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Walter the Assaulter


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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Walter the Assaulter

  1. Really what i was getting at is not everyone is goinf to be able to take screenshots or videos i want there to be better logs so it is easier to keep track of this shit i always follow the rules and respect the server but u giys are just taking a huge dump in my mouth rn. I only want everyone to enjoy their time on titsrp not worrying if someone is going to prop glitch into their base. And its only just going to keep happening thats why i posted here i want everyone to follow the rules and have a good time on the server. Thank you -BluDad If you can run garry's mod, you can take screenshots. Call for staff and ask them to check the damage/kill logs and compare the time to the player's last prop spawn. We do not ban players because someone accuses them of something without any form of evidence like logs, screen shots, or videos, this would get someone demoted instantly.
  2. Hey griffin, I heard from a completely random and unreliable source with no evidence or basis in reality that this guy mass RDM'd. Better ban him, eh?
  3. Writing anything like "pls help" or "admin pls send help pls" or "just send someone over i need admin" will get your sit ignored, and I WILL NOT put any blame on staff for ignoring these sits. "need help" could mean anything from farming melons to mass RDM, versus the sit saying "pls help walter is mass rdming random people on the street as a gun dealer" tells us it IS a priority sit we need to take asap. Sits with details WILL get taken faster because the more we know about a situation to begin with, the better we feel comfortable handling it, and we know to put more priority on "x raided my base while I had a building sign up" vs "i was killed inside my base" If your sit isn't taken, everybody that is taking sits is busy. Sits disappear from our screen after about a minute, so call it again every 60 seconds. If your sit is for a quick question, ask it in OOC until someone answers. If it requires a longer explanation, most staff are 2lazy and afaik myself and another mod are the only ones to take these kinds of sits so good luck. DUMB SIT REASONS GET DUMB RESPONSE TIMES.
  4. Make a specific shelf for cooks where we can display food? Maybe a semi-circle that can display up to five dishes with the dish name and effect. Or no effect.
  5. Kidnapping was majorly unbalanced. Now it's only somewhat unbalanced, still in favor of the kidnapper. I feel like it should stay the way it is helps prevent mass kidnapping of people from certain individuals who spend their whole time repeatedly kidnapping people over and over again this way anyone can save them from the kidnapping gives them a 50/50 chance instead of letting the kidnappers kidnap a large portion of a server just for shits and giggles I used to kidnap for shits and giggles. Anywhere from right out of spawn to down in front of the PD. I could go 30 minutes without being killed or even threatened, in that time potentially kidnapping someone every 30 seconds (though it was usually closer to once every minute or two if I'm being careful). This is an actual, legitimate need for an unbalanced game mechanic that is unfun and in some cases nearly impossible to fight against unless you are literally thirdperson 360 spinning while jump crouch walking with a gun out, and even then they can just fall from the sky. Being kidnapped shouldn't be your number one concern on main street, it should be done in the corner of the map where nobody is watching or you should be able to fight your way out of it if you want your target that badly. Kidnapping shouldn't be "shits and giggles," it should be for RP (maniac wants to torture people, cultist sacrificing people, pedophile raping you, etc) or for monetary gain (a gang kidnapping for ransom, or using the weapons box for cash). The KOS rule encourages good RP and stops us from having to put in a really stupid "only kidnap in alleyways/not in main areas of the map" to force RP. In short: encourages good RP, discourages a previously OP game mechanic by encouraging you to only do it when it would be advantageous for you in RP and forces you to play the game instead of playing point-and-click adventure. I don't see Sugar getting rid of it unless a better suggestion can be made, which I am 100% for hearing if anyone has one.
  6. Kidnapping was majorly unbalanced. Now it's only somewhat unbalanced, still in favor of the kidnapper.
  7. You can hit most of the hostile NPC with your staff to kill them In general, please just give them a chance to decide to be a good boy (revive players, kill or trap bad NPC) or bad boy (summon a bad NPC and let it run free). I suggest a rule change to "If a Necromancer summons a hostile NPC and chooses to let it roam free, they can be killed for initiating a threat on all nearby players."
  8. Kidnappers are KOS to everyone if theyre seen kidnapping someone today. I dont think kidnapping will be much of a problem anymore. Players love a legal chance to RDM someone While I agree phones are awesome and need more use (mostly used for trolling right now), the KOS rule is a huge nerf for kidnapping. +1 because it's a great idea tho. Any other ideas for phones?
  9. This is not a report. I will move it and not close it because this is a legitimate discussion that should happen.
  10. Or do skill-based raiding instead of relying on crutches.
  11. ITT: echo chamber for users who farm processors "Having to constantly [every 2-4 hours] go and raid more entities discourages raiding"
  12. Go into the sewers. It's like the entire criminal operation literally went underground.
  13. As you can see in the screenshots I typed in /demote Salty and it went on south bear instead, in my mind there is no way that to go from "salty" to "south" Yeah, the way gmod command arguments work it should have demoted salty, as none of the words in south bear's name were mentioned. At the very least, it would try to demote the first person it found with "salty" in their name.
  14. Quality of life. There was a change to the way stealth camo works due to exploits regarding custom models, but it probably went a little far on this model.
  15. Well if we don't have restrictions on some things I could become mayor and put a cerfew on the whole time and AOS everyone by that logic DarkRP actually has a feature the mayor can use called "Lockdown." If you activate a lockdown and create a law stating that being outside during a lockdown is AOS, sure. Just be prepared for everybody on the server to revolt against you.
  16. The MOTD lays out default laws and guidelines that should be followed without a mayor. The mayor runs the city how he wants, with the exception of laws that break the rules (all citizens aos, breathing is kos, obvious corruption like printers are legal, etc). This is to give the sense that the mayor has real power in the city and you should be more careful with who you vote in. If more people hate the mayor, more people will try to kill the mayor. That is the idea of balance between a shitty mayor and nice mayor. Revolt Raid PD/whatever base mayor is in Get a hit on the mayor Mayor's Assassin Mug/kidnap/other RP Asking nicely If you have suggestions for more balance changes we would love to hear them, but we are trying to encourage a type of roleplay on this sever where we give people the freedom to do what they want and roleplay their issues out. In this case, roleplay with a bullet to the head.
  17. !revolt *goes on raiding spree* The second idea is good though.
  18. 1k isn't a reward for doing sits, it's to make up for lost RP time where we can't be out fining people or printing money. Even in casual RP, you can make way more than 1k for three minutes of your time. We wouldn't give staff an advantage like random items or suga dollas just because they do sits. We are just volunteers. (Unless Sugar wants to do that, then I guess we do do that. I wouldn't mind (hint)) Edit: There are a few projects in the works. One will be popping up soon. Maybe a couple little things to recognize staff that do work will add up to increase motivation and moral. If you have any other suggestions on this specific topic, feel free to post them since it's something I'm very interested in doing.
  19. explain yourself dummy only time i see rare enforce jwalking laws is right out of spawn... and they get gunned down often. DD always brings results. why do you think people bitch about it? To be fair, DD has me and I'm bullshit. Last time I was mayor I made a 20k jaywalking fine (with other stuff like jumping) and went AFK for two hours until they force demoted me through admin commands.
  20. Next update: Removed props. People found them too hard to counter.
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