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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Danutercisd

  1. Heh, you do have a point there. If the way its used was regulated enough, then maybe it could be potentially positive. I'm not sure though really.
  2. I agree with Bimby. Terror defense seems sketchy if you do it in a yell. It could indeed get easily abused.
  3. This would be cool. You would actually be able to have hierarchies like actual gangs.
  4. this would definitely give more variation to drugs for sure. This would give people a breath of fresh air with drug growing for sure. Awesome suggestion. +1
  5. This can definitely be an issue if you have to do something fast. I hope this can be fixed.
  6. This would be a great idea. It would encourage people to get on daily. I think some of the daily awards are pretty trash though. There are a few good ones though
  7. Zesty covered it perfectly. Good job on that. I feel that new players go cp first because its the easiest thing to do, unlike everything else, which requires more work I feel personally. It has a low skill floor but a high skill ceiling for sure.
  8. This is a really good suggestion for a job. This will especially get rid of the people that use spawn of hell just to deliver parcels, not letting anyone else use the job for its proper purpose. +1
  9. Yes. SBC cannons should be back. If anyone can kill terrorists with literally anything, then terrorists should too. I don't get why terrorists are restricted anyway. Real terrorists have used literally anything they can to cause terror for their cause.
  10. Good to see you as usual. DM me if you ever need anything.
  11. Any damage done or attempted to you, makes it valid for you or someone else to retaliate, and if you are in a party, and one of your party members get damaged, you can call a party assist as well. I don't get what is so bad about this concept? I also do not understand why you reported our comments. When did "Exposing people" make a good reason for reporting someone?
  12. These are great suggestions. I have definitely encountered the first problem as well. +1
  13. These are extremely good suggestions, and I am highly in favor of them. +1
  14. Here is what i got for dumpster diving. https://gyazo.com/ec4c7753082432af46eb347ee8367e4e This might just be an issue with your game. Try restarting your computer and see if the problem persists
  15. This definitely should not be allowed. A couple fixes would definitely prevent cheap exploits like this. Perhaps unable to use the revolt command while using the size command
  16. I'll try this out later when I get on. This does seem problematic if your frames drop below 30 by dumpster diving.
  17. It should be limited to one item in my opinion. How the fuck does someone take like 100 of something without getting noticed lmao. Good thing it hasn't happened to me yet but I could run out of luck.
  18. I definitely agree with this suggestion. Although some models are allowed to, a lot of the time, it's pretty cheap to use the size command and still be able to base with no penalty besides health. There should definitely be more guidelines on this to make it more fair for raiders.
  19. This is weird. I'm gonna try to test this out later with these models, and see what happens.
  20. There might have been an update or some sort that may have caused this. I would probably suggest you check patch notes or ask Sugar.
  21. I agree with this. It also allows the sk role to be picked more frequently.
  22. I agree with what Pudin said. We don't need more than 1 sk. That shit is too powerful.
  23. That sounds like a good idea, but I also think it provides a challenge for SK, should somebody try to raid you.
  24. This might have been a rare glitch, and later today, I will test this out as well, to see if it persists.
  25. I was gonna comment this earlier, but you should definitely get the attention of sugar or Rubik, and show them this problem. I bet they will fix it for you for the next reset.
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