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Emperor Taint Rat Legend X


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Emperor Taint Rat Legend X

  1. The OP is clearly an intellectual genius, gotta drop by with a fat fucking +1, this guy is so cool amiright?
  2. While I am well aware that Inventory and Bank slots are purchasable in the Suga shop, I would love to see the cap raised because I have purchased 15/15 of both Inventory and Bank slots and it took awhile but I am finding myself again, selling good legendaries and being unable to keep certain items because I simply do not have enough inventory space, it's not like it's filled with clutter either, everything in my inventory either has a purpose or is worth a substantial amount of money. I'm sure other players are running into this issue or will in due time as at the time of posting this I have seldom slots to spare.
  3. Yeah fix the drug shipments thing, the material gun issue is just something thats been going on since last reset but drug shipments haven't been possible for awhile and it takes half an hour to sell drugs when it should take three seconds.
  4. I'm honestly surprised this suggestion hasn't been made yet, atleast not that I can see. I think Bitcoin miner tokens should be implemented into the server in some way. I mean think about it, we have tokens ingame for almost every other money making entity that there is. Bitminer Tokens would spice up the server a bit, also I think the black token would look mighty fine. Bitminers are decent money makers but aren't all that great without a decent bulk, Bitminer Tokens would definitely make them more viable with no major changes required to their ingame mechanics.
  5. I have to say this is incredibly annoying when it happens in RP though, I have SEVERAL TIMES, dozens of times had dupes pasted on me mid-raid and instead of deleting the dupe the player in question will just shoot me while I am completely stuck, this happens MUCH more often than I can express and I have no way to prove these occurances because of my inability to record gameplay. I think this rule is there for a reason. I think the rule should be changed slightly, you should not be able to remove/paste a dupe if all doors aren't closed and locked. This would prevent all of the horseshit that happens from people pasting dupes with their doors and wide open.
  6. +1 Add the commands screen back, was trying to open this yesterday infact, great suggestion.
  7. Oh it would appear you have me either blocked or we don't share a server in common @Rubik
  8. appreciate it greatly rubik, thanks for your time and help.
  9. yes and I have screenshot proof if I can send a jpg on this site
  10. lmao im full fuckin dead so if I can't buy it it just takes my money thats pretty dope
  11. Description: I bought the Hitler model once with almost all of my suga (299) and when nothing happened I decided to buy it again for 6mil darkrp cash, well I still don't own the damn model and I have relogged and updated my cc, when I look I don't have access to the model and it is not in my !ms, attaching ss of chat logs upon buying the model twice. How to reproduce: Buy the Hitler Model from the CC Editor Priority: Medium
  12. Your response time is quite impressive, thanks sugar titties. and I am not sure when I rerolled my talents but I did previously, maybe a week ago.
  13. Bug Description: I have a gang by the name of "Cheese Gang" and we just hit level 40 I don't know how many talent points a level 40 gang is supposed to have but I am almost certain it is not -2. Our gang has two talent points spent and -2 talent points remaining meaning that we have to get 2 talent points to be at a flat zero. NO THIS IS NOT A CLIENT SIDE ISSUE, my friend sees the same thing and YES I HAVE RELOGGED, STOP ASKING. Basically my gang that I spent a heck of a lot of time on is fucked and I have screenshots to prove it. How to reproduce: Literally no fucking clue. Priority: High, if this is happening to other players aswell they are beyond fucked.
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