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It's cold in here(._.)

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While I heavily enjoy the idea of alternative punishments that aren't bans, this suggestion probably won't come to fruition. Mainly because afaik admins+ (maybe smods+) are the only ones capable of changing a user's group (VIP, mod promotions etc). For this to work all staff would need to be able to set people to no access, and taking human error into consideration this could lead to some big problems down the line.

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A lot of servers run a shadow ban option. This allows banned players to join the server and run around doing nothing. They have no weapons, can't talk, can't buy anything. They are just things in the world for people to laugh at. Servers really only do it to boost playercount as its a really easy way to still have everyone playing on the server. I don't think its needed because then the people who actually want to play would get locked out. You could have the server kick people who are shadow banned when the server is full but it just seems silly to me.


Do you really want ghosts running around

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Ive seen this in other servers where you walk around as a ghost when banned and you can't talk, interact, buy anything, or touch players in any way. While this is neato with the server being heavily populated recently i think a player who has broken the rules and has been chosen to be banned shouldn't occupy a slot in which a player who behaves and offers more roleplay could use. No thanks.

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Waste of server resources on someone who shouldn't be playing and they'll just run around bodyblocking


On a server I went to, they had a similar feature and you were locked in a basement with your fellow ban mates (if they were on and banned at the time) on fire.

You couldn't even speak. No chat or voice.


I just don't feel this is needed on this server.

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