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Happy Thanksgiving

Booper Scooper

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I know Kalysta made a post of this already but I'd thought I make one as well.


Welcome to the "Happy Thanksgiving" where everyone eats a bird and spends time with their families. Today is the day where we can eat a lot of food and spend time with our families, and I want you all to have a wonderful Thanksgiving. 


Thought I'd point out some staff and people I'd like to wish a good Thanksgiving and the reasons I thank them. (Good thing I was a creator of the staff list lol)


Trial Moderators I'd like to thank:

All five of these people have been good friends to me, and I'd like to thank them for that.


Spidy - https://titsrp.com/member.php?action=profile&uid=2823 

Jackta - https://titsrp.com/member.php?action=profile&uid=5299

iEpic - https://titsrp.com/member.php?action=profile&uid=5158 

Speedy - https://titsrp.com/member.php?action=profile&uid=1214

Diagonal - https://titsrp.com/member.php?action=profile&uid=4401


Moderators I'd like to thank:


Booper - https://titsrp.com/member.php?action=profile&uid=3565 - Because I'm a self centered prick

Cicada https://titsrp.com/member.php?action=profile&uid=3550 - For being a very good friend to me, thanks buddy.

Monoxide https://titsrp.com/member.php?action=profile&uid=2790 - For being a great friend and is a great person to talk to about things and a good/serious mod.[/url]

Walter the Assaulter https://titsrp.com/member.php?action=profile&uid=1629 - For having the most seductive voice on the server and being an overall great mod.

Wavy - https://titsrp.com/member.php?action=profile&uid=3325 - For being a funny dude that is also cool. Kinda stinks that you aren't on the server as much, but still a good guy.

Zareox - https://titsrp.com/member.php?action=profile&uid=1779 - For almost killing my ears when you blew up the processors when I was just a t-mod. Props to you. And a good mod when he is online.

Joker -  https://titsrp.com/member.php?action=profile&uid=1120 - We argue sometimes, but still have a good Thanksgiving.

Kalysta https://titsrp.com/member.php?action=profile&uid=3353 - For being the biggest cuck of them all. A good moderator and friend even though you blocked me on steam lol. Have a good Thanksgiving!


Admins I'd like to thank: 


Blacnova - https://titsrp.com/member.php?action=profile&uid=408  - For helping out and staying here a long time

Dindu Nuffinz - https://titsrp.com/member.php?action=profile&uid=2840 - For training me, and being an overall good friend to me.

Gent - https://titsrp.com/member.php?action=profile&uid=1498 - For being the best you can be, and like Dindu, a great friend.

Sway - https://titsrp.com/member.php?action=profile&uid=882 - For being a great moderator. And also inactive, but hopefully you'll be back sooner or later.


Head Admins I'd like to thank:


Erston https://titsrp.com/member.php?action=profile&uid=8 - For giving me mod and going afk when he's the only staff on. 

Neko Sam - https://titsrp.com/member.php?action=profile&uid=337 - Makes fun of me a lot like Kalysta, but still a good head admin. Doesn't get mad when I spam him.


And for the biggest cuck Super Admin I'd like to thank:


Sugar Tits - https://titsrp.com/member.php?action=profile&uid=63 - For creating this wonderful server that gives me hope and joy. Always freaks me the fuck out, but regardless is a great coder and a outstanding owner to put up with a lot of things. Props to you, Sugar.


For the People/Normal Users:


Race0pone - For being the most major jackass to new users. A very funny person that I seem to freak out with my laugh. Or just make him laugh. Anyway, have a good Thanksgiving.

RaceOpone - For being an outstanding friend. Like how could you hate a person like this guy. He is the most nicest person I've ever met and I feel like you should acknowledge him for being a great friend to me and others. (I remember when he got perma banned for exploiting once. No idea what that was about but I was online when it happened.) Have a great thanksgiving man.

Peanut Butter (Dima) - A great friend to me and others. Loves to say "REEE" a lot, but is honestly a great friend to me and that's why he is on the list.

Silver - A kid that has a lot of CC things. Don't know why he does it but still a good friend.


Jesus this sounds so dramatic. Anyways, thank you to the people I stated above. There will be more to come and go, and I forget a lot of people sometimes so if you're not on the list don't be upset. I respect everyone here. There will always be a person that is a major pigfucker, but I do try to be the nicest person I can be to people. Anyways, have an outstanding Thanksgiving everyone!

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Race0pone - For being the most major jackass to new users. A very funny person that I seem to freak out with my laugh. Or just make him laugh. Anyway, have a good Thanksgiving.




Good one, lad. Made me laugh. Happy Thanksgiving to all you lads and lasses!

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