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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by Glaze

  1. This is too detailed of a post, so I made my own thread.



    On this server I sometimes play on, there is a mining system, I made a video of me making some grenades (with timelapses, it took around 22 mins to completely make).













    There are 4 kinds of rocks:







    These are where you get your raw materials from, titanium takes a little bit longer to mine than the rest as it is more valuble.

    You just go over to these, hit them with the pickaxe, wait for the bar to fill up and bingo! You have your raw material!




    This is how you turn the raw materials into refined metals which you use to craft. The recipes for the processor are:


    5x Iron Ingot:

    10x Iron Ore


    5x Steel Ingot:

    5x Iron Ingot

    10x Coal


    5x Titanium Ingot:

    10x Titanium Ore


    20x Sulfur Powder:

    10x Sulfur Ore


    20x Gunpowder:

    10x Sulfur Powder

    10x Coal




    This is where you craft your refined materials into deadly weapons. An example of a recipe is in the video.


    You can make certain items VIP only, these are marked in yellow boxes. This server made Nerve Gas and Sticky Grenades VIP-Only, along with other things.





    This is a custom addon for the server, but something similar would be cool!

  2. If you ever wanted to play something like what I was trying to achieve, go buy / download Arma 3 and play on a life server on Lakeside or something. Good times.

    I can't afford Arma 3 rip

  3. How about you add the black currency coins back in and use them to open Rare cases?


    Like 5 coins = Money Case (10k-500k idk)


    10 coins could be a rare item case (Raven Stone, Tesla Rifle, Molotov Cocktails etc.)


    20 could be a High Money Case (1m-5m)



    and any others you might wanna add in


    The way black currency worked was by giving you a chance to earn one when you received XP. Since it would be really unoptimized to make a timer that runs every x minutes / hours that has a chance to give a user a coin, it's better to just call a random chance when an user does something if you understand what I am saying. 


    There is no action that I can really do that doesn't exploit the system in some way shape or form. I can make it so you can redeem your DarkRP cash for them but that defeats the purpose of randomly getting them. Making it so you have a chance to get one with killing someone queues up the people at 3 AM killing their friends over and over. Making it so you have a chance to get one by farming a money printer queues up 5 friends spawning them in and letting one friend collect all of the money to get the coins to then do x y z with them. 


    Plus, I made it integrated to the Leveling System so I would have to extract that and just make a single database table that stores one value..which I guess doesn't matter too much but it's kinda silly to just do that.


    Even if you couldn't make the Black Currency coins work with that, could you still make the cases purchasable with money? I think they should require their own key as well.

  4. I will probably just revamp the corrupt's rules. People abuse it to the point where its more of a shitshow than it usually is. The point is to make "corrupt" laws that allow cops to do more actions. Such as "random warrants and searches are legal", "J walking is prohibited", "All guns out are AoS". It was supposed to make it so people form an uprising and what not but to my knowledge people just let it happen and then complain saying "I think this is stupid, you should stop this!".


    These laws aren't corrupt they are mainly just super silly.


    Law 4 is silly, you're asking for too much from people. Just make it no J-Walking or something

    Law 5 is fine. It's AoS past the first door but KoS as the corrupt is fine

    Law 6 is silly, again, you're asking too much from people

    Law 7 is mainly fine

    Law 8 is silly, you're just asking for everyone to be arrested and then to make our admins and mods life a living heck with admin calls

    Law 9 is silly, you're making it so non PD jobs can uphold the law which causes life more of a living heck for moderators

    Law 10 is just silly, I don't have to explain that one


    I made Ida change the law that let other people enforce the law, so that one was fine in the end.

  5. How about you add the black currency coins back in and use them to open Rare cases?


    Like 5 coins = Money Case (10k-500k idk)


    10 coins could be a rare item case (Raven Stone, Tesla Rifle, Molotov Cocktails etc.)


    20 could be a High Money Case (1m-5m)



    and any others you might wanna add in

  6. At least open the dev server to staff ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


    That will never happen. He does not want kiddies to mess with the Dev server.



    and also i have a decent knowledge of coding (python, not lua) so yeah

    Wait, Dragon Egg?

  7. this isnt a question more of a suggestion. add some more perks maybe like damage modifiers. fall damg modifiers, something that makes you get more ammo from ammo boxes// maybe a chance percentage that your enemy will drop the weapon theyre holding when you kill them or money etc


    I always wanted to enable weapon dropping but due to custom classes I can't. It would be abused too hard.


    You could make it so that custom classes don't drop their weapons for example how some players can't get the weapons, idk if that's possible but blacklisting weapons that are drop able could be false. Not sure if you can go in depth that much with that feature.


    It's definitely possible. It's just that custom classes shouldn't have the perk to have a 0% chance to drop their weapons when shot but if you allow them to drop it from being shot or dying, queue up the people sitting in the corner of the map shooting their friends. Except when this update finally comes out a lot of the little kids will leave after the first week and I seriously think the community will mature a bit.


    Well, we could enable that for custom classes as well, as they are very hard to kill with normal means. We should tighten the punishment on exploiting in this manner (a week ban and inventory cleared would be what I'd say) and not give up a feature for everyone else because of a couple of immature 9-year-olds.

  8. Going back to questions on drugs. I have seen a unique drug system on this particular map that works great it involves growing weed in pots, Cocaine in pots, meth on stove, and Shrooms in the gound. My question is, is their a possibilty of this featuring in the update


    I think that there's going to be a specific zone where you can grow drugs, at least that's what Sugar's been saying.

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