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nibby/nibster/umbak klak's intro

Umbak Klak

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yo I'm nibby (had that handle for like 8 years, before the meme) or nibster or my rp name umbak klak. The rp name is just a silly troll name from world of warcraft I used, and since I like the fishing plugin on this server, it fits with the alien model. I play world of warcraft, league, gmod, some minecraft (ftb mods), and a handful of single player indie games, binding of isaac, gungeon, smb, darkest dungeon to name a few.


I'm mostly a passive-rp player, don't much care for raiding. Basing can be fun but I enjoy the fishing so much I've only done it for the most part. I hadn't played gmod in over 3 years before about two months ago. DarkRP is much more advanced than what it used to be, and all of the various "systems" this server provides are awesome!


Hope to see you all out there.


edit: grammar + Won't be attending IU SE this spring, not sure on fall yet


10/3/18 edit: people keep coming and looking at this thread for some reason

hecko nerds

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