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Favorite Thing About Tits Rp?


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Ingame Name: Sp0oky



What is your favorite thing about Tits Rp?


I am curious because I am sort of new to the server, I've only been on it a couple of months and are interested in your guys feedback. Is your favorite thing about the server is how you can make your own CC and customize it to your desires? Is it how the map is very large also the large number of players on it daily? Or is it the players you play with/jobs/building? Let me know!


My favorite thing about the server is about how you can knockout players and make them your slave. What's yours?

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Putting up swastikas then being called to a sit over some kid trolling saying he's Jewish and it's offensive and demanding I change my name from Ult Instinct Aryan God Hitler to something else cause it's offensive too, honestly you be surprised how many times this happens.

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