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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by Glaze

  1. Make guns legal again. Im tired of police harrasing me for pulling out a gun.


    Tell me something, is is legal in real life to just pull out a gun in the middle of the streets?




    No you can't...there's this little law called disturbing the peace...


    Thirty-one states allow the open carrying of a handgun without any license or permit, although in some cases the gun must be unloaded. Fifteen states require some form of license or permit in order to openly carry a handgun.

  2. Extend moderator ban time. Before you go "Nice joke m8 XD" just hear me out.




    Imagine this scenario:


    Billy Bob kills 3 people with his tractor in a fit of rage. - 1 week ban


    Then Ricky123 comes on when there are no mods on and RDMs for an hour straight until a mod gets on. - 1 week ban



    See what I mean? It'd make things a lot easier if you extended the maximum ban time to something like 2 weeks or a month.

  3. I am waiting for the day that some player comes on with a script, gets banned by the anti-cheat and then makes an appeal saying "it never said I couldn't hack in the rules, I would like 1 unban pls"


    Scripts are absolute shite lmao

  4. So I came on and I can't change my name to Frisk (it's stuck at my steam name) and ALL of my money has been reset. All 6 mil of it.



    A lua error that came up when the game started:


    [ERROR] A runtime error has occurred in "gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sh_entityvars.lua" on line 105.

    The best help I can give you is this:


    Attempt to call Name/Nick/GetName on a non-existing player!



    - No hints, sorry.


    The responsibility for this error lies with (the authors of) one (or more) of these files:

    1. gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sh_entityvars.lua on line 105

    2. addons/hlogs/lua/hlogs/server/logger/connections.lua on line 3

    ------- End of Simplerr error -------

  5. Exploit



    Description: If someone is shot with the non-lethal M4, they can still jump away with the lightsaber


    How to reproduce: Use a lightsaber's force leap ability after being shot with the Non-Lethal M4


    Priority: High

  6. Bug



    Description: Whenever you try to look at a bounty list (info button) on someone with a name more than 10 characters (I think) you get a lua error


    How to reproduce: Give someone who has a name longer than 10 characters a bounty and look at that bounty from the list


    Priority: Medium


    The error:


    [ERROR] addons/sugarpolice/lua/police/client/cl_police.lua:536: bad argument #1 to 'ipairs' (table expected, got nil)

      1. ipairs - [C]:-1


       2. DoClick - addons/sugarpolice/lua/police/client/cl_police.lua:536

        3. unknown - lua/vgui/dlabel.lua:218

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