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Little Spider


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Little Spider

  1. I remember really well PeanutButter, used to enjoy playing arround with him, i honestly even talked about this the other day with a couple old people, why wasnt there something like this for Peanut.... I would love to see his tribute here in the server, afterall he was one of the people that i enjoyed to have arround back in the days (2018-2019)... ~spidy
  2. Im gonna eat you , and then ill eat muffin
  3. I dont have 100$ , guess im leaving the town. Tell to that mafia guy that im sorry and i gotta leave the town.
  4. Honestly i dont mind with the sound. Actually , you get use to it so much , that sometimes its like you dont even listen to it anymore , cause you will get use to it
  5. To make justice , you will need some big guns
  6. People will think to do on the same person over and over again. Its not a bad idead to pick who we want to kill but , what will happen is ,we gonna always pick the top of the board and ignore the ones that are below.
  7. This is it! This is the type of ADMINS WE NEED! This app activated my Trap card http://prntscr.com/lw98rb <----
  8. Yes that happen to me For Example , the backpack, and legacy forger are blank. And some other sweps , but they are blank because they got removed ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  9. Exploit Description: i have a video about this that i would like to get fixed fast has possible , because users may use this has their advantage , you get x2 the barrels by spending 1 barrel , this with a gang perk can lead you up to 4 barrels in just 2 hoses and spending 1 empty barrel How to reproduce: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/284534267600568320/518219892907048970/rp_downtown_tits_v2_beta3_2018-12-1_00-11-21.webm Priority: i would say High since may get profit to people
  10. THIS NEEDS TO BE FIXED, Not only makes you invisible , but also you can kidnap in the fountain with it.
  11. I wanna RP has a booper yes! +1
  12. yeah i eddited to high , i cant raid or defend my self with this issue
  13. Bug Description: Some guns have slow fire rates How to reproduce: I posted a video , all you need to do is use a gun in full auto https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TG1YdNkcGk&feature=youtu.be Priority: HIGH
  14. I have no idea if someone already did a sugestion about this , but " scuba diving " would be cool. Instead of adding a scuba diving suit or helment, we could have a talisman called "scuba diving" that allows to Breath under water for short duration time. This talisman would be common to get it allowing someone to breath under water and swim a little bit faster.
  15. this should be fixed , cause probably people will use this to "cheat" ,with this i mean , using talismans or legendary weapons to win RDM Zone. Like already has been sayd , you will most lose itens by doing it.
  16. So what i had in mind , it could be a gang perk, that allows you to enchant the Fishing poles. The Better is the Enchant the better will be the fish you catch , this enchantment will give you more probabilitty to catch rare fish and fish faster. Common = it has like 5% better chance to catch a better fish Rare = 15 % + 3% faster Epic = 30% + 5% faster Legendary = 40% + 10% faster
  17. Bug Description: Hi , 3 days ago i found this bug by trying to creating an event , this is a bug using the NPC Event that forces all people to leave the RDM zone. if you are reading and thinking to make it , please do not use this glitch / bug, to stop the rdm zone , its very annoying for people who are having fun. Im here to finish it before it gets , "abusive" and known by players How to reproduce: Its pretty simple how to do it , You need to Create a event without having the event coins, so the system will Close the RDM zone. But there wont be anny event because you dont have Event coins or money to start it , basicly you just kicked all people from the rdm area. Priority: Medium (it can be high if people keep doing the bug. not shure )
  18. Ok , Has a professional Weeb Spidy , I will recomend you a few animes that you can watch ; Black Clover (anime still Uploading) Sword Art Online Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu kobayashi-san chi no maid dragon dungeon ni deai owari no seraph ( VERY GOOD ANIME i like it ) black bullet and if you want more , let me know on discord xD
  19. Theres people using the mugging system has a excuse to not mug but to "rdm". ^^"
  20. So Basicly when you Have a bounty on you , The bounty hunter will come to kill you right. But the problem is , when you kill against the bounty hunter , even after he dies , he still have the Bounty Active. How to reproduce: Become a bounty hunter , and die for your target. Priority: medium
  21. Bug on Gangmenu. Description: Well I created a gang called Tarantulas , but today when i came back to the server , i did /gangmenu. and i see i wasnt the owner anymore , and i didnt gave the owner to nobody.It just been removed some how :/ I have a print from my menu here :http://prntscr.com/h4xars Priority: (Depends if theres more players with this problem :/ ( Medium )
  22. No xD i always Lose on that! , But ill agree to bring back chess ,and maybe put some gambling games like poker , blackjack ^-^
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