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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Cicada

  1. Cicada


    HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY :D. You seem like a relaxed and laid back person. I like that, good luck with work though :D.
  2. I crashed two times now, once while I was typing in chat, now once I shot one guy, I crashed aswell, I had the Rifle that Pippy owns (Was it called Starwars one?..Forgot) Sugar, I'll send you the last two crash dumps, on Discord.
  3. I had thirdperson on, then I was typing in OOC, It lagged, then I crashed. I was in thirdperson near the park that has the Woods/Metal.
  4. Ingame name: Cicada Steam profile: steamcommunity.com/id/cicadanot3301/ Previous gangs: Tunnel Snake Hours played: 1846 Hours played past week: 74 Hours. Gametracker score: I'm bad. Like 220..Idk..I have 40 kills :c Age: 14 What can you provide regarding raids: To be honest, I just spray and pray during raids (If I'm with someone). Other than that, I sell my C4..so uh..I spray and pray. What can you provide regarding basing: I can stay up 24 Hours cause I have no school, I can base alot, gaurd alot, have nothing to do, so I protect the bases, offer protection. Etc, all that good shit Do you use a mic: What is your favorite food: Shawarma (ISIS Food..Oops, I mean Syrian) , Pizza, Molukhiya (Arabian Food), Burgers, Fried Chicken, French Fries, ...and every food in the world :c I'm hungry okay?...I love food :c it's magical.
  5. It happened to me too today, I had to get force respawned by Harley. Speaking of bugs, when you type /give it does the message in Gang Chat, so it shows up like "[Gang] Cicada:ive"
  6. I still am in Tunnel, right?..
  7. Man, sorry to hear. Not sure what's wrong with me too. I don't know, I just feel something bad is about to happen, stressed, too lazy to do anything effectively. I get depressed fast, sad fast, stressed and angry fast. I'm also experiencing the bad feeling from like..the spiritual side/Life overall. I feel you man, I sincerely wish it would all just end and you could just relax..I wish it happens to me too :(.
  8. Uhm..Is that even possible?
  9. Great job Sugar :). To +1 the idea of Race0pone, I think there should be that Class where it can kill anyone in the Underground Tunnels. Not at night, that would cause an RDM fiesta and people would get mad. But in Underground Tunnels..explainable/adds to the mood. Make them like a hobo/guitarist (the Charcoal) skin. If they go outside of the underground tunnels, they burn to death. (Adding to the UV light thing. As if they're zombies) They spawn with a knife/shadow knife, can't use / spawn anything else (They only have Phys gun / keys / Knife / Shadow knife) . They hunt down people who are in the underground tunnel, but they can't go outside (They'll die.) (If you can make their spawn in under ground, that would be good too. Like the Sewers/or let them spawn randomly in the Sewers.) P.S If it's possible, could you make it so they can get a "feel" / "sense" when someone is in the tunnels. (Explanation: If someone enters through the sewers from any entrance, they get like a "Anger" or speed boost (25%/30% Boost). Their health goes up by like 25%. Then the person entering the sewers hears like a song playing (or a Roar sound or whatever. Similar to the Jigsaw when you type !sleep - ) and make it so they get a "track" of where that person is, or the area they were in (Like Warwick in League of Legends.) (That area would be like marked red..something like that) Hope I don't be too annoying with my suggestion. This idea is mainly from Race0pone's post up there (^^^^) but I felt the need to add more boring detail to it. ((EDIT: I KNOW THIS WOULD FIT MORE IN THE SUGGESTIONS. I PUT IT HERE BECAUSE THIS JOB WOULD FIT MORE FOR THE UNDERGROUND SEWERS THAT WILL COME IN THE NEXT MAP UPDATE. THAT'S WHY I PUT IT HERE, BECAUSE THIS..IS MAP CREATING IDEAS (SORRY FOR CAPS BTW. HAVE TO GRAB ATTENTION OF THESE PICKY MODERATOR BASTARDS)
  10. My nibba, I've made 20 Million in less than 5 hours. Stop.
  11. oh pls let me win. pls Cicada Once again bb
  12. Cicada

    a break?

    Thanks for putting me in that list :D. Appreciate it man, hope to see you soon dude. P.S pm me on steam if you find servers we can minge on.. *cough* I wanna let my internal minge that was held inside, out on other servers...heh...hehehe...
  13. :L Can I still go for the 3rd one?..
  14. Watch this post get 100+ pages. Nice
  15. +1 Cicada. I already gave you rep I think. This'll be your apology for humiliating me in CSGO.
  16. It's a bug that happens to me aswell, I guarantee that it happens to everyone.
  17. I want the Sanchez :D. Tunnel Snake Cicada.
  18. Happy birthday Fatmansa. Eh..cool seeing the ol' days :D. I sometimese love to wander around my old facebook posts..jeez I now know why people call me autistic though..
  19. I heard from someone (I think RaceOpone) that Bitminer explosions cause this.
  20. I wonder why :'__________:'
  21. Yes :(. It always happens, its so bad. I just never use my CC for that reason..or because it's a trash CC.. Either way! Its bad!...
  22. Quality of Life Class Color is the Bug I'm talking about. Description: Go in to the CC Editor, change a Class Color. It'll just turn into yellow. OR after Server Reset, all Classes go Yellow (Not in tab. But in chat) EVEN IF YOU CHANGE IT, MINE IS BLUE.>WHY IS IT YELLOW :(. How to reproduce:: Well. Can't really reproduce it. The system does it for you. Priority: (High, Medium, Low) Low : Probably just me.
  23. Cicada

    I Need A Break

    You know man, I really respect your decision and understand it. Regardless of what others think. I can say I'm 75% agreeing with it. Just take this advice man, people rage alot. Don't let them demotivate you for nothing. Take a break whenever, I've taken breaks before. I've resigned before. Other staff have done it a lot. Don't worry man, and whenever yo u need your rank back if you're resigning. You simply ask Sugar/a Head Admin/Admin, just have fun with life.
  24. Welcome to the server man =) A few cool things, I like guns too. My bro lived in Pennyslvania, he never got out much cause how cold it was. Jeez..and snowy! Welcome though to TitsRP..An Interesting server might I add?
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