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Insurance Agent


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Insurance Agent

  1. i feel like anything that falls into QOL is inherently not high priority lmao. that being said. the only situation where this is needed is those hidden skybases in kinngdom. aside from that mainly some public bases might want it but it isnt much more than a cosmetic change
  2. Alot of people are having this issue right now and Rubik is well aware im sure. If you need to access those items i heard somone say the got to them by sorting inv by rarity. That being said i was able to fix the issue by buying more bank slots and causing inventory to shift on purpose
  3. No but a staff member can run a cmd to clear the name and if they have been inactive it will open it. ill Ping one to do it rn.
  4. TLDR illegal Wep out + No gun license we can arrest regardless mayor law. TLDR 2.0 NLR bad juju
  5. ik me and tap didnt both have the same dream one night. definitly used to hear it worded like this but again im adjusting to changes from old memory.
  6. You did get pissy you started ranting in OOC afterwards which is ultimately why i even bothered to call a sit. half the server was telling you that your wrong and you continued to argue even after i quoted the rule i gave above about Loopholes in the sit. I called that sit because you obviously didnt understand rules around NLR and it was more to educate you than to punish. I never told him to warn you and was good with verbal. im not holding anything personally against you either. ive been fucking with you in RP cause i dont like cop mains but i do it within the bounds of the rules via hacker/mayor. i was doing that to 2kords last week. Ironically enough 2kords even agreed your a more annoying cop than him. (not that its a bad thing i used to cop main to its easy to annoy people as cop) That said any defense i seemed to project stems from the fact i originally thought this was a report and didn't notice category due to using direct link to view it.
  7. first topic i was going off what i remember being the rule for that. and tapwater knew it that way as well but letter of rules does seem to contradict that. Would love to see some elaboration on that from someone more knowledgeable than us as im still adjusting to some newer rule changes. now as for the NLR situation. So TLDR for today's NLR situation. he cuffed party member, i party assist killed him, 15 seconds later after hes dead he makes me wanted which breaks nlr simple enough. I went 1 district over raided a noob and as i turn around i see him flying at me gun him down and notice im also wanted. Vote demote him for NLR, he gets pissy about the demote and throws a fit so we turn it into a sit. TLDR he feels that since the rules dont say he cant want me its not NLR. Edit Bone clarified on the RDA case he was just in his way of arresting and im glad i could be corrected on the matter but i stand my ground on the NLR topic
  8. gang swapping slots perk im guessing
  9. Currently happening to a lot of people from my understanding. Sit tight I’m sure it’s being worked on
  10. NLR | LTAP Mar 27, 2024 Mar 27, 2024 AquaNut (STEAM_0:0:176876549)
  11. it wont reset. i left went back and all my chips were still there waiting for push
  12. never heard from again. and if we do its def a skin walker on his pc.
  13. Saw someone asking about the light-saber swep in chat and explained the limited use for it and had a few ideas pop in my head. Obviously the uses for the saber are heavily cut down to just Combustion, Healing, Leap and its already in the server so might aswell use the rest of it. This would also make the Vader pet more useful. Was thinking you could add prestige token unlocks to enable other uses on lightsaber swep for starters. Repulsion, Lightning etc... I feel like they may have been disabled to avoid trolling by newer players and by locking the abilitys behind prestige token unlock it might limit the trolling as players with that much time invested to the server would probably hesitate more than your average troll to run around electrocuting players. Combustion itself is kind of troll ability to use and is still allowed so i dont see much difference and honestly its easier to tell when someone is shocking you than igniting. As far as job's we already have bounty hunter boba fett running around why not make a 1 slot job for Jedi (CP) Sith (Theif). Give the jobs either more or limited access to the full abilitys so people can see what all they unlock through using prestige tokens and encourage leveling. I am assuming its not to crazy of a challenge to control which ability's certain players have access to as i have seen entire JVS servers do this with terminals in their spawns. Just spit balling ideas, bit biased on this one being a star wars obsessed nerd.
  14. If you go broke when you push you need enough chips on hand to start the next round. whenever that round starts your chips are auto put in from previous Push. More or less an oversight on how it checks if your to broke to play
  15. A Predator Riding Aliens is a perfect representation of political shit rn
  16. Give the terrorist incentive to last like 15-20 mins on death drops train nade then you get your suicide bomber fix and terrorist has a new goal
  17. while we at it make keypads work when dupped
  18. jackhammer bp is from a different battle-pass. you can click the title in top left and change to old one. fall battle-pass had the jackhammer i think
  19. oddly enough this suggestion was turned down in last staff meeting but personally im +1 they are going to just be annoying some other way but i hate dealing with RDA sits more than RDM
  20. appreciate the sentiment no hard feelings either way, onto another topic you should change your name to frosty the snow boner
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