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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Tuss

  1. Tuss

    Balance changes.

    this needs more attention some of the shit i mentioned seems like an easy fix (im no developer so i’m just assuming) the hk that i mentioned in the post, it’s scope’s crosshair is literally an off centered HUGE RED DOT. correct me if i’m wrong, but i feel like all you have to do to fix this is edit a texture file and possibly realign where the dot is.
  2. Tuss

    pissed pig bug

    easy fix is to just do what they did with the shark model. make the model increase in size but not the actual player hit box. i could see this as being an issue because players can’t hit the pig but no one has complained about shark b4 so idk
  3. i abused the fuck out of it.
  4. Let's face it, probably over half of the guns Tits has aren't being used. Why? Because they're shit. Literal shit. Like the default weapons are 99% ass. Here's a small list of the good ones; AS-Val and AWP. (You can kiss my ass if you think these aren't meta) Tell me the last time an old time player, who knows the meta, has used a Kz.47 (or whatever sniper it is) or an m24. You know why no one uses them unless they're enchanted? Their scopes are shit. Literally ass. ASS. The Remington shotgun (that has a scope on it) and the HKSL8's scopes are just fine, except for their crosshair. ITS LITERALLY A FUCKING GIANT RED DOT MADE IN PAINT THAT'S NOT EVEN CENTERED PROPERLY. THE RED FUCKING DOT COVERS 60% OF THE SHIT YOU'RE AIMING AT. I suggest making all scopes on any scoped weapon be the same as the CS:S AWP/Scout's scope. Maybe you can choose which one you want using !help or something. There are so many more things that need to be changed, I will post them here in this thread when I calm down. I suggest if you have anything weapon related to post it in the comments
  5. i remember when lootcrates first came out me and my friend bought like 100+ each of tier 2s dude that shit was so fun. a newbie would load in and id say come here and lead him to a room full of guns and random junk
  6. damn that fucking sucks. maybe sugar added it so it gives you weapons after he made it. if he did thats a rip. i spent at least 200hrs of my life sitting in spawn afk cuz of a revolt during that time lmfao
  7. dont think it was ever intended to give you guns even if you die in a revolt. i remember when the rdm zone first came out it never gave me guns.
  8. Tuss

    Daily Reward

    ive never gotten more than four and ive been playing since sugar introduced this lmfao
  9. Tuss

    Daily Reward

    also ez jetpack
  10. does this mean rope is gonna get disabled too? i want to still be able to use my dupe that says 'Tass sucks my PP' and 'XD Nigga' on the back
  11. Tuss

    Playtime bug

    fr wtf no update?
  12. cunt

    1. nanights
    2. Tuss


      y you reply so damn fast get off da forums and go outside

    3. nanights


      Lol i deadasss just got home like 20 minutes ago 

  13. i got saiah put in some shit when he was a tmod or mod about this. i do this shit on the daily, but its still a rule. a retarded rule. def needs to be changed/less strict.
  14. Tuss

    New Perk?

    I have an idea for a new gang talent/player perk thing/talisman. Since the medic can no longer buy blood and pricking someone is a death sentence, why not have a perk that makes it so it goes straight to your inventory? If that seems too OP you could make it so they have a slightly longer pricking cooldown?
  15. I know a Dragon Egg can spawn there, so that's a reason. When the new map just came out I asked Sugar and he told me it was on purpose. Never got a reason though.
  16. buddy system has been broken for ages waterfall entrance is supposed to be like that
  17. Tuss


    +1 This is what the community wanted, but it's not what we like. Just like the prop limit situation awhile ago
  18. Seriously. I think they should only give Respected to SMOD+ who retired.
  19. I like the freedom the King has. I personally think that restricting his laws would be a bad idea. I agree with the no building part around the teleporter. When I was basing there, before the advert thing even existed, I would have a giant box around the teleporter and my laws would be like: Law 1: The King is allowed to KOS anyone of his choice. Law 2: Skybasing is allowed Law 3: I do not need guards, all of you will be fired. I would then set up one ways, and boom I win.
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