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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/13/22 in all areas

  1. February 14th Changelog Improved performance of drug/crop entities. (Possibly fixed an issue where they would collide with each other and cause FPS drop) Made it so drug prices rotate every 3 hours Made it so staff could accidentally physgun crops/drug plants regardless of their physgun settings Redeployed a bug fix for Serial Killer where he would not get progress if he killed his target with a sacrifice circle Important QOL patch Fixed an issue where Suga was reported incorrectly inside of the Gambling Dashboard Fixed a rare issue when placing a player on a cultist sacrifice ring Fixed an issue where unprocessed drugs had an incorrect price Fixed an issue where the non lethal effect did not reset properly when dying Fixed an issue where some gambling dashboard stats would report as NaN
    1 point
  2. February 13th Changelog Made it so the king portal prop zone is slightly more compact Made it so the Marketplace alert modal is more consistent and prevented it from soft locking the player in the motd Made it so drug prices have more range and made it so Olives now share that range to become viable Slightly modified Trial Mod offer text advert Fixed the Admin Stick / Fish stick not working properly Fixed getting soft locked when trying to unlock talents while the motd was opened Fixed !help not opening when clicking it on the inventory menu Fixed and issue where drug prices always remained the same Fixed some layout issues with Jackpot Fixed a rare issue where the motd may not load properly Possibly an issue where quest or the changelog may be really spaced out when loading the motd
    1 point
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