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Bounty Hunters


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Can we make it a little less of a pain for bounty Hunters to perform the functions of their job? Like maybe getting the bounty from the bounty board, or killing the "pickpocketing" aspect?


The number of times I've had to explain how the bounty list swep works-- as well as the number of times I've been arrested or killed trying to use it, even after said explanation and permission granting, is too damn high.

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Can we make it a little less of a pain for bounty Hunters to perform the functions of their job? Like maybe getting the bounty from the bounty board, or killing the "pickpocketing" aspect?


The number of times I've had to explain how the bounty list swep works-- as well as the number of times I've been arrested or killed trying to use it, even after said explanation and permission granting, is too damn high.


Technically its fail rp if they do let you use the swep since its pickpocketing unless staff changed their mind on the subject.

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I think the pickpocketing aspect is one of the most rewarding parts rp wise as bounty hunter, since you actually have to try to do it in a sneaky way and for me it doesn't feel like forced rp.


The issue is that it tells the cop they're being pickpocketed. They just turn around and catch you. Nothing really sneaky about that

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