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Ammunition for crafted barricades/Keypad Cracker double suggestion thread


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Given how prolific one-way props and bases centered around them are, cover is an absolutely essential godsend for a raider. Especially taking into consideration that a number of base designs can't even have their first fading door picked/cracked without crouching in full view of the base owner that is sitting in a well-defended pillbox wielding a "you're dead in under a second" type weapon. Material bombs and grenades are excellent for getting a line of sight, but can be ineffective against clever fortifications-- you can see them but actually shooting them is an issue.


Barricades from the crafting station are a fantastic tool that offers a raider relative safety, but given their temporary and destructible nature, I suggest that players be allowed to have more than a single one available for deployment. As it stands now, a player can drop a barricade, open inventory, drop another, pick it up, and deploy it, but I don't think I have to tell anyone that time is of the essence when it comes to raiding. 


I suggest that we be allowed to stack up to five barricades in the hotbar.



Keypads crackers!


Why the heck would anyone voluntarily use keypad crackers?


They're kinda awful compared to lockpicks.


They're incredibly loud compared to lockpicks, easily capable of drawing a crowd.


they're not nearly as sexy as lockpicks


They take a -really- long time to do their thing compared to lockpicks.


tl;dr keypad crackers are kinda poo i think they should chooch a little faster-- at least to be on par with lockpicks in that respect

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Bases can be built in ways that you cannot lockpick them, but a keypad cracker would work.

For example, having a nocollided prop in front of a fading door, or having 2-3 fading doors stacked together connected to a single keypad are both allowed. (Just keeping in mind each prop you have faded will count towards your 3 limit for the base). I don't see this as often after the meta switched to long crouch bases, though.


To counteract the cracker being loud AF and the fact some bases might require it, it should be made faster. Maybe 1.5x faster than a lockpick.

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If you are having trouble raiding its probably because you need some c4's in your life, just pop one in there and destroy bases


Eh, I'm not rich enough to be throwing money at C4.


Besides-- barricades are on the server already, may as well let them at least pretend to be useful.


mo options mo better, imho

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Having multiple charges in the deplyoable shield doesn't help much e

xcept when blowtorching something, which is already pretty balanced. Placing a barricade and then lockpicking or keypad cracking won't ever work since they die too fast and would require placing a new one, making you restard your crack or lockpick. I think a better way to make keypad cracking good is to tie the keypads to the amount cracked, so you can stop cracking midway and do it again. If you don't crack for x amount of time like 1 minute or something the keypad would reset to 0 progession. Making the keypad cracker too fast is potentially really op for when someone maybe left base and someone can get into a base in less than a minute with a really small investment (about 6.6 seconds of cracking per keypad if we take walters suggestion of making it 1.5x lockpick)

Also increasing the time a keypad cracker activates the fading door to 30 sec - 1 minute helps alot instead of it being active for 5 seconds or whatever the owner set it to.

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Having multiple charges in the deplyoable shield doesn't help much e

xcept when blowtorching something, which is already pretty balanced. Placing a barricade and then lockpicking or keypad cracking won't ever work since they die too fast and would require placing a new one, making you restard your crack or lockpick. I think a better way to make keypad cracking good is to tie the keypads to the amount cracked, so you can stop cracking midway and do it again. If you don't crack for x amount of time like 1 minute or something the keypad would reset to 0 progession. Making the keypad cracker too fast is potentially really op for when someone maybe left base and someone can get into a base in less than a minute with a really small investment (about 6.6 seconds of cracking per keypad if we take walters suggestion of making it 1.5x lockpick)

Also increasing the time a keypad cracker activates the fading door to 30 sec - 1 minute helps alot instead of it being active for 5 seconds or whatever the owner set it to.


thats a decent idea. I don't really see the keypad cracker getting buffed much since its a default item that anyone can get for free by using certain jobs

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makeshift bombs can also destroy props now and are fairly cheap or easy to make yourself


As I said earlier, mo options mo better, imho


I'd even suggest buffing the HP of barriers so that they can actually be used-- otherwise what's the point of even having them soak up server space?


Having multiple charges in the deplyoable shield doesn't help much e

xcept when blowtorching something, which is already pretty balanced. Placing a barricade and then lockpicking or keypad cracking won't ever work since they die too fast and would require placing a new one, making you restard your crack or lockpick. I think a better way to make keypad cracking good is to tie the keypads to the amount cracked, so you can stop cracking midway and do it again. If you don't crack for x amount of time like 1 minute or something the keypad would reset to 0 progession. Making the keypad cracker too fast is potentially really op for when someone maybe left base and someone can get into a base in less than a minute with a really small investment (about 6.6 seconds of cracking per keypad if we take walters suggestion of making it 1.5x lockpick)

Also increasing the time a keypad cracker activates the fading door to 30 sec - 1 minute helps alot instead of it being active for 5 seconds or whatever the owner set it to.



these ideas are pretty dope

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