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New Admins Poll

Neko Sam | Loli Lover

Do you think the server needs more admins?  

45 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think the server needs more admins?

    • Yes I think we need more admins
    • No I think new admins is useless

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hours: 1944.5

vote: https://titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=7158&pid=47639#pid47639  I would suggest Griffin as an admin since he has a good understanding of the server rules and often asks the right questions and comes to conclusions that make sense in ban appeals and reports. He has sometimes slipped up but considering his amount of sits and dedication I think he is of high enough quality to become admin

Reasoning: I reasoned in the vote woopsies


I agree

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Hours played: 2000+ (only shows around 500 on new server)


Vote: For


Reason: Walter is basically the only admin that sets a good standard for such a position. All the other admins are pushovers, never play, and/or subtly abuse their position. We need more admins like Walter. People who can be serious and not play no bullshit, but is still friendly to those that deserve it. We need people that are overall friendly but not afraid to call you out for being a dumbass and put you in your place.


This person may or may not be me. I appreciate all the votes for me to become admin, it means so much to me that out of so many dozens of staff my name is mentioned repeatedly, however, the position of admin is currently a joke and doesn't mean as much to me as the consideration for it. I don't care if I ever get admin, I love being a moderator and all I can really hope for is to never be stupid enough to lose that because I love the position and don't really have much else going for me in my life. But if we do get more admins, just make sure they aren't dummy dumb or someone who will immediately just fuck off for 6 months at a time until someone needs to be demoted or something. (looking at you dindu 0.o)


jk I still luv u dindu... but seriously

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Hours: like 1000




Why: mods can do what admins can other than promoting and some ulx menu skills. Mods literally just need to ask permission before doing such thing like accepting a appeal or application... we are lazy and that’s why we want more admins but we have had this debate so many times and we literally just don’t need more

I’d rather a head admin then a admin

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Hours Played : a few


Vote : (For new admins / Against new admins)


Reasoning: Why? What good will it do? (These are examples, Just give your thoughts and why you voted X or Y)

Admins are simply not needed. The majority of these points involve “oh yeah i think that admins r gud n i’m going 2 subtly plug myself 4 admin xd” but in reality, admins can do 3 things that mods can’t. They can promote, demote, and perma ban. 


The first two are irrelevant because mod apps are too easy to get through because frankly the application is too easy (look at my post in mods/admins regarding new template) It’s also irrelevant because the 2-4 admins that are active are fully capable of promoting one or two people a week and demoting ~1 each month. 


Perma banning is even easier. Look in ban logs, take 5 minutes to copy a steam id and press the button. There’s maybe two or three perma bans needed a day, and they’re never needed immediately because they will always have a 7 day buffer to do it.

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Hours Played : From 2015? Probably over 1,000


Vote : Against


Reasoning: Why? What good will it do?:


I don't even play the server anymore, so why give my input?


TitsRP is one of the few servers that actually has a balanced staff team. I see a few T-Mods, a lot of Moderators, a few Admins, and like two Head Admins. It's a simple, but effective team. So why not give more people Admin? Because if you promote people too quick, they think they can just get Admin from a few weeks on the server. Yeah, you'll have those stupid kids like Glaze who begged for Admin all day long, but those are the people you DON'T promote. This thread, from my readings, has just been people saying "yeah we need new admins because mods wont listen to mods" or "we need admins because mod x is really good imo", but mods SHOULD listen to other mods. You guys are a team for a reason, everyone should listen to everyone. Sure, Admins have more say, but mods should also give each other advise, help each other, and make staffing a lot easier. Admins are the mods who have been on the server actively for a long time, and are worthy of a bigger say so in the eyes of Sugar. You have old ass Admins like Asura from 2015 who got promoted to admin in like a week and just dipped off the server after a day or two. Know why he got promoted? He just took sits like an animal, literally 24/7 taking sits. Sit count shouldn't mean shit. Sits are easy to obtain, no matter how well you do them. And I'm sure whoever has the most sits currently has half good, half shitty and rushed sits.


You can disregard my opinion because of the "you arent even active or staff" line, but I think I have the experience from playing all the time I did and seeing how few people got admin to say you guy don't need any more. The rank is a big position to fill and takes a lot of trust from Sugar to achieve, and it needs to stay that way. I don't mean to stroke my ego, but I worked my ass off to get Admin, and I stayed quite a good bit after I got it. In my opinion, I did a pretty damn good job at it, too. Don't know what everyone else thinks, but me and the others promoted alongside me, the people promoted before me, and the current admins, worked their asses off to get where they are or were. Getting Admin is special, and like I said before, it isn't something to just hand out because some kids think some rando mod is "worthy". Admin is literally just a few extra ULX commands, a fancy chat tag, and a bigger say so in server issues. But all that is what makes it special. It shows you're respected in the community, and it needs to stay to the respected members.


Trust me, you guys don't need more Admins. You have enough already, and they're all most likely more than worthy of the position. I'll lurk this thread in case someone doesn't like some inactive dude giving his opinions. Thanks for your time.

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If we are allowed to vote on who we want to see promoted, I would vote griffin, peanut or booper (if he keeps being super active).


Griffin is one of the most active, sit taking mods i have seen and has a shit ton of experience.

Peanut has a shit ton of experience and a lot of patience and clear thought. E.G. him and I spent like 15mins grilling this one mass rdmer who was sly af and had a good coverup but peanut finally tripped him up.

Booper, we all love booper, hes grand daddy booper. Must I say more?




Sure, you may think breh, u been here like 3 months tf u know about these people. Yeah well little did u know, I suck staff dik over the weekends. Just ask gent.

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If we are allowed to vote on who we want to see promoted, I would vote griffin, peanut or booper (if he keeps being super active).


Griffin is one of the most active, sit taking mods i have seen and has a shit ton of experience.

Peanut has a shit ton of experience and a lot of patience and clear thought. E.G. him and I spent like 15mins grilling this one mass rdmer who was sly af and had a good coverup but peanut finally tripped him up.

Booper, we all love booper, hes grand daddy booper. Must I say more?




Sure, you may think breh, u been here like 3 months tf u know about these people. Yeah well little did u know, I suck staff dik over the weekends. Just ask gent.




Griffin only has a lot of sits because all he does is sit in admin land spamming “claim ticket”

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I got a question and I need someone to ANSWE this what’s the point of making this if you guys got the power to make who evev you think derves the rank why ask us when at the end


You guys are. Going to make your own decision cuz I know for a fact you guys already know who you will promote so why ask us ?


if I sounded mean or rude not my intention at all btw:)

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I got a question and I need someone to ANSWE this what’s the point of making this if you guys got the power to make who evev you think derves the rank why ask us when at the end


You guys are. Going to make your own decision cuz I know for a fact you guys already know who you will promote so why ask us ?


if I sounded mean or rude not my intention at all btw:)


cause Democracy

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