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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by Glaze

  1. Bug



    Description: Using the undercover SWEP will not change the color of the name above your head, or the color on the leaderboards (note, your color in the chat WILL change)


    How to reproduce: Use the Undercover SWEP to disguise.


    Priority: Medium

  2. Add in more ways to gamble your money away.


    For example, people could buy Roulette Rooms and host Roulette games in their room. This could be done with either money or items. Jackpots could be added, with money or items. Coin Flips could be added, allowing people to open a room or request a duel with someone else.




    tl;dr: add in every cs:go gambling game because skin insanity

    And if you claim to not own a room and promote it, people can flood your PMs with SCAMMER written in massive ASCII art.

  3. The reason the playerbase took a hit in the first place was because the IP changed. Not everyone who plays regularly checks up on the forums everyday. People assumed that the server had died and maybe went to look for another.


    I expect that the playerbase will recover, just give it a bit of time.

  4. Radio Host VIP job. A radio would need to be added in that people can spawn in, while the Radio Host spawns in a Control Panel that has multiple channels that a radio can be tuned in on. If a radio is tuned to the Control Panel's channel, either the music playing on the panel will be heard or the Host can set it to project his voice over the radio.


    It would have to be VIP since new players and Mic Spammers would go on and mic spam Sanic or cringe music and annoy everyone.


    Think about it, this job would add in more RP and fun. Plus, Gangs could get their own Host and play their propaganda on the radio.


    I want to make a taliban radio




  5. Catagory... Pets and Animals? 


    Sick 3 Subs


    ScorpS is Autistic and Nathan needs to be put in a straight jacket.


    Middile finger emoji


    "Middile finger emoji" "Middile" I swear go back to second grade


    It was a typo fuk off.


    "It was a typo fuk off." "fuk" I swear go back to second grade

  6. Bug 



    i went amp cook and started to cook and right off the bat i realized it wouldnt let me put my phosporus into the cooking pot

    How to reproduce:try to cook amphetamines


    Priority: (High, Medium, Low)medium


    You need to make the pot the correct temperature to put in the phosphorus

  7. Well, I have a few ideas.



    1) Make it so that you don't have to be a criminal to make a decent paycheck


    Add in something like a business NPC or stock market. It shouldn't make nearly as much cash, but make it so that there's actually some variety.


    2) Make Bank Heists more complicated


    If I remember correctly, we used to have a bank heist system that wasn't run into the bank, take money, run out again. It was a lot more like GTA V or Payday 2


    You'd need to


    a) Get a team together

    b) Complete 3 objectives (these could range from obtaining an item from a building to assassinating a designated player)

    c) Break open the vault door

    d) Rob the Bank


    You'd also need to do this all without dying, or you'd be out of the operation.


    3) Make capture points operate like King of the Hill


    This would make it so for every capture point you had, you'd get x amount of gang exp every y minutes.


    They should also have different exp yield, depending on the type of gang you were in.


    For a Criminal Gang:


    Point Omega - The easiest one to capture and defend, low exp yield.


    Point Alpha - Easy to capture, harder to defend, as it's in an open space. Average exp yield.


    Point Charlie - Hard to capture, even harder to defend, large exp yield.


    For a Police Gang:


    Point Omega - The hardest one to defend and capture, depending on if the base its inside is owned, large exp yield.


    Point Alpha - Easy to capture and defend, as its close to the PD, low/average exp yield.


    Point Charle - Probably the easiest point to defend and capture for the police, minimal/no exp yield.



    4) Add in gang missions


    This would give gangs a bigger purpose. Up to 4 people should be able to be on a single mission.


    Missions could range from:


    - Assassinating a Target

    - Raiding a random base

    - Killing a high value target (such as the Mayor or SWAT chief)

    - Picking up an item of interest


    Taking any of these missions should have a chance to alert the cops about the type of mission and where the objective is. This chance could be decreased via a gang upgrade.



    That's all I have for now, feedback would be appreciated.

  8. For custom classes, it would be that users can only purchase pistols / small tools on their class along with playermodels and custom weapons. This would benefit the server a lot and keep the majority of the server happy. No user can just buy 10 AK's on their class and no one would scream saying it's just completely unfair because they would have a pistol or possible some kind of custom weapon at most.


    It wouldn't change anyone's class but prevent you from adding say another AK or Shotgun to your class or something along those lines. I wouldn't touch any classes that have AK's / Machine guns / ect. That's for you to keep. You guys complain there is no RP but lets be real, this game is 50% raiding, 20% cops vs raiders and 20% messing around by either building or being a hobo or something else that isn't related to raiding. Just take a second and think on any other server you have played on. Did you REALLY rp, did you REALLY not raid people, did you REALLY have something interesting to bring to the server?


    so for the custom class our barrets, pdws and other guns would be removed? if so thats stupid cause i paid for those guns, not for pistols.




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