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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by Glaze

  1. I mean, having Evilmelon again would be awesome, but last time we changed maps, the playerbase died.


    A downtown map with a bigger PD and a sewer system wouldn't kill it. The trick is to add more, not change any existing parts (except the god awful PD)

  2. When the map changed this happened.





    Every Night: All Slots Occupied for a good few hours




    At the most, 12 players on at a time, about 50% being mods.

  3. I'd personnaly love to see the Pee swep added for all classes, just something stupid and fun to piss people and CPD off..




    This should be added to the hobo jobs, that'd be cool.



    Also the crysis bow is definitely fun in my opinion. It's something that kills but its not the most conventional of weapons.



    This could be added onto the assassin, because the crossbow is useless on people with >100 health

  4. Well the thing is this is one of the last fun sweps, so does anyone wanna swep hunt with me?


    we must add in the vaper class




    This will take like 2 minutes to add, it's like 1 SWEP and a default playermodel

  5. The part that gets me is that there is a format to follow. Plus when I find something worthy of a report I want it taken seriously. There's numerous threads where if they would of just followed the format they would potentially get the result that they wanted.


    People don't follow the format because they're ignorant




    There's really no point to it, and it's annoying when instead of being cuffed and having a chance to escape, some cunt comes and baton rushes you.


    Think about it, cops in real life don't hit you with a magic stick and you magically end up in jail.

  7. i think we should have a purge ability for the mayor, It would last 5-10 minutes and all crimes would be allowed. But only weapons in class 1-5 can be used. 

    (Class 1: Knifes and other melee weapons 

    Class 2: Sport rifles, pump shotguns and other sport weapons 

    Class 3: Autopistol, autobolter, bolter, needler or SMG. 

    Class 4: Assault rifle or autoshotgun. 

    Class 5: Flame gun, grenade rifle and mini-missile launcher )


    Also we should have a addon that appears in the top right or it can just be a command, that would show the top five richest people on the server. it would give people a goal to strive toward and also a key on who to raid. it would give the wealthier people a reason to keep farming and raiding and such to get on top 


    This would be a shitstorm imo, we can't really go ahead and turn TitsRP into a purge server on a whim.

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