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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by Glaze

  1. Because Harley is a retarded cuck, let me clear up some definitions.


    Both bugs and exploits are unintentional side effects due to errors in the game's code. There is a difference, however.


    A bug either doesn't effect or is detrimental to the player, while an exploit can be used for unintentional (and sometimes ridiculous) gain. There are times where these can cross though.


    Some examples:


    Your inventory disappearing completely when you log on - A Bug


    Finding a way to duplicate money (and getting banned afterwards, *ahem* Epsilon *ahem*) - An exploit


    Logging on one day to find your entire inventory replaced with c4s - A Bug, as it was unintentional. This could also be a side effect of Sugar binge drinking one night.


    Using accidental holes in the map's invisible barriers to intentionally get into someone's base - An Exploit, as it is intentionally using a bug to give you an advantage.



    TL;DR: A bug is usually bad and an exploit is used for an unfair gain.

  2. Exploit



    Description: If you have a class-default throwable weapon, e.g the butterfly knife with the supplier, it is possible to inventory these.


    How to reproduce: Become a job with a throwable weapon by default (King, The Teddy, Necromancer, The Supplier), throw the weapon on the ground, change jobs, pick it back up and inventory it.



    Priority: Medium/High

    Glaze this has been around for a long time XD my friend did it on my cc he kept throwing the golden knife at the floor then inv it


    And you let this happen?

  3. Exploit



    Description: If you have a class-default throwable weapon, e.g the butterfly knife with the supplier, it is possible to inventory these.


    How to reproduce: Become a job with a throwable weapon by default (King, The Teddy, Necromancer, The Supplier), throw the weapon on the ground, change jobs, pick it back up and inventory it.



    Priority: Medium/High

  4. We've known about that bug for ages, I think it's the way melee weapons work.


    Basically, when you're in range for an attack with a melee weapon, it shoots a bullet. Thing is, fences have a kind of semi-transparent physics, so you can shoot through those. If you're close enough to it to attack, the bullet sent will go through, so you can shoot with melee weapons.


    Unfortunately, to my knowledge, this can't be patched, due to the Source Engine's physics.

  5. This is why we will never change to gm_fork:




    learn how to fucking spoiler - ghostly


    That net graph was with only 6 bots on, map was running meh before that. It also has a shit ton of optimizations and server crash exploits. As cool as this map might be, it will never happen. (Yes, it was running at 2fps, that's why I couldn't finish the net graph)


    Yeah, I'm not running a potato either. I have a GTX 960, 8GB of VRam, 16GB of RAM and an Intel -i5-4460 Quad Core at 3.2GHz

  6. Different bitcoin miner addon.


    Current bitcoin miners are useless. Cost more than printers and produce less money in more time than printers. Who would want one besides if you went afk for 8 hours while nobody was on?



    It is like an advanced printer of sorts. Costs more to set up, but would produce more money in roughly the same amount of time.



    Only $3

    Would make bitmining useful

    Would make bitmining fun and interactive



    May cause more server lag than current bitcoin miner (I have no idea, just a possibility)


    Please stop suggesting scriptfodder addons.

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