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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Cicada

  1. My nibba, I've made 20 Million in less than 5 hours. Stop.
  2. oh pls let me win. pls Cicada Once again bb
  3. Cicada

    a break?

    Thanks for putting me in that list :D. Appreciate it man, hope to see you soon dude. P.S pm me on steam if you find servers we can minge on.. *cough* I wanna let my internal minge that was held inside, out on other servers...heh...hehehe...
  4. Sorry for your loss Monoxide :c Can't wait to have you back though!
  5. Aviation, that or becoming an Entrepreneur. (Selling/reselling, investing, stocks. Stuff like that, but I have no clue how you start off. But I'm just throwing words) That's my dream Job. (Commercial Airlines is what I'd love to be. If I'd go into the military type, I dont mind, but commercial is the way to go)
  6. :L Can I still go for the 3rd one?..
  7. Change it to 6969ergrillgamertotallynotrealxDfunzieswannaplayMinecraftS3XxDGotacoveritForThePGtriggeredidiotsfucktardsjesusjustmakeitbacktokalystaXDthishastobethelongestnameever6insince6969123 or maybe huhh.. Cyka7969blyatidi*Nachos*x1691293293192391377x6969 Better than all the names you all listed.
  8. Watch this post get 100+ pages. Nice
  9. +1 Cicada. I already gave you rep I think. This'll be your apology for humiliating me in CSGO.
  10. It's a bug that happens to me aswell, I guarantee that it happens to everyone.
  11. Scythe I'd pick that. But no one will know how to pronounce it. Gleoite ^ IDK why I like it.
  12. I want the Sanchez :D. Tunnel Snake Cicada.
  13. Happy birthday Fatmansa. Eh..cool seeing the ol' days :D. I sometimese love to wander around my old facebook posts..jeez I now know why people call me autistic though..
  14. +1 Cool fucking guy. Perfect answers, how can this go wrong? Denied. Welcome to the team!
  15. I heard from someone (I think RaceOpone) that Bitminer explosions cause this.
  16. I wonder why :'__________:'
  17. Yes :(. It always happens, its so bad. I just never use my CC for that reason..or because it's a trash CC.. Either way! Its bad!...
  18. Quality of Life Class Color is the Bug I'm talking about. Description: Go in to the CC Editor, change a Class Color. It'll just turn into yellow. OR after Server Reset, all Classes go Yellow (Not in tab. But in chat) EVEN IF YOU CHANGE IT, MINE IS BLUE.>WHY IS IT YELLOW :(. How to reproduce:: Well. Can't really reproduce it. The system does it for you. Priority: (High, Medium, Low) Low : Probably just me.
  19. Cicada

    I Need A Break

    You know man, I really respect your decision and understand it. Regardless of what others think. I can say I'm 75% agreeing with it. Just take this advice man, people rage alot. Don't let them demotivate you for nothing. Take a break whenever, I've taken breaks before. I've resigned before. Other staff have done it a lot. Don't worry man, and whenever yo u need your rank back if you're resigning. You simply ask Sugar/a Head Admin/Admin, just have fun with life.
  20. Welcome to the server man =) A few cool things, I like guns too. My bro lived in Pennyslvania, he never got out much cause how cold it was. Jeez..and snowy! Welcome though to TitsRP..An Interesting server might I add?
  21. OK! A few suggestions, since I just downloaded the new map. (Heres a Imgur link for the collection of screenshots of it, in case you didn't see it. I didnt capture all corners, I just highlighted some cool stuff. I love the new suburbs btw) ((https://imgur.com/a/y4iYa - I love it, good job Sugar/Mapper.)) So basically, I think a few things. I don't know how hard they are. So I talk out of my ass on this topic. *1: I think a having Admin land have a closed "office-like" building would be a cool addition, with empty rooms. (Kinda like a Jail Cell?..but without..the cells) *2: If that's possible/if you want, make a few areas not connected with tunnels. It would add a more OPEN feeling, rather than a closed feeling. ((Explanation: From suburbs to spawn makes sense, but like, try to connect a few more areas. Like the Slums (Where it has 2 tunnels from Right, and the Left side)) *3: Have some cool hidden areas. ((I'm not sure if this is do-able. But can't you make hidden areas, but to prevent people from going to the map in Singleplayer and noclipping around trying to find them using the Skybox, can't you add a black box around it? Or something to prevent people from seeing it if they go above the map and try to see it (Example shown in the #5 Picture of the Imgur link). I think that would be neat ^^, not very useful or interesting. But I personally think it would be fun :D.(Hidden areas can include easter eggs-ish things/cool hiding spots/basing areas that are really hidden or something like that) Sorry if this is too much, just trying to think of stuff.
  22. I would love good ol' master sword ;-;.
  23. I remembered it, there was this guy I based with. I FORGOT HIS NAME, It could be..kat? I am not sure :|
  24. Moderator Notice: There is 1 unread report. Brought me here, lol. "In the wrong thread" You'll get 150% warning for Berma Pan! I think my first ban appeal was a few months ago.
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