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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by Glaze

  1. Only HA+ can set ranks, go PM Sugar or something, Mods/Admins can't do anything.


    How do I do that? I can't pm him on steam


    On the forums, click on the little arrow next to your username and press User Panel, it should be somewhere there.

  2. That's the point, cops wouldn't just go charging into machine gun fire, they'd have to use lethal force.


    But it would require a change in the rules because I've always been told to attempt to arrest the use lethal force if it was the other way around I feel like most new players would see it as rdm and have useless and extra sits happen the whole point of the arrest first and shoot after is to attempt to lower sits from what I know


    No, it would not. Just code the damn thing in and there's no rules needed. And hey, if you shoot at a cop, they're obviously gonna shoot back. This won't stop cops making arrests completely, it will stop cops rushing players using lethal force.

  3. Alright, people have been complaining about cop rushing, so I propose a solution:



    If a cop is shot, they cannot use their cuffs for 2 seconds, but the effect stacks up to 20. To balance this out, make it so that the first few shots do nothing.


    A few examples:


    The Coon is close to Billy Bob and he kills steveg12, The Coon runs to cuff Billy Bob but gets shot twice, The Coon can still arrest Billy Bob.


    The Coon is far away from Billy Bob and Billy Bob kills steveg12, The Coon rushes towards him and Billy Bob manages to hit The Coon 10 times. The Coon is forced to retreat, as he cannot use his cuffs and calls for reinforcements. Billy Bob manages to escape, but is then raped by an admin for driving his big green tractor.


    I think this would make the cops way less annoying, and make it more of a challenge to be a cop. I mean, we already revamped the raiding rules, I think it's time for a change for the cops so it isn't just RUN AT THE CRIMINAL LIKE AN ISIS SUICIDE BOMBER AND ARREST THEM. Also, you would need to remove the arrest baton from the cops for this to work, otherwise it would be an easy bypass.

  4. I think FA:S 2 would be a great alternative. It has the pack-like feature of m9k, allowing you to pick and choose what you put on the server and limit MB (the base is only 61MB), and has the attachments and the sleek weapon models and animations of CW. It also has weapon proficiency, if you use the same weapon for a while, it will upgrade some stats, such as reload speed and recoil. It also has a pretty cool feature that lets you peek away from scopes.

  5. If M9k isn't an option, FA:S sounds amazing, considering that CW 2.0 got removed from the server.


    I still also stand on the handcuff rushing rule. It's abused way too much and needs to be fixed.




    PLEASE add m9k


    Let me reiterate:




    you are now in the minority


    Doesn't take away from the fact that M9K is still shit.

  6. This is a little out of left field, but I think a new "Staff On Duty" playermodel would be nice.



    Please don't......


    I don't want to see sugar change that player model to a black teletubbie with a dick on his face. 


    Yes this happened in the past.


    I want this to happen again ^

  7. Bug



    Description: People are randomly being detected as kidnapped, thus being unable to kill themselves if stuck.


    How to reproduce: Now, this is a hard one to reproduce, but I think I've found a cause. You were probably very iffy with the way that you made people not kidnapped whe they died, because a) The bug starts appearing once someone has died or killed themselves (not entirely sure which) and b) The bug started from the most recent update, which included fixes to the kidnap script.


    Priority: High, Possibly Gamebreaking



    You have no idea how many sits we're getting as a result of this, lol.

  8. Glaze it's not a source exploit lol it's just badly coded weapon traces. It can easily be fixed


    :reckF: :reckGL:



    Why didn't I think of that


    I will probably have a go at fixing a weapon or two, I haven't done GLua in a while.

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