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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by Glaze

  1. I'm gonna tell you a story about something that happened just now.



    So it starts with this guy called hacker_control, he makes a base, becomes Gun Dealer and starts self-supplying. He then puts a sign outside of his base that says "200% unraidable". Many people tried (and failed) to raid this guy's base, he starts getting cocky. This kid starts saying shit like "Come raid me ;)" and "Statistics say that my base is 200% unraidable" and "Prove that you can raid me ;)". So I try and fail. Plank tries and gets countered. So we come up with a plan, we tell everyone not to counter us (but some people do *cough*BOSCO*cough*) and we wait our cooldown. In the end, Me, Plank, Neko, Turtle and a shit ton of other people raid him into oblivion. We c4 his base like crazy! It took a while, but in the end, Neko kills the guy and he says "Nice hacks" and ragequits XD. I banned the guy for 3 days for leaving to avoid raid XD.




    TL;DR: Some cocky guy gets owned, ragequits and is shown the banhammer.

  2. man the more i explore the evocity map for myself the more excited i am for the update :)  also i was wondering where i could get the textures i'm missing, also i don't know if this is apart of the textures but i seem to be missing all the water on the map, also i wanted to know if there was an admin area or a sky box or something like that :)


    You need CS:S, HL2:E1 and HL2:E2

  3. I mean, I think evocity v33x would be really good, I was against it, but now it seems to be a good idea.


    I think we have enough regulars to be able to change maps and survive.


    Personally, I join servers with v33x more often as I really like the map. I think it might even attract new players.


    v33x is a really good map, and the PD is way harder to raid, as you have to take an elevator to get there. It's also harder to jailbreak, as the jail is on a different floor.



    So, I'm voting for v33x for now. I might take a look and make a comparison thread later.

  4. Could we add in CS:GO knives and a Knife Dealer job? I saw this on another server and it was awesome! I think everyone would like something different from the usual BMD and Gun Dealer.



    And can you please change the Staff on Duty playermodel to Sans. If you don't, you're gonna have a bad time :3

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