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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by Glaze

  1. It's actually REALLY hard to get admin. Getting Mod is a piece of cake, but getting admin requires more than just being active, trust me, I've been trying for 11 months with no success. If anyone, Kaboing was the closest to becoming admin until he fucked it up and ran off with Bzerk Keller.

  2. "1. you can rp as the pill you become. So Combine would play as a cop for that life, zombies go around killing people, and ect."


    Practically allowing Mass RDM. People could just keep spawning a zombie pill and get away with Mass RDM.

    "2. You cant Raid, mug, or kidnap as a pill."

    Well yeah there's no way you can anyway.

    "3. Pills would be EXPENSIVE since you CAN rp as them. This way people with money finally have something to do when they are bored. So for a zombie pill as an example, you would pay like 50k to be kos able and be allowed to go and kill people. For a Poison zombie? maybe like 100k. So nobody will want to spam this either. (peaceful pills like the pidgeon should stay relatively cheap since u only fly around)"

    What if people who have just started want to become a zombie?

    "4. And Even if this turns into cancer and/or gets abused, IT CAN ALWAYS BE REMOVED/CHANGED IF SOMEONE COMPLAINS"

    This logic is flawed, it's like saying:

    We should legalize murder! If enough people complain, we can just change it back!

    "5. So after my shit job of trying to get this added why not give it a try?"


    Please, work on your logic before you post here.







    Jokes aside, I agree with you, it's really annoying to be teleported away IN THE MIDDLE OF AN ADMIN SIT.

  4. For the Massive Boss Battle Event idea, How about the whole server Has to Fight it and it costs 5mil to start. It would bring everyone to admin zone and everyone gets 1 life. And if the people beat the boss, everyone who participated (whether u survived till the end or not) gets 1mil, and the person who started the event gets 10mil (since they risked losing their money). But the Event Should be REALLY Hard to win. After The boss is defeated once, it levels up and becomes even harder to beat the next time. This would be cool because it would be the 1st co-op event and everyone benefits if they win.


    Tone down the rewards (because of inflation) and that would be a pretty cool idea!

  5. The DarkRP laws system is kinda outdated. Make it so that laws write to a list that can be viewed with a command, which will allow for more laws and more detailed laws. Also, make laws 1,2 and 3 changeable.


    Laws 1-3 are default laws to keep the server sane. They should not be touched.


    What if you're the corrupt?

  6. I meant add consumables

    Yeah, they're already a thing.

    They're a really great way to make money however the process is simple



    That's the point.

     as it stands you can get vip in about 4 hours of farming all  60 spots


    Not anymore.

    restrict the purchase to that job


    Completely stupid, people will just leave. The whole idea of a money printer is to make money at your base quickly and easily.

    make it so having too many printers  nearby eachother breaks them


    Raiding would be pointless then...

    such as  making the meth cooking process more rewarding and less grueling,


    This is a pretty advanced meth system. We could add the one that is just combine a few ingredients, wait 2 minutes, take the product out, mix it in a special pot, wait 5 minutes and get your 60k.

    • Like 1
  7. >Make it so you can buy milk and other items for carryable food

    It's called Resturaunt Owner.

    >LIMITED Use of rope / axis tool when VIP


    It's called Precision Tool

    >Make it so you need 5m and a week of playtime for VIP


    No, that's just dumb, the VIP jobs are just extensions of other jobs, with one or two exceptions.

    > Make it so the drug npcs can be "called" on a phone and will arive in certain areas that way its not the same place each time and people wont just KO you for your box because they know people farm certain spots


    Good idea, but not neccessary. It's called watching your back.

    >Add the ability to no colide props with the world that way you can place large items within smaller areas easier, (CADING INSIDE A BASE)


    I can already tell people will use that to exploit into the admin area and skybox.

  8. -snip-





    Under these peak conditions, it would take 2 days and 7/10ths of a day to make 1m


    You're missing out drugs. If you own a gang drug lot, that means you can grow 25 seeds at once. These take roughly 5-10 minutes to grow (we'll say 5 until we get the proper facts). Say you planted 25 of the best selling drug of the day. That's about 120lbs of a drug that will sell $586 (Today's opium price/lb). So say you farmed drugs for 24 hours straight. That's 288 harvests. Each time getting $70320 if you got 120lbs each time. If you farmed for 24 hours:


    You would get $20,252,160


    Add in 6.6 million, you can get up to $26,856,160/day per person just using a small amount of money.


    That's only using two methods of making money. Say you had someone mass producing buffed weapons to sell, the figures are massive. Sugar, if you could please supply the percentages so I can calculate it.


    So yeah, we don't really need any new ways of making money.

  9. The economy would always stay red since people make way more money than what is bought from npcs etc... Any money put in would get instantly drained by printers and other sources


    That's kind of the point, it puts a cap on the economy so you don't see people walking around with 3.4 billion dollars earned every second. And if the economy does go into the red, prices of items skyrocket, so if people bought something, it would massively help the economy.

  10. Bug Exploit / Quality of Life


    Description: If you are cuffed with a buffed weapon on you, you lose the buffs.


    How to reproduce: Take out a buffed weapon and get handcuffed


    Priority: (High, Medium, Low)

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