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QOL jump sweps

North Bear

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Zoom swep in RP is not allowed because its too fast yet there are people using binds to switch out jump sweps to go with atleast twice the speed of a zoom swep.

This is also used in VIP events to have a big chance on winning them.


How to reproduce: Not quite sure but it has to do with having multiple jump sweps and them having their own timer so that you can jump more than once basically.


Priority: Low/medium

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This is going to be implemented for the next reset. Some people think its fair, others don't but I think that since no other player can obtain more than 1 jump swep (unless you're on a CC) then it provides a disadvantage

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*Makes a complaint about two jump sweps* Has a gang cc with a model super small that they use for raiding. :thinking:


I'm in North Bear's gang and while I do respect North as a friend and gang-member, I really don't like how this is getting patched because of this post. The moment you saw someone using a zoom swep or jump swep to kill vips instantly, you should've taken action, and not report it. It's already in the rules and I feel as if people who got butthurt should've took action immediately. It takes skill, and jump sweps themselves already are not allowed in RP, yet this gets nerfed? There should just be a rule set in place (which there already is, you can REPORT this), to stop it from happening and punish the player. I only use my two jump sweps to get around the map and speed along and have fun. It's fun doing it when you have skill at doing it, it's not the easiest thing either. I also bought another weapon slot just to put another jump-swep on there, I think this totally is getting to the point to where TitsRP is going full NERF mode on absolutely everything. Next up is ZOOM swep or bhopping with a jump swep, (which is just as fast as doing the 2 swep method).


My only question to Sugar, is if the rule (down below) is already set in place (no sweps used in RP situations) why did this method get NERFed? I've never seen this enforced and I've seen staff use their master swords and zoom sweps in raids countless times. Everyone does it, so is zoom swep next on the target list?



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The Reason this is getting nerfed is because this allows you to go much faster than needed everyone else with just one jump swep or zoom swep.


The Zoom Swep itself is a free Speed up to escape, Adrenaline is something you spend for a temporary amount of time of fast running. 


You can use masterswords and Jump sweps in raids and zoom sweps are banned in RP situations.


The Issue is that if you use this your basically going much faster than anyone else should be in order to escape or reach something before everyone else. Such as a VIP Target.

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An exploit (from the English verb to exploitmeaning "to use something to one's own advantage") is a piece of software, a chunk of data, or a sequence of commands that takes advantage of a bug or vulnerability to cause unintended or unanticipated behavior to occur on computer software.


This is just childish that you guys are arguing about this, that it should be allowed. At the end of the day it’s Sugar’s Server, not yours. That means you do not make the rules and he does.

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`*Makes a complaint about two jump sweps* Has a gang cc with a model super small that they use for raiding. :thinking:`


What are you even saying. Only two of my friends have the dog model and none of them including myself use it for raiding, simply because it is not allowed!

Stop spreading lies.

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I think that people should have attempted to do this before calling it an exploit. It's pretty hard to do and I practiced a lot to be able to be consistent, taught swave how to do it and it took him a solid like 1 and a half hours of practice to become decent. I suppose that it can be seen as unfair but when it is behind a big pay wall and requires skill it should be allowed imo. Just disallowing it in to would be better imo since using a single jump swep to avoid to is as easy as using zoom swep.


This whole thread turned into drama.


Next time they will say bhopping is an exploit

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