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New Admins Poll

Neko Sam | Loli Lover

Do you think the server needs more admins?  

45 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think the server needs more admins?

    • Yes I think we need more admins
    • No I think new admins is useless

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Hours Played : well over 500


Vote : (Against new admins)


Reasoning: For the longest time I was rallying for the promotion of new admins due to the lack of a stable hierarchy on the server (too many lower ranks, too few higher ranks) but heres the thing, the issue is not with the admins, or lack thereof, the issue is with a disabled staff team. Literally anyone who can play nice and type out a half assed decent staff application can become a staff member.  The problem arises when you end up with staff members who do just that, but then when promoted to staff will do the absolute bare minimum to retain their rank. I have a lot to say about this but ill keep it relatively short; no we dont need more admins, what we need is more motivated and able staff members as a whole 

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Hours Played : shows 80ish but thats broken ;/ It showed that like a month ago


Vote : For new admins 


Reasoning: Reason being there are a bunch of capable mods that could lend a hand to neko and because it seems like current admins have shit going down. Putting a experienced and older mod up to admin will also give them the freedom to monitor and "deal" with mods. From my experience, staff ranks are supposed to be in a pyramid shape with few at the top and more at the bottom. This exist now but there is a lack in the middle tier with a FAT stack on the bottom. 

Hours Played : well over 500


Vote : (Against new admins)


Reasoning: For the longest time I was rallying for the promotion of new admins due to the lack of a stable hierarchy on the server (too many lower ranks, too few higher ranks) but heres the thing, the issue is not with the admins, or lack thereof, the issue is with a disabled staff team. Literally anyone who can play nice and type out a half assed decent staff application can become a staff member.  The problem arises when you end up with staff members who do just that, but then when promoted to staff will do the absolute bare minimum to retain their rank. I have a lot to say about this but ill keep it relatively short; no we dont need more admins, what we need is more motivated and able staff members as a whole 


This is exactly where a larger middle tier can help filter through and keep an eye. Mods cannot berate/convince other mods but an admin could.

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You guys do realize that we have no idea what these mods actually do? We don't watch them at all and have no idea. They may seem like a good mod by replying to reports and being active. But do we really know if they break rules or abuse? No. So if we see a possible admin. We spectate him/her for a while.

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You guys do realize that we have no idea what these mods actually do? We don't watch them at all and have no idea. They may seem like a good mod by replying to reports and being active. But do we really know if they break rules or abuse? No. So if we see a possible admin. We spectate him/her for a while.

Everyone breaks the rules at some point. Whether it's on purpose or accident its human nature. It's usually quite easy to root out abusers. Just my thoughts.

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You guys do realize that we have no idea what these mods actually do? We don't watch them at all and have no idea. They may seem like a good mod by replying to reports and being active. But do we really know if they break rules or abuse? No. So if we see a possible admin. We spectate him/her for a while.

Everyone breaks the rules at some point. Whether it's on purpose or accident its human nature. It's usually quite easy to root out abusers. Just my thoughts.


Yea, there is always pressure put onto you by others causing you to break rules. It's honestly fine depending on how badly the rule was broken.

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Hours Played: 2,231 [Apparently]


Vote: It's a split. Neutral (+1 for them / -1 for them)


Reasoning: Yeah, I remember when me and Monoxide both were pushing for new administrators. But, at that time it was completely chaotic (we had NO active admins for a little bit). However, I would like for you to read my thread -( https://titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=7158 ). Both Blacnova and Ghost gave a great argument and I praise them for that since no one gave a valid argument. (Especially Dindu). However, I just wanted to say what I believe on the matter.


My Agreements To The "New Admins": Getting new administrators wouldn't be the worst thing in history. The process of doing it can be difficult to decide who gets what, however there are still some good moderators (old mods not no new baby mods) that still got it. Most of the older mods that I know have left the server / got permanently banned for being a dum dum but there still sheds a small light on those who have been here a while and know their shit. I won't say no example of a person since I don't want to cause an argument or an uproar (lol). Now, let's take a look of the perks of being an Admin. 



-Being able to ban up to permanent.

-Being able to use the ban menu.

-Being able to accept/deny mod apps.

-Being able to promote/demote lower staff than them.

-Other small perks that the admins are hiding from us


Now as you can see, that's a big difference from moderator / t-mod. Having powers like this is very well, insane kind of. "What's your point?" you may be asking, well, let's just take a look at the perks highlighted in red. Firstly, being able to permanently ban is great. If someone decides to try to crash the server, no need to worry about an extension or you could extend a ban to an appropriate time for someone. Next, being able to accept/deny mod apps. This perk is one of the most important since, when admins couldn't promote, it was either up to Sugar or the head admins. And since the server has gotten way more popular, more people apply for staff to fight the battle and obviously Sugar couldn't have just accepted/denied apps when he has the gang update fixes, new updates to add, etc. So the admins are given that chance and to be honest, I think all of the current admins did a pretty good job with that. Now, the third reason. Being able to promote/demote. This perk is similar in a way to the accepting / denying applications perk in a small way. However, it should be easy to figure out why that is one of the most important perks, so I will just skip ahead and go into the next thing.


Now, as you read above, there are many things to get from an admin. But,


TL;DR: The Admins have a lot of perks that benefit the server. And if an admin goes inactive, it gets difficult to run it while only having Sugar and sometimes a head admin. (But Walter and Gent have been getting on a little more so thats good at least but still, 2 admins is a small number compared to 40 mods taking sits and 20 tmods taking sits.) 


My Disagreement To The "New Admins": Nothing. To be honest, I cannot really think of a proper reason and I've been trying my hardest but had an extremely bad brainfart so I guess I goofed. However, just read over Ghost's and Blacnova's post in my original "Why we need new admins" thread and you should be able to figure it out.


(Plus, some of the things I said were a brain fart so be aware of that. And if you don't like any of the things I stated, then I expect you to have a big response coming my way or I will boop your ass harder than you can even comprehend.)


Another thing: Piklas also wrote a good argument, make sure to read over that as well


Imo: Maybe new admins wouldn't be so bad. Just gotta think more about it since they will be enforcing the rules more than mods do

I just realized that I've been staff 6 - 7 times 

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hours: 1944.5

vote: https://titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=7158&pid=47639#pid47639  I would suggest Griffin as an admin since he has a good understanding of the server rules and often asks the right questions and comes to conclusions that make sense in ban appeals and reports. He has sometimes slipped up but considering his amount of sits and dedication I think he is of high enough quality to become admin

Reasoning: I reasoned in the vote woopsies

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Hours Played : https://gyazo.com/99df8b6b977633328eb3cbe49ff14a41 (Honestly Think GameTracker Doesnt Track me anymore)


Vote : For New Admins




While it may be a tough decision on who becomes the next admin I dont think that should be a direct con of do we need more.



Assistence with staff team on unusual punishment times for issues not fully known. (I've reworded this 5 times I cant think of a good way to say it) // Say I Was banning someone For some weird situation where There wasn't a direct ruling but it was creating issues for everyone else and the server, I would contact Admin Bob for Assistance on the issue and give him both sides on the story and see what he would think the proper punishment and what it could be accounted as in the ban logs.


A Public Figure of Assistance and Direction to help the server for the future. // I've Always Felt that an admin should help steer the direction of the server away from pure chaos into something that is enjoyable for everyone. Players Get Immediately turned off if you join a server and after waiting for 30 minutes cause you dont have the plugins or any of the models and such, to be greeted by ear rape, people screaming at the top of their lungs and being kidnapped and dropped in a cage without a word of knowledge of whats going on. Admins (And Moderators) Should be there to assist the player and welcome them because a server isnt alive because of the features its alive because of the people. Admins should help keep that number of players alive at peak hours and help it grow at the lesser hours (say 3-7 am)


Quicker Issue Resolution on Moderator and Trial Moderator Abuse. // In the past I've noticed several instances where other mods and trial mods would abuse their power and keep a hold of their power by Bribing or as with the recent silver case, become a not so great canidate for being staff. With Power comes responsibility and if you're not doing the job you're supposed to do I have a feeling you shouldn't be able to be responsible anymore. (My Vision) If An issue of a moderator or Trial Mod comes up, Admins should be the first people to investigate and having another hand on said investigation would be of great use for the server so staff who arent fit for the job get reaffitted to something they can be more able to handle.




Admins (and generally most staff) aren't on most of the day. // If we appoint someone who is "Kinda" active and gets on maybe once or twice every 3 days. Then thats not a good example of being an admin. While everyone has their excuses, admins should be the most prominant in explaining themselves in why they just disappear for weeks at a time until someone needs promoted or demoted and stay on for 30 minutes and disappear since they've done everything they wanted/needed to do and move on to play *insert game here*. There needs to be a standard for when admins decide they dont feel like playing for a week at a time they should make note of it to the public (even personal issues can be addressed as "Hey, Im Most likely not going to be on for the next few weeks because im dealing with and addressing a few personal issues in my life.")


Admins are Generally Public Figure heads for everyone elses complaints. // Admins that im aware of whenever they are online they direct themselves to the direct issues they are getting on for, then they log in, do their thing then roam around socializing. Take note for what you do neko. But Then when people realize you're an admin. Everyone starts directing their complaints to you and you alone. I was close with a GM(Game Master) on a Private server for a game called Elsword. They solely got complaints from the majority of the playerbase about issues and bugs and solely expected them to fix it right on the spot. 

Mental Stability and Other Life issues need to be addressed before becoming an admin // I've seen many times where someone gets promoted, a few days pass then they have to step down due to life issues becoming more "Havoc". Or They just disappear and come back like nothing ever happened. But then there is some people who can be on for the full time and then the people start draining said person. They become more unstable and more volitile. Its like a molitov Cocktail. Dont let it break cause the moment it does everythings going to go to shit. 


Do I think we need more admins. Yes, Admins are a Key part in assistance for the server and not every staff member has direct access to talk to one, be it from fear of upsetting them and being demoted, Just not knowing them well enough and only contacts them when they are on the server or anything else. 

Peanut For Admin kthnxbye... dont hate me pls ... Give us potential candidates pls


I want to apologize if this is just one giant incoherent ramble of words, I did this on a whim, with a head cold and with several distractions. 

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Hours played: Around 500 on old and new server combined.


Vote: For new admins.


So I'm seeing a lot of good points made here. The reasons I believe we need more admins is more server side. Yeah Walt keeps up on the forums but it's impossible to manage the forums and server by yourself. I haven't seen any other admin in awhile but they may have valid reasons so I wont attack them. People are arguing that "Well Walter keeps up on the forums, so we're doing fine." You're right about the forums and those are definitely easier to manage but they also really show the "power" difference between mod and admin. Admins on the server are behind the scenes. Becoming allows you to kick back and observe and teach. Many times when I have a rule question I need to ask Sugar or an admin and right now they aren't quite as available for it to be "comfortable." Walter even sad last night that he helps out with rules and sits all the time in PMs. We need them to be teachers and guides for newer mods. Another point I'm hearing is lazy mods. Why do you think they got like that? Mods can't do anything to another mod so they must talk to admin(never available) or make a report(sparks arguments and some people are plain scared to put one up.) If there was never an admin presence when they were new, of course they are gonna slack(a few exceptions). It's human nature to slack when the boss isn't around. Having an active admin would definitely help the staff and community and it will show.

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