be something so monumentally stupid that we may have accomplished more had we remained single-celled amoebas.
  2. If they're not entirely identified with their sexuality and/or fetish and live an upstanding life, I don't see why not. As long as they aren't projecting the expectation that people should care about or pander to their sexual life I don't see an issue.
  3. Imagine if a staff pulled you to a sit and killed you because he wanted your lege and that was allowed I used to do this with picholas too, I know it's sad that it's gone but its definitely for the better. My set up made it impossible for mayor to survive, just place 5 landmines at his spawn point and its literally GG, no counterplay.
  4. Its satire, I just write random shit during my 16 hr shift, next post is fart slave keep your eyes peeled
  5. Though it be a small victory, I want the community to remember this. In our day and age a vast portion of people have begun to slip into a delusional acceptance of sexuality as the forefront of their identity. If your idea of who you are as a person is solely associated to your sexual orientation or fetishes you are one of many severely misguided by internet culture. It is not quirky or unique to get in everyone's face about your sexual exploits, nobody wants to hear or see it and it is rude to assume that they do. Sexual preferences are to be shared with sexual partners, not flaunted as 'personality traits'. If you find yourself being called out by this post I am literally begging you, do more with yourself, be an actual person, make an impact in the world, do something, be someone that isn't completely centered around your sexual desires. I wholeheartedly believe it to be possible for anyone of any background or sexuality to be a successful and upstanding individual given that you do not allow these things to rule you. There is a time and place for everything, virtue is dictated not by what you do but in which moment you choose to do it. And to the people in our community who remain humble, courteous and self respecting, to those among you who lead a life that isn't completely centered in your own selfish needs, thank you. You are the people who in decency, being exactly as you are make this world a more livable place, never allowing primal excuses for human beings to outshine your virtue. Thank you, for the goodness that shows forth in you. - Love Minge Man
  6. Literally caught in 4k. @YeenNico If you're gonna say a child is equivalent to a dog when it comes to an accusation, then your post here and its associated comments by your own logic could be swapped for a child. Do you still want them to be treated equally? Either way you are a revolting person who should not be in this community. If you act, speak or post in a predatory way whether your predation applies to an animal or a child you can expect to be treated as such, not just in our community but in any self respecting community you might find yourself in. If you want to be a low life scum bag and direct your sexual frustration on a helpless non consenting being, imaginary or otherwise then go find your crowd because we don't tolerate that shit here. Literally go get therapy. The internet has poisoned your mind. This is not okay. This is not normal. You are damaged and you need psychological help immediately.
  7. Some people just say shit without having the self awareness to digest the message behind their own words, otherwise I couldn't imagine someone painting themself in such a light even as a joke.
  8. "Why should we all suffer" Do you seriously mean to assert that you and/or others would suffer from not being able to exchange sexual comments arbitrarily across a dangerous age gap? You stand to gain nothing by exchanging these comments and thereby stand to lose nothing if they were disallowed. Pornhub exists. If you feel sexual tension there are outlets other than ooc (where users of an arbitrary age will read your comments.) The mute button doesn't resolve the overarching issue of sexually explicit comments being exchanged without verifiable legal consent. This is not a matter of snowflakeyness. Your entire stance is complete lunacy. If you would not say it to a middleschooler do not say it in ooc.
  9. My birthday was yesterday send me 100 mil
  10. Im sick of seeing sexually charged messages in ooc whatsoever. The only people in ooc talking like that in the first place are literally the children of the community. When you see someone named "cumblast420" you immediately know, that it isn't an adult its a literal child and that makes me incredibly uncomfortable. If we are going to have a mixed community of minors and adults we should not allow sexual expression in any way. There is zero room for saying anything of a sexual nature when you do not know who may be hearing you on the other side of the screen and vice versa.
  11. Lockpicks in game sound reminiscent of a lockpick. C4 in game sounds reminiscent of C4. Keypad crackers however make the most horrific, awful sound known to man. Keypad crackers should have a sound in decibel similar to a lockpick. -They should not go "BEEP-BEEP BEEP-BEEP" -They are louder than C4 and LOUDER THAN A DOOR ALARM (which is supposed to be a defensive measure for defenders) -They announce that you are raiding a base across the entire map, there is absolutely no mistaking that horrible sound, and no matter where you are on the map all you have to do is follow the sound and shoot the brand new player who is probably playing hacker in the back of his head. It's not a bad raiding tool at all. The only thing standing between the keypad cracker being a functional raid tool is the fact that it literally echoes through the entire world like a 160db heart monitor from the ICU
  12. We have all been saying it for so long, hope the community is heard this time. +1
  13. What I would really love to see is the option to open 10/100 at a time (like csgo) Opening 800 crates is super draining but definitely +1 to your ideas aswell, anything helps.
  14. I promise its all very organized. I also have a lot of items from inactive/deceased members of the community that I am simply unwilling to trash.
  15. +1 There are a lot of garbage perks absolutely no one uses, I think the whole system should be overhauled.
  16. Let us buy more inventory slots from the suga shop. I find myself deleting rare sweps and artifacts a lot more than I'd like to.
  17. +1 in regards to bank stuff, make the bank great again. Its just an empty room at this point, the vault stays at $0. I haven't seen the vault above 75k in months. +1 in regards to plant accel, its useless now. -1 in regards to goon eggs and printer upgrades, if it ain't broke don't fix it.
  18. Feel free to post them here as an extension of this thread followed by the entire community calling you a schizo for some reason
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